, 30 T·w0nty-lninth Amzzeal Report 0f the
t¤A113.Y CATTLE, uozszs AND _P0UL·1·B.Y» sl
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BY J. J. Hoorim I
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Tl1e following is a report of tl1e work of this department l`
during tl1e calendar year, 1916.
Hoizsas. In September, 1915, the Kentucky Racing Com- l`
mission gave to this department t€l1 large, handsome, thorough-  
A bred stallions to be used in improving the horse stock of the T
State, i11 localities where good, pure bred sires are 11ot to he ll
found. The horses were placed in ten diiferent localities, in Feb- I
ruary, 1916, and duri11g last spring covered 310 niares. The H
tirst colts will be foaled next spring a11d tl1e coniniission has H
appropriated $500.00, to he apportioned to tl1e different horses. S
for t11e purpose of holding colt shows next Sll11l1l101` in the ten T
dilferent localities. ln placing the horses we have selected par- H
ticularly the rougher, more hilly sections of the State where
light horses will always be bred and where good saddle mounts 1
are required. We have avoided those districts where draft U
horses and other breeds have found favor a11d where the farmers  
are breeding along other lines. This work has brought out the N
fact that certain counties are 11ot provided with a single pure- I
bred stallion and that the owners of mares in general have no l
very definite ideas about the mating of their niares, 1Ve are if
speaking of those sections where horse iinprovenient is needed. S
hast December the (`onnnission authorized us to purchase an- Q
other stallion to replace the deceased sire, Magazine, and ae- Q
cordingly Hasson, a 1,100—pound, 16-hand, chestnut stallion i
was purchased.) The horses are 1lO\V located at the following
points: Wickliife (below Cairo), Paducah, Henderson, Henson- I
ville, Tonipkinsville, Stearns, Willia1nsl.1111‘g, l\Tanchester, Island il