40 _ Tu·cnty-n·intl1 Annual Report of the
I —Among the activities of this department may be mentioned
the following; The manufacture and distribution of anti-hog
cholera scrum and educational work looking to the control of
_ hog cholera; iield tests of hog cholera globulin in the control
of cholera; the preparation of bacterins for the prevention and
cure of animal infections, including mixed bacterins, indicated
in abscesses and mixed infections, and strepto-baetcrins from
material supplied by veterinarians; thc distribution of 38,000
A doses of government blaekleg vaccine to veterinarians, county
agents and farmers; the maintenance of an animal clinic; path-
ological and bacteriological examination of various specimens of
tissue as an aid to diagnosis;_preliminary trials of chicken-pox
vaccine in eo-operation with Prof. R. H. Willaiiis of the poultry
department; research studies in forage poisoning.
Hog Cholera Control
The work in hog cholera control and eradication has not been
confined to the production and distribution of hog cholera serum.
lt has also included systematic efforts to educate the farmer and
the hog raiser to a proper appreciation of the serious character ot
this disease and of the value of simple sanitary measures looking
to its prevention and control. The following table indicates the
quantity of hog cholera serum produced and distributed annually
thrn the serum laboratory during the past six years:
1911 ...................................................... 287,774 cubic centimeters
1912 .............i.............i.......................... 1,036,435 cubic centimeters '
1913 .................................................i.... 4.688,711 cubic centimeters
1914 ............................................,......... 2,664,595 cubic centimeters
1915 ...................................................... 2,682,470 cubic centimeters
1916 .........i...i...........................r............ 3,007,750 cubic centimeters
Total ..i......................................... 14,367,735 cubic centimeters