Kentucky Agricultural Ezcpcrtimcnvt Station. 61
__ subject to the evil results due to tl1e lack of proper sanitation i11
g producing, handling or storing.
__ ‘ Tl1e food laboratory, ill addition to tl1e analysis of official
,_ sa1nples collected by tl1e department inspectors, also exam-
,,_ ines a large number and variety of samples for private citizens
5 thruout tl1e State. The largest number of these samples
lc 1 are foods s11spected of unfitncss for food, H11\\’l10lCSO111CHCSS, or
lc i so1ne f01'11'1 of fraudulent adulteration or 111lS1`CpI‘CSC11f3.llO11.
Human milk samples are sent i11 to this laboratory by physicians
. 1 and others, to determine tl1e ]llilt1'lll\'C value or fitness for 11urs-
lll ing infants. City and State attorneys fl11`llOl1JE tl1e State send ,
d i11 a good many samples of cider a11d suspected malt beverages in
H- order to determine tl1e percentage of alcohol, for prosecution
SO under tl1e State local option law. Tl1e unofficial samples sub- ·
mi mitted to Hlld exa111i11ed by this laboratory e111brace samples of
111ilk, cream, lCC-C1`Gt1111, human 111ilks, beer, malt extracts, H11C&1'
NS beer" and 11o11-alcoholic beverages, eider, fC1`111C11lQCtl Zllltl un- ` '
ld` liCl`11lCl1lCtl wine itllti grape juice, distilled beverages, cl1eesc, but-
nd ter, honey, syrups. molasses, pops a11d soft drinks, table and
H industrial waters, tea. cotlee, chocolate. candy, dyes, edible oils,
fu bran, oats, flour, \'ll1(‘g`2l1' 2l1l(l other COl1tll1HCl1lS, flavoring extracts ` '
iff and concentrates, suspected poison cases, Sil1l1])lCS suspected of
lll? ll|1\\'ll()lCS0111Cl1OSS, etc.
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