32 Circular N0. 12. ·
of several reasons: (1) The pullets will be exhausted after T
having laid a great many eggs during the winter. (2) In most . =
cases each exhibitor wants to ship a male bird to the contest to —i
be placed with his pullets, and while the Experiment Station will
have an egg-producing record of the pullets it will have no record
of the male and consequently can not guarantee the mating. T
(3) The pullets will be better producers of hatching eggs the sec- T
ond year than during the first year. (4) The feed that would be ~
consumed by a male bird in the spring would make the feed ·
records irregular during that period. \Ve wish to determine ·
exactly what the pullets consume during the twelve months and I
the feed of the male bird would make our records somewhat (
inaccurate, as it would be impossible to determine exactly the feed
that he would consume. (5) `\Ve do not care to stand responsible
for the health and welfare of male birds.   Male birds might .
bring in disease during the spring. `
13. All eggs produced during this contest will become the
property of this Experiment Station. They will be sold to help J
defray expenses of the contest.
14. All birds must be shipped express prepaid to the Ken-
tucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Kentucky. .
They must reach Lexington on or before October 15th, IQI6.
This will give the birds ample time to become acclimated and
acquainted with their new quarters before the contest starts.
15. ;\n entry fee of $15 will be charged for each pen for
residents of Kentucky, and $25 from poultrymen who reside ~
. elsewhere. This will be payable upon hling of application of `
entry. Send fee with entry. If entry is not accepted fee will be T
returned. i
16. Entries close August ISK, 1916. Send in your entry
now. \\`e have had many requests for entry blanks from breeders 4
in all parts of America. and this contest is limited to fifty pens. A
17.   far as possible all standard varieties will be accorded
space in the contest and birds from out of the State will be
1S. No appeal from the decision of the Experiment Station I
will be entertained. 1