Egg-Layiizy (.' 35
  5. The owner of the individual hen making the highest
  record for the year will receive a bronze medal of honor, and a
  cash prize of $25 and a ribbon properly printed.
" 6. The second best individual record for the year will win
~ a prize of $10, and a silk ribbon.
Q ‘ 7. The third best individual for the year will win a hand- .
3 some silk ribbon properly printed.
Q S. The owner of each hen making a record of 200 eggs or
1"l]OI'€ during the year will receive a nicely printed silk ribbon as
a reward of merit.
r Monthly Premiums.
g. 1. The contestant owning the pen which has made the
V highest record by the first of each month will be awarded a
l . handsome silk ribbon. In awarding this premium on December
A TSI, records will only be available for the month of November,
A but on the first of February the records attained during Novem-
ber, December and january will be added together to determine
which pen stands highest on February IST, and which should "
receive this premium.
2.. A silk ribbon will also be awarded to the owner of the
. best pullet on the first of each month. Her record will be deter- ·
A mined according to the plan outlined in paragraph (i1) above.
3. The second pen will be awarded a handsome silk ribbon _
the first of each month as outlined in paragraph 1.
4. A handsome ribbon will be awarded to the pullet making __
the second highest record on the First of each month as outlined
I in paragraph 2.
,` 5. A ribbon will be awarded to the pen standing third
' highest each month according to the rule outlined in paragraph 1.
· 6. A ribbon will be given to the pullet standing third
D highest in egg production on the first of each month as outlined _
j in paragraph 2.
ii Conclusion. `
;_ Every poultryman can spare a pen of six of his best pullets g
Q for this contest. The reports of the competition will be printed
2 in the newspapers and poultry journals all over America. and in
  foreign countries.
T is