36 Circular A`0. 12. ~
Millions of people will read about this contest, and thousands
will visit it in person. T
The 1nan who owns the best pullet or the best pen in the t 
entire contest will become famous as a poultry breeder, and the y
exhibitor who sends the best pullet or best pen of any variety l
will become known as one of the foremost poultrymen of the j .
world. ,
It will be a red letter day lin this commonwealth when a pen
of pullets lay 1000 eggs in this official contest in a year. The
death knell will ring out clear and loud for the inferior five dozen »
hen we have all known since our childhood days when a Lady
Laymore or a Lady Egglantine is found in our midst with a trap
nest record of 280 or more eggs in twelve months. After such
hens show us the way our farmers and their good wives will ‘
make short shrift of the unproductive flocks that are now to be A
found on the farms of Kentucky. The old hens will be replaced »
with hrst class flocks of productive birds, that will lay eggs at
Christmas time as well as in May. Better methods and better
houses will be adopted on every farm. Then Kentucky will take p
her proper rank as a poultry producing State! i
That, friends, is the reason the Kentucky Agricultural pp
Experiment Station has decided to establish this important line S
of work. Wie ask your co-operation in making the contest a `
great success. I i
The cost is very moderate when the service to be rendered is .
considered. Each colony house, and the fence enclosing it, will
cost approximately $100. Trap—nest records will be kept by two
lllCll who will devote their entire time to taking care of the _
birds. A report will be sent to the exhibitor the hrst of each  
month, and reports will be mailed at that time to each poultry
journal in America. The birds will be carefully fed and housed. ·
\\'hen all of these facts are considered we do not believe a  
poultry breeder can afford to miss the opportunity of entering a
pen of birds in this practical and useful competition. '
Poultry Yards. 1
It might be well in this connection to state that extensive I
flocks of poultry are maintained by this Experiment Station.  