1 t
68 Twenty-atrilntlt Annual Report of the l .
was done for the Referee 011 Soils of the Association of Official V
Agricultural Chemists. `
The following publications have been prepared in this de· i
pa1‘t111e11t :
Bulleti11 No. 197. ."F'eeding young chicks on grain rations of high 1
and low lysine content." By G. D. Buckner, E. H. Nollau and J H. y
Kastle, January, 1916. L K
"A filterable organism isolated from tissue of cholera hogs," by D. E
J. Healy and E. J. Gott, Jour. Inf. Dis., January, 1916, _
"Cl1e1nical changes occurring during the ripening of the wild goose ·
])llll]],n by J. S. McHargue, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., March, 1916.  
"On the attenuation of hog cholera vi1‘us," by D. J. Healy and E. i
J. Gott, Jour. Intec. Dis., October, 1916. i
Articles on Clover Bloat i11 the Bluegrass Farmer, the Ke11tucky l
Farmer and Stockman, the Southern Agriculturist a11d the Breeders §
_ Gazette were prepared by Dr. Healy, as well as an address on the same  
subject before the Dairymen of Kentucky and Southern Indiana, in 1
Louisville, May 18, 1916, and an address at the hog cholera conference i
i11 Lexington, February 4, 1916.