1940 First Semester
September 16 l\londay——Classiiication tests and physical examina-
tions for all new students _ _
September 17 Tuesday afterno0n——Freshman registration
September 17 Tuesday—Meeting of Board of Trustees _
September 18 YVednesday forenoon—Freshman classification _
September 18-19 \Vednesday afternoon and Thursday—Reg1strat1on
and classification of upper classmen
September 20 Friday—C1ass work begins
September 30 Monday—Last date on which a student may enter an
organized class
October 21-22 Monday and Tuesday—Period for iiling applications
for degrees to be granted in 1941. _
November 21-25 Thursday, 8 a. m. to Monday 8 a. m.—Thanksgiv1ng
December 10 Tuesday—Meeting of the Board of Trustees
December 20 Friday, 8 a. m.-—Christmas Holiday begins
January 6 Monday, S a. m.——Christmas Holiday ends-
Jan. 25—Feb. 1 Saturday to Saturday—Mid-year examinations
February 2 Sunday—Baccalaureate Services
~ February 3 Monday—Mid-year Commencement
Second Semester
February 3 M0nday—Classilication tests and physical examina-
tions for all new students
- February 4-5 Tuesday and Wednesday—Registration for second
= semester
February 6 Thursday—Instruction resumed ,
r February 17 Monday—Last date on which a student may enter
i an organized class ·
L March 3 Monday—Date for filing applications for degrees by
i students who were not in college the iirst
’ semester
; April 1 Tuesday—Meeting of Board of Trustees
· April 17-22 Thursday, 8 a. m., to Tuesday, 8 a. m.—Spring
[ May 28 Wednesday evening—Military Graduation Exercises
3 May 29—June 5 Thursday to Thursday—Final examinations
. June 5 Thursday—Baccalaureate Services
Q June 5 Thursday—Meeting of Board of Trustees
9 June 6 Friday—Seventy—Fourth Annual Commencement
June 9—14 Monday to Saturday—~Junior Club Week
_ Summer Session
g June 16 Monday~—Registration for tirst term of Summer
3 July 21 Monday—Registration for second term ot Summer
School ·
7 August 22 F1·iday—Summer School Commencement .
" August 23 Saturday—Summer School ends