September, 1940
‘ September 16 Monday-—A1l freshmen and all other new students
will report in Memorial Hall for classification
tests and physical examinations. All freshmen
’ and all new students, except those enrolling in
· the graduate school, must have the tests and
examinations completed before they will be per-
. mitted to register. The student will find it
advantageous to report as early as possible after
’ S a. m.
_ September 17 Tuesday, 1:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m.—Freshman regis-
tration, according to an alphabetical schedule.
September 18 \Vednesday, S a. m. to 12 noon——Freshman classifica-
September18-19 VVednesday afternoon and Thursday—-Registration
and classification of all upper classmen accord-
ing to the following alphabetical schedule:
September 18
. Wednesday afternoon
` 1:30 to 2:20—A through B
2:30 to 3:20—C through D
` 3:30 to 4:20—E through G
September 19
Thursday morning Thursday afternoon
8:00 to 8:50-H through J 1:30 to 2:20-S
9:00 to 9:50—K through L 2:30 to 3:20—T through Z
10:00 to 10:50-4M through O 3:30 to 5:00—.Miscellaneous
. 11:00 to 11:50-P through R A through Z
_ Freshmen who register late should register with upper classmen
in alphabetical groups
September 20 Friday——Class work begins.
February, 1941
February 3 M0nday—ClassiIicati0n tests and physical examina-
· tions for new students. All freshmen and all
new students, except those enrolling in the
· graduate school, must have the tests and exam-
inations completed before they will be per-
, mitted to register. All new students should
report to the Registrar’s Office for these tests
l a11d examinations.
l February 4-5 Tuesday and \Vednesday. Registration of all stu-
.* dents according to the following alphabetical
·_ schedule: