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_ OWINGSVILLE WOHAN'S CLUB (Kentucky Federation of Womcn's Clubs), c/B
‘y ' ~ '1 ‘»"\ _•rn ‘ ' M G • 11 , ·s ¤ r v
nis. C. lg Lartin, Owinosville. rounded 1919. rresident, Lrs. Fassett
Qotts, Owingsville. Telephone 64-Jl. Secretary, Mrs. C. T. Yartin,
p Telephone 62. Terms expire Kay, l943.
lxnpignshipg 38. Open to women of good standing interested in civic
and cultural improvement,
Committees; Civic, Mrs. Espy Goodpaster; Literary, Hrs. Edna Byron;
dercvolence, irs. 4. B. Arnold; Nutrition, Hrs. Bescom Thompson;`Nar
Service, irs. Leslie Shront; Safety, Lys. Lyman Ginger, all of
Punposei Benevolent and social. Civic and cultural advancement of the
c eirnuir ity.
[ Normal Civic kctivitics; Student loans, crippled children, cancer and `
· tuberculosis control, free lunches to indigent school children. Sale
“_ of`U .··. r Tonds.
C Defense hctivities; Engaged in Collecting Looks, Red Cross Assistance.
`_: Interested in Sewing and Pyeparction of Surgical Dressings, First Aid.
it Local Publications: None.
Z PUDLlC LEULTIONS AID EDUCATION, Owinpsvillc. President, Clyde Eonaker,
1 Owinqsville. Secretary, Lyman V. Ginger, Owingsville. Telephone 88
.· 3 8. Terms expire l94d,
Ie bcrship: 5. lust.be 24 years of age or older, plus 5 years citizen-
Y ship, district voter, completed eighth grade eduertion and holds no
city or county official position.
Committees; Transportation, Buildings and Grounds, Clyde Monster.
4 Purpose: Coopcreting in the operation of schools.
f Normal Civic Activities; Cooperetes with churches, Red Vross ind
. 7$`r”7"‘ '""` """"""`
J- • ·· ¤ 4- l
Q Defense Lctivities; Engaged in Collecting 3ooks, Collection of
I Scrap Ietals and Other hotels. lntorcsted in First Mid (3 courses
· in First bid completed).
Locdl Publications: None.
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