xt7tx921gc2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921gc2m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-09-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1972 1972 1972-09-22 2020 true xt7tx921gc2m section xt7tx921gc2m I pay?» ‘1‘} para
been cut. Mxi'3/ I" ”’53 an” tech
. SEPT. 21, 22, 23, at 8:15 p.m. The woman at the msidenm ”'1. . g .- ”an:
3' the Haggin AUdiIorium who refused to identify herself, *észgx' ‘ Us ”’3‘“ 7'3"“ :3.“ I Z, 3: “xx overt
TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY said she had "been advised to . '_ Wis" 9..., ‘ ta“, ., A
PHONE 252-4358 For Reservations havethetreecut down-1C3“?d {0 . I, w .. ‘-‘ ;_ Univ
Admissmn: 53-75 have .1! cut down. bUt I dldnt III-re lie the remains-of the 364 Transylvania l’ark tree demI
want It cut down. _ . . . . - . can
A neighbor across the street that tell In Its battle against an unconfirmed disease and a v0ic¢
said she had tried to cut it down liiture crack III a sidewalk. (kernel I hoto by Linda A
last year. but a man living in a heath) Corp
- nearby house had prevented it. taken up and a new one laid added pointing to the woman on typei
IN TERES TED IN ”9 moved earlier this year. around the trunk of another old the porch steps, “called to have givei
When 35k9d why she was tree to give it room to grow. it cut down." A
PHO TOGRA PH Y having the tree cut. the woman Thetrees in Transylvania Park A neighbor watching them cut stude
said. "Its a nuisance and there’s have been there since the turn of the tree down said. “You could .lr.. v
- the sidewalk." The sidewalk. the CEMUTY» said an employee 0f have pruned the (diseased) assis
' ° so) you \\.‘ttlI to learn more about photography but can t get however. did not appear to be the Lexington Sanitation branches out.” writi
in a class at l K" Well we tound that.too.and have decided to cracked. Department. This particular tree Another neighbor‘ Susan
(1“ something ”-hm” It . ~ ~- - Someone down the street from “'35 estimated to have begun Brittingham, who was awakened I .
l"oi' a limited time only Bluegrass ( olor .Lab- is offering :2 her was having the sidewalk growing in 1908. at 8 ant yesterday by the sound ' 'n‘
- lewlsol instruction in photograph}. basic and Intermediate “There was a little disease in ol' the saws said. M“ makes me accor
laach course consists ot six tworhour classroom sessions . 400 the limbs. but the trunk was madNo reason to cutagood tree tire:
meeting irom ,qo to si-m one night a week. these aie acA P“ 3" healthv.hc said. “That ladv." he down .. LOI'I e
coiiipanied li_\ l3 hours ol practical darkroom and studio ‘t [V CB“ E ‘ ' ' I)epa
t‘\(‘l‘t‘l\‘('.\ scheduled h) appointment tor reserved time slots. ‘ 4;: "§ ) o . engin
i‘.iiiicr;is. lights. enlargers. chemicals and most other \\’\ ReSIdents to determlne
darkroom and studio equipment \\'III be supplied m» C“ F
c a
(Il.Il‘_L1t' \13 Register iio\\ IIllt'l‘} Registration ends Sept 37. _____1____ 1 6 Progams for semester
,3. \fhtCI r
“In“ ”I. “I“ ('ontinued from page t SE
liliiegiass t‘olor Lali 3H1 Kentucky -\\'(‘HU<' 3337““ 2012 Regency Rd. the head resident ol a dorm. it went directly to
In Soulhland ltoseiiiai')‘ l’ond. assistant dean ot students.
This _\ear. however. tolloii‘ing one recom-
-'- -- -- - v: -r- 3;._._.;:;._. . .. > v-='I_\Iltl}.{ \\ilI] snap closing 1.. at; p: ,' ‘ g)?” . 1971, p
‘ .ind liclthI ('hoose lrom sizes ‘5... 8.5g UK seeks rUI'ng on trustees has ne
.\ \l l.. in \\ildcat blue \\'lIIl white . R 35%} ThAc
-;:;..-:»;_.. . _ . , . - . 32:5}; e
snaps and (It tailI d stitthing .‘ .1 2 2% (‘ontinued from page I all three situations. minist]
_ . .- . . ‘ ' g “This institution‘s interest is If the attorney general decides a facu
‘ g; clearing up the question regar- there is a violation of state law the C‘
only $ 1 0. q I :1 ’ dless of the people involved,“ he there could be {our vacant seats recomi
M ‘I\ h h !l % said. The question and the at- on the Board of Trustees. Darsie
I Ii i I. “2:? {Orlitffy fienerags Optilnionb. he said, said Kincaid. Graves and Wright
. \ ‘ ‘ WI )0 rame in t e a stract to are ubernatorial a ointees
I l)0\y I] I0“' ll -Thll‘d II I‘M". g./ I . !l!‘ 1% guide the. peopie involved. and ifgtheir seats are vaggted the
‘ . ‘ l ! -J W Three relationships governor will make three new
s l‘ ayeflt’ 811d rllrflfl '1 (I ‘ II I. I. 6 The question involves three appointments.
i ’ i ’ Ii [’2‘ relationships. said Darsie; the
>533“: .‘ % stockholder. director or officer of In the case of Bell who is an
° I 3%; a bank. The question is whether a alumni appointee, Darsie said the
a E g: trustee holding one of these governor would appoint someone
33,. gfi positions is violating the law. for the remainder of the term or
3g; Darsie said his question would be the Alumni Association would 5‘
:j‘ l‘ramed so that the attorney have to submit a list of three
I :. ' . * . _ . g a - _ ‘ae‘ general would have to answer for nominations to the governor,

 'l'lll-J Kl-Z\'l‘l‘(‘l\'\‘ KENNEL. Friday. September 22. ltl'i'Z—S
Research conference GospelSmgmg
. . Next Saturday. 7:.itlpni Sept 30 twflflfly 'W“‘£
brings new aids hope MEMORIALHALL
I .\ll welcome talent wanted
l’hone. Elfin-Hi. 3:374 111 .
LEXINGTON, KY. APV For tinuint: Education. “"-- —- - F
the en inecrs attending con- (Talled a conference on elec- M WW _
lerenceg at the University of ”0m“ prosthetics, it is a first for NEED A JOB?
Kentucky. this weekend is mainly l7K and one of the first anywhere ’WPMREZISIJ m Wfl/aeg”
an exhibition of fancy electronic t0 deal solely With electronic TRY
gadgetry. devices.
But for blind. deaf and “The purpose 0flhe confefrenC: KERN". $ I’LL 60 FOR
aral zed Americans the is to show the application 0 big
tpechnhlogy being displayed technology t0 500““ needs," said CLASS'F'EDS
translates into rays of hope for John S. Jackson. UK professor 0t
overcoming their handicaps. electrical engineering. I;
A team from Texas A&M The format is modeled after a -
University. for instance, will National Electronic Crime fl W
demonstrate a wheelchair that Countermeasures Conference /W m ”fly/[l
-' be controlled entirelv b held at the school earlier this .
:22... ~ y WWW
A researcher for the Xerox Participants have come from
Corporation will describe a aroundthe country and represent ( .~‘
typewriter that prints words universitiesprivate corporations a
given to it orally. and government agencies. ‘
A mechanical engineering (letting national attention W‘ W” //
student from UK. James w. Fee, Prosthetics are artificial ad— ’7
Jr..willunveilamachine used to ditiOHS t0 the human bOdY~ ’ K '
assist cerebal palsy victims in Though the name may be if}; —‘ ‘ .
writing. modern. Jackson said the field ‘4‘ f ‘
, actually started when the first /-. .. f
3" mOdels m 3“ caveman picked up a branch. / \ ll.
1“ all. more than 30 papers and and used it as a walking stick. / ‘-
accompanying models will be “There is a great deal of Q
presented during the three-day national interest in this field, " /
conference sponsored by the UK particulary from NASA and the b
Department of Electrical Veterans Administration,"
engineering and Office of Con- Jackson said. .
Faculty code due before am We i5
Senate in October awn.
BylA'NHACKER ministration. but the ad— | UL & ILDF m .a' ’, '
Kt-ruel Staff writer ministration would have the final 13W ‘ Wml'uy W!
A faculty code of responsibility, say. - m‘
now in the drafting stage. is ()ther rovisions re uire the
expected to come befo