On motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by Dr. Sears, and passed
unanimously, Dr. Stephenson was named Dean of Undergraduate Studies,
effective September 1, 1970. This action by the Board was applauded by
students in the audience and Dr. Stephenson, who was present at the meeting,
was asked to stand and be recognized. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

     H. Dr. William H. Dennen Named Acting Graduate Dean
and Coordinator of Research (PR 4B)

     Dr. Singletary said that a search committee had been appointed to
recommend candidates for the position of Graduate Dean and Coordinator of
Research but was not yet prepared to submit its recommendations. To serve
in the interim, Dr. Singletary reported that Dr. William H. Dennen, Professor
of Geology, had been named Acting Dean of the Graduate School and Coordinator
of Research.

     Although the appointment to an acting administrative position does not
require Board approval, the members of the Board indicated their concurrence
in the appointment of Dr. Dennen. Dr. Dennen was introduced and his presence
was recognized with applause from the audience. (See PR 4B at the end of the

     I. Professor Garrett Flickinger Named Academic Ombudsman

     President Singletary said a third appointment which he wished to announce
was that of Dr. Garrett Flickinger, Professor of Law, to the position of Aca-
demic Ombudsman. This position is one established by the University Senate
and does not require Board approval. Because of Professor Flickinger's rapport
with both students and faculty members, he should be particularly effective in
this position.

     Following Professor Flickinger's introduction and the attendant applause,
Dr. Singletary and the University Senate were commended both for the establish-
ment of such a position and for naming a person so obviously well qualified to
fill it.

     Steve Bright, as the student body representative on the Board, added his
words of commendation stating that these three appointments were of utmost
importance to the students and expressed gratification that students had been
significantly involved in the selection process. He felt that all.three were
respected and admired by the students and that their appointments had the whole-
hearted approval of the student body.

     J. Budget Revisions Approved (PR 5)

Dr. Clapp, at the President's request, presented the recommended budget