' ‘ ‘ · The steam engineering laboratory is equipped with indicators, planime— `
ters, gauges, pyrometers, reducing motion apparatus, scales, micrometers,
- ·- tachometers, and other small apparatus. It contains a 4o—horsepower Hous-
" .   ' - ton, Stanwood and Gamble cross-compound throttling engine, a 10—horsepow- ·
' - _ er Corliss engine, a 25—horsepower Buffalo Forge engine, a 35-horsepower SUP
? 4 Westinghouse single-acting compound engine, a small slide-va-lve engine for _
‘ A · elementary experimental work in valve setting, a small engine with a Stephen- Du
A ·     son valve gear, and a 1o—horsepower De Laval turbine. There are also two 4-
,_   horsepower Fairbanks—Morse gasoline engines with gas attachments, and the wit]
. · Y necessary auxiliary apparatus for testing, a 35-horsepower Atlas automatic cut- lab<
- _ ` off engine, a ISO horsepower Buffalo Forge tandem compound engine, a 200-
. I horsepower Wheeler condenser, which is so arranged that all engines in the Alt'
` A main laboratory can be operated condensing. A testing plate has been ar-
- A ‘ _ ranged for holding down engines for commercial testing; an automobile testing ° duc-
`- , plant has been installed which will make possible the testing of the largest mot
‘ _ automobile built. %.k
In the future much attention will be paid to automobile engineering by
the University. Wai
" There are two separate boiler houses. One contains a 50-horsepower
Babcock and Wilcox boiler and a No. 3 Dean pump. The boiler is used for Elec
heating and to supply steam to the Hamilton-Corliss engine, which furnishes iudu
t power to the shops. The other boiler house is situated close to the steam lab-
oratory, and a 100-horsepower Babcock and Wilcox boiler has been installed. Por
This boiler can furnish steam at 200 pounds pressure, and an elaborate equip-
ment for boiler testing has been installed, including induced draft apparatus, with
barrels and scales for weighing water, and devices for burning oil and gas, as ,,01,]
well as coal. vom
The engines are all equipped with friction brakes and apparatus for . Wim
carrying on all sorts of tests of refinement in steam engineering. Shun
The equipment for carrying on experimental and research work in elcC· Mm
trical engineering is as follows:
Direct Current Generators. cycle
One IO kw. 125—volt, Crocker-\Vheeler Company; mgl
One. IO kw. 125—volt, General Electric Company; l’Ol€¤
One 3 kw. 125-VOlt, Northern Electric Company; _ t°f“`
One 8.5 kw. 125-volt Edison type, General Electric Company. i Dum!