. ._ 4
· _ ‘ »,   l · ‘ Horticulture. .....,.. . ..........._ 120, 216 Publications .....................,.__, 63 `
. ·' . - ,.   Household Art. ..,................ 129, 216 Railway Engineering. .................. 141
1 -· _ . Household Science .............,.. 127, 217 Register of Students ........,........,_ 23-,
‘ · · . I` , I Hydraulics ...........4 . ................ 137 Registration, Changes in. ............... 55
. ' ` , Industrial Chemistry. .................. 97 Religious Exercises,. .. ................. 55
M __ ‘ · . · - Italian ............................... 86 Reports ...........................,__ S3
_` . l. _' ` _ Law, College of. .................. 177, 223 Requirements for Admission .,.......... gs
l _ ‘ Description of Course., ........ . ...... 184 Residence Requirement for Degree .,..... 57
‘ `~ , Summer Course. ........ . .,..... 187, 223 Road Laws .................... i ..,... 144
- _· 1 il `· Late Registration.. .................... 55 Rural Engineering. .............4.. 12;;, 14;
·` [ I ~ __ Latin. .................... 43, 81, 193, 211 Schedules-
. ' ‘ Library Hours.. .. .......i............. 56 Entrance Examinations ..... . .......,_ 9
» ‘ ' h .» Location of University ................. I2 Four Year Course in Agriculture.. ...__ IDB
, · _ - ` _ Mathematics ......i...4... 42, 82, 194, 212 . ' Four Year Course in Civil Eng .....   13;
‘ ' _ ’ Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Home Economics. ................... 125
· .' · · College of .....,.... ..147, 198, 218 Industrial Chemistry ..... , .l......... 97
· ' Description of Course .......... 157 Mechanical and Electrical Eng ...... 154
· .4 ' . V Mechanics, Applied. ............... 137, 143 Mining Engineering. ....... V .......... 168
‘ V _ ‘ Metallurgy. .,.................... 170, 175 Rural and Highway Engineering ...,.. .146
· . · _ Meteorology .......................... 121 Two Year Course in Agriculture. ...... 131
'· Military Science., ..................... 204 Science, Entrance Units..     . ...... 45, 46
Mines and Metallurgy, College of, Science, School of .....   .... . .......... 87
_ 165, 198, 221 Scholarships .......................... 58
` . School of Mining .................... 168 Scope of Studies. ...................... 3:
l- · ` ’ School of Metallurgy- ............... 175 Short Course in Agriculture. ............ 132
‘_ ‘ School of Extension. ...l....,........ 178 ` Short Course in Mining ......,......... 174
. Mine Surveying ..,...,................ 173 Societies. ............................. 62
Mining .......,.................. 168, 172 Sociology, ........,................... Xl
· Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, I40, 145 Spanish ............................ 45, 86
` ‘ Musical Clubs. ......................... 63 Special Students. ...,.................. 52
Officers of Administration .............. I5 Student Advisers ...................... 55
Officers of Instruction .................. 17 Student Government. .................. 63
Oratorical Contests ..... , .............. 63 Summary of Students ......,........... 272
Ore Dressing. ........,................ 174 Su1nmer School ..... .. ............. 187, 207
Organization of University. ............. 69 Summer School Students ............... 267
Organizations, Student ..,....,......... 61 Surveying. ....................... 141, 145
Philosophy .... , ................... 86, 196 Ten Week Course in Mining . ...... 175, 221
Physical Education .................... 200 Tuition. .............................., 54
For Men ........................... 200 Two Year Course in Agriculture. ...,.... 130
For Women. ........,............... 202 Two Year Course in Mining ............ 174
n Physical Geography. ................... 46 Undergraduate Students. ............... :,11
Physics ................... 45, 92, 196, 213 Veterinary Science., .................., 124
. n Physiology,.   .. ..,................ 46, 87 Vocational Subjects. ........,.,........ 47
Plant Breeding. ......,..............,. 119 Weather Bureau. ...........,.... .. .28, IZZ
Political Economy.. . ........ . ...... 80, 194 · Winter Course in Agriculture .....,...... fsf
Political Science .... . .........,........ 80 Women's Course in Home Economics ..,, 132
Practical Miners' Course ..,,..,,..,..,. 175 Y. M. C. A. .......,...........,....., 61
Prizes. .,...,.......,.....,........,.. 58 Y. VV. C. A.,   ........ , .......,..... · (Fl _
Public Exercises. .... , ...... , .......... 53 Zoology .,.....,...... . ........ 46, 119, 216