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Credits. .
iy t° In order to be eligible for graduation a candidate must have completed "  
Sub-. the required credits of work. A credit consists of class work one hour a l ·
’ dc`   week for thirty-six weeks. ., _ '
  Students will be graded in their work by letters as follows: _ . 4
3 A. Excellent. `, . ji
l B. Good. ` .· _ `
_ C. Pass. i .
my D. Conditioned. . - p
stu" E. Failure. ‘ `
‘ Written examinations are held in all classes at the close of the first and  
i third terms of the session (See Uzziczcrrziy Calendar, page 7). At the close of ‘
not   the second term written examinations are held on subjects which are completed A y
d l at that time. Reports are sent to the parent or guardian of each student in
‘O of january and ]une to indicate as nearly as possible the quantity and the · V
_ t quality of the work done by the student. Special reports are sent on request
agrfi at any time. `
O g _ Public Exercises.
l . . . . .
o fulli All exercises assigned for any public occasion must be submitted to the
necialg President for approval at least one week before the time for the performance.
  Rules of Classification. i
  I. No student will be considered as belonging to a given class unless a
Who] majority of his studies are in that class or a higher class.
idingl 2. A student may be permitted by his Dean to register for studies not
W bei more than one year in advance of his classification.
iid bei 3. A student with more than two conditions or failures will not be i
gd ml Considered as a member of a higher class.
. Rules Regarding Conditions and Failures.
  I. .4 Condition may be removed by passing an examination, either regu-
  lar or special. A condition not thus removed becomes a failure. A conditioned