Employment Bureau. ` at mast
Many students find it necessary to earn money with which to help sup-   mlfms (
i port themselves while in college. An employment bureau has been organized . ’r°hg’°“_
by President Barker for the purpose of aiding them in securing work. If a i the UH:
student desires to employ part of his time to earn money he reports to the g mpmscl
Bureau the number of hours he can work. Many good positions have been ,
_ i secured for the students in this way. There are about fifty various newspaper ` [Degree
routes in the city; all of them are carried by college men. The state farm,
h ` which is a part of the University, employs many students. If the prospective Th.
V student has only one or two hours each day for working, it is so arranged by i complet
p the farm managers that he is always employed. A number of students wait
on tables at the boarding houses for their board. The merchants and tailor-
T . ing establishments of the city employ students to carry bundles. Young men
are employed at hotels and restaurants and other work at numerous odd jobs
at the homes of the citizens. Almost all the buildings of the University are
_ kept clean by students. A number of young men are employed as stenogra-
phers in the city. It is an easy matter for any young man to support him-
self at this school. Any student seeking employment can get aid by applying Thr
at the oihce of the Business Agent. t
Library Hours.
The library is open to students daily from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., and from
7 p. m. to 9 p. m; on Sundays from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. ,
Health Advantages. l
The sanitary arrangements of the University are excellent. Its buildings i For
occupy one of the highest positions in or around Lexington. A large reser-
voir, a few miles from the city, furnishes an abundant supply of pure water   Residen
at all seasons of the year. The natural drainage of the University grounds 4
` and its system of sewerage are all that can be desired. Serious illness among _ TO
the students is extremely rare. The University physician gives all needed resident
attention to the health of the students and excellent service can be secured
when needed in either of two large, well equipped hospitals in the city. The
University has a furnished room in the Good Samaritan Hospital, which is
within live minutes’ walk of the University grounds.
Religious Exercises. K
As morals and religion should form a part of every young person’s edu-
cation, the students of the University are encouraged to attend divine service