L`; . .
` at least once each Sunday. Clergymen from several of the religious denomin- '_l ‘
1 ations of the city conduct some of the chapel exercises each week, and other · V _ A ..
  ” religious exercises are conducted by the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. of " ‘ .
i i the University (v. page 23,). Nearly all the religious denominations are ’ ` 4 `
1;   represented in the Faculty. · `
an , V A · _
cr ~ Degrees. ,   ‘
11, .
{C The following degrees will be conferred upon undergraduates who have ` ' ‘
yy i completed the work as prescribed in the various colleges:
Lit Bachelor of Arts (A. B.) ‘ A ‘ 4 5
H- Bachelor of Science (B. S.) '_ `·
en Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B. S. Agr.) ` ` `
bs Bachelor of Laws (LL. B.) _ .
me Bachelor of Civil Engineering (B. C. E.) .
Fa- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (B. M. E.) V
m- Bachelor of Mining Engineering (B. E. M.)  
ng The following advanced degrees are conferred in the Graduate School: ·
t Master of Arts (A. M.)
r Master of Science (M. S.) _ ,
Master of Science in Agriculture (M. S. Agr.) `
Civil Engineer (C. E.)
Om Mechanical Engineer (M. E.)
3 Electrical Engineer (E. E.)
l » Mining Engineer (M. E.)
  Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.)
ngs   For further information concerning advanced degrees, see page IQO, flg.
1; T Residence Requirement for Bache1or’s Degree.
2;; T0 be eligible for the Bacl1elo1·’s degree the candidate must have been a
ded resident student of the University during at least one year's session.
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