County Appoiutees.
V Each county in the State is entitled to select and to send to the State
` University one or more properly prepared students, free of charge for tuition,
matriculation and gymnasium fees, as follows: ‘
Each county is entitled to make two appointments each year for 4,500
‘ _ white pupils or less within the common school age, based upon the last official
- census preceding said appointment, and for each 3,000 white pupils over
4,500, is entitled to make one additional appointment. ,
County appointments exempt appointees from payment of tuition fees
l and provide traveling expenses (see page 54) to those matriculated in any
regular course of study which leads to a degree in the University. Appoint— 1
ments are all valid for the term of years necessary to complete the course of 1
_ study in which the appointee matriculates. If an appointee leaves the Uni- I
` versity before the expiration of his appointment his County Superintendent
may appoint another person for his unexpired time.
Beneficiaries are appointed on competitive examination. A Board of I
` Examiners is appointed for this purpose by the County Superintendent of
common schools. The results of examination are reported to the Superinten-
dent, who from the data thus furnished selects the appointees. Examinations D
are made upon subjects transmitted to the County Superintendent by the H
Faculty of the University. P
Appointments are made by the County Superintendent between the first
day of ]une and the first day of September of each year. Blanks for these B
· appointments are furnished by the Registrar of the University. Appoint·
ments when made should be immediately certified to the Registrar of tht
University. $5
Appointees who are graduates of accredited schools are admitted without su
examination; other students are admitted by examination. de
_ Southern Railway Scholarship. C,
The Southern Railway offers a cash prize of $1,000 to be awarded in the
College of Agriculture. The beneficiary must, after graduation, devote him an
self to the pursuit of agriculture for three years at some point along the lint tht