_   An act of the Kentucky Legislature passed in 1908 provides: "That _     , i ·
l Imam °· from and after two years from this date all sub-freshman work shall begin to - _ ` `
rslty of   be eliminated as a part of the University curriculum, and such elimination ·
_  VI shall progress as rapidly as the educational conditions in Kentucky will justify. · ‘- ‘
mgoml J. In accordance with this statute the trustees of the University have _V . .
Ship of   abolished all sub-freshman work. ¥Vhile provision will be made for all stu- V ·   V
¢} dents now enrolled in this work, no :tudent: will be received in future except · , {
  graduate: of accredited High School: or tho:e who are prepared to ofer for exam- · V
  ination: the regular I5 entrance unit: (or the minimum, I3 unit: which admit to . ‘ ‘ ,
 #_‘ conditional Fre:hman :tanding). . ` ` l- · Y_
;l track   County Superintendent: are e:pecially reque:ted to tahe notice of the:e regula- » V -‘ .
untary;   ti0n:, and in future to make no appointment: which do not comply with the above V ·
im, the   rule:. _ · ' .
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