" .  
‘ To receive an undergraduate degree, in addition to fulfilling the require-  
ments for entrance to a course leading to the degree, the matriculate in the ; m01
College of Arts and Science must be able to offer 69 credit hours, inclusive   LN
of those required in Military Science, Physical Training and Domestic Science. { ECG
‘ Men are required to offer three credits in Military Science and two in  
Physical Training, and women two and one-tenth credits in Domestic Science   Sul
and two in Physical Training. ~ Q
The term "credit hour," or briefly a "credit," as used in this college, is L_ Au,
defined as the satisfactory completion of a study, involving lectures or recita-   maj
tions for one hour per week for one year, or laboratory work for two hours , Chu
. per week for the same period. Q
l Military Science and Physical Training are classed as laboratory work.  
In estimating the credit value of a subject pursued for less than a year, f
.. the number of hours per week it is given should be multiplied by .4 for the  
° ., first term and by .3 for each of the two other terms. , I
Persons excused from Military Science or Physical Training for disability Z
or any other cause, unless when they entered they brought credits in the sub-  
jects from some other institution, must olier an equivalent number of credits Q
· in some other subject or subjects.  
A student must take a sufficient amount of work to secure at least 17 i
credits each year during his Freshman and Sophomore years, and except by  
special permission of the Faculty of the College of Arts and Science, he will  
not be allowed during each of his Freshman and Sophomore years more than E
21% credits, or during each of his junior and Senior years more than 18 {
credits. I
Permission to carry work in excess of the 21% and 18 hours referred to  
above, if the student is to receive extra credit for same, must be obtained { j
from the committee on extra studies. After such permission is granted all I j
, work must be of A. or B. grade in order to entitle the student to count any   ·
excess as credit.
In order therefore to be considered a member of the Senior Class of
any year, and eligible to graduate in ]une of that year, a student must at
the beginning of the college year in September have completed at least 5I I
credits. i
The classihcation of every student, though it may be arranged by the pro-  
fcssor under whom he has his major subject, must have the approval of the [
Dean and no change whatroever may be made ih thi: clarsifieazion without the ex-   I
prey: pernzirrion of the Dean previourly obtained. i (