z 1* it m 1 D m A ' •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Go’s G0.
‘“°°‘ I HE ORPHEUM I HEA I RE °"""'°" “
Me At Admission 10c
FIRST-CLAS! IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Owmr and Mana •r. · OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.
THE IDEA I ~   ···—·» ···   ·· ‘  
V I ‘ ‘ " “ ‘ "° ICALAGIS 8: CO ~
I halmv spring breezes the par- I · A
I Pubitgheti every Thursday throughout the College year by the student bod! ` ` I 8ucc•••¤r to OARRIB A CO. . V . tt
I of the State University of Kentucky, for the benetlt of the under- ¤8¥'•Ph¤ l-hl! WGPK l>*‘PM¤¢‘ of
V I 107
I graduates, alumni and faculty of the Institution. I such K mp(,I.mR_ Mmmm I W- Mlln St. ll
i——V—-¢—~·»—-~—-— ·   rr V —- Vee.   ~———————— mm hmm mmm H I W INT SODA rcuunm in 1·•-on »t
SUPERIOR VAUDEVILLE I rim: mma Is me omcm newspaper ot me university. it is muea wiut _ ‘· ‘“ · l CITY. rm: csumn ,
I the view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college news of Kentucky, '·¤~.ri!• from students deposits, a much and S0 <‘l98¤‘lY &¤SW€¥‘€d, that GWR in For full information rgggyd.
larger stun than ever hefort-. but after wiping out the deficit left over The <'¤¤\18l ¤`98dl¤R Hwa! benefit is de- , ,
,   '._,>._ Ill)lCA had left from this source only $268,65, Irivgt]_ lng appolnteesy COUPSGS of ltudy, \
  ;_ ‘2 i;;J   The present nianagetnent desires to turn the paper over at the end of tlieI 'l`l1<=‘ l¥l10Y8¤€>' Bild SIIFGIIGSS. with C08t of board, gtcq apply to
;_ _‘ TXT   •>‘j year with as small debt as possible. The news must of necessity be reduced, I Wltlcll lt is depicted. the deep thought
J `°?H$*:   il yet an attempt will be made to publish all important items relating to tht- and painstaking analysis given to H' S' BARKERW
  Vniversity and college life ill general. ,*f\'<’!`Y question Will make this book Pl‘88id6nt,
I me- rW--.--e4»---'-.» ~—-H wilnablv not only to every student to Inxingwu, Ky
-  {_     * THE NEWS IN RIME I T [ d { t U [_ _ it f day, but tv Students for many years to .._______
·» . wo s u en s a ie mvers v o ;$· ··
1 ‘ come. t. •
-—— ` l d , f · r > -
~. _- I H "’I"“t_" 8*: ‘:' *"“’I“'; "‘;"' 1* °""(;“ rm- work has been (-twin.-d mm
$4 I Copb ttm tra;) stu on or & tours cam tie ong ¤ ',_\_t_lv€ chapters, each chapter Idenw FOR PENS AND PENCHS,
· I Hut gives no line of credit, IHHCB p00l playing championship. hed under three division? Dau TABLET8 AND FINE
·   \\‘hit·h makes the students np there What is there in it to brag sbout? h y
, I I I k Reading, Study for the Week, and Sug- STATIONERY
t nn ~——————
It I gestions for Thought and Discussion.
r . . · . ' 'I A , · ‘ M
/0 I 1`hat they themselies had said it I t Stu Jnetlnid TI tlzpplnilhas bein lhmugh Chapter I- one may JOHNSTONG CANDY
, .   · V ..— -.-, in ro · .
Q D, llkwlw gum} are the me at le M am Oum d n Iglance and see the purport of
(oy. \ _ Aim another college; nt; room, says the Tennessee 0rsngeItm< book It H headed __Th€_ Col
0 ' { @3* I “'° "“"“°‘ g“°“· ‘*"" “"‘“"· Bm ““" “" M “°"""*‘I lege Purpose ·· ibeglnnlng win. the Wm. E. Stag g `
' CMQ " » Just why, l1lll€BS, but u Siml’l° (`asp °l' nl Saw you mlm; questions \‘Vliat makes college worth 30. W"' Ml"` °t"“
Thev think `tis without our knowl· lilly me!" W y   t
‘ j · · hlle? The reason for college edu- ·
To inspect tie new SprmgI __dw_ I 9 I I  
_ I I" _ `_ I • I I tation. Hovt does the college fore-
Sgyles yn   ·· > institutions ot learning the bit Shadow me mmm? and many Ouwm ——--—-——-.;...._..._ U: •
H   ·\\'t~` tlo Iltil give- the naines lwt·1\\is•· Ilitllil Hull pool rooms of the country Each question is answered by quo- E
a • , I |ht· t·•·nsor will not let us, H¤\• HMM glzuluatetl any statesmen_ {minus from UW MMP, fulmwmg close HAVE yOUR
I Mui just [ht· suiitg [ht· guilty u|i•·>, $l'l*'||llNlH, Hl'llH[S Ul' |10t·:ls. Now ulltl I ,
I Vlp the life and words ot Jesus, for the h
Sh0€§» I Sittmiti tut-y cttsny ··g,et" ns. Itheh. however, they turn out tt mundo-I solution  
Sh"•tS_ I'|‘htg gms nttve lost s single game, Iliu l’lil)'€¥`-"(lllDD€d. The authors realize that social and FOR THJSAISPEINTUCKIAN `
  ·\“‘l l‘°"““;m° has the r°‘"’°"' t Tl I ethic laws must be applied to humsnI AT  
I me tamu; hunt-h U |*;l!`;1l|l\0!' Inst the trotIsers used in wings, and that only In following NWI     ,S     I
;· ·i · · i ' ‘ · · · rz ' _
, _ I t att punth tor punth, e 1 osopi an play >tio¤n.,tti to great umu laws of me, denned in uw, p y u   I
  t     Anti hrokv e·vt~n lor the SPHMIII. *··-· ’·· ulld ·~—~· —- --———~ seeins to lt.! I_ _ I ,
————-——- · ’ ' [ t· ie" o '
I hww some foundation tor n ni t t· MM Hm one Mlwct to have u real 341 w•“|lll Sl. P.0I|l635l `
I chance for their fulfillment. I _
      Some ot` the track men think they the b0>‘S \\'€l‘t+ Séen out on the street __ _V_     _r__i_> rw i Mv_ I
I . · · . . » . · V V »· -‘ · \\’ednesdgv MEN`- —"_ "" l
Iain-· pulling, OHL out li} \\td.IlllL, _. .
Palm Inch Sui:     or "°"“**"** *"“*· ;—— WHERE AM I GOING? ° I `
Mad. tu umu __- I ______ lhe president of Western lleserve
*;""""   aud ' “"' “'"°"gIl‘hiversitv has unnount·t;t1 that ituttt-u. To
`those who quit school just ult··l' ¢·Mlll1SlI·0"Il it wm In · _ . •
; I ~ pertet-tl; proper tor I D
    l"u! (ll<*ll' IMTPIIYH l`€llU€Sl- lgirls [ty (lt) their Own y;w9urh)g_ ggytg an      
I ——— `e·x<·liang<·. V -    ..-.
Eg C I Harry Able was the only one who _ I,,,’ —· —-;;--... 
. V U ' ' · H r ` H I ' · · "`  
• was able to introduce the- hustle   __Y ·_.
lncomonud .\\'nlk at the Kake \\'alk.  
I .....1 For mo yours the 'I‘eiiiies>at»t· foot M  
» I [ 1
The College Fellows   p   E m U"_ ~ wr ‘IlMl| {Pull! has defeated ours and for I
' ’ ‘ ‘—""I""" V"'; ' Iluo _v•·zu‘s our basketball team has I
I · ‘ if Iht-en the- onlv twain that has not been I   I   (   I
' ' i • ` I ·
      ` · Itlt·t"ut•·tI by the 'l`4‘llIl('§Sl‘8llli, whit·h • • ..
heorpontd I ‘*"-'” I¤•~<·¤ns to show that the "hohtailt·tl" l¤c°`l0nm•' I
Manufacturers of I Miss ~ ~ - wore an awfully pret—q \\·II'I‘_M is SUNW num"- _?  
    Ity hat to school Monday inorning, hutI • • ’
‘ . . I
  I\\t· hu\'€.l)t%(‘Il [Old ('UIl‘ld*°lllluI.l)v lll-il'. ll l> l'lll||()|'t·(l {hill \\`l|(·*Il 1         l
    i I>ll¤‘ Kill Il llllll ’ mlnell NH`? \\‘t·||l t;i|\ in hh; 7 t-gr [hp ()[h(¤|·   ···'I
Elulunls Illlélll to BHP   hp 5(·[  
DR. J. D. KISER   '¤`¤··· ···¤·‘·‘i<·¤¤¤