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Grain Irccdillg 0f_ Dairy Cattle these ll`lS€CtlCl(l€S 2lCt Ollly (;‘Xlf€1‘l]3.lly OI] the gI`OVl’lHg  k
((;,,,,,i,,,,(,(] ,,0,,, page, ,3) tobacco bud or if the insecticide enters and aflccts _ _
V some internal plant system. In these tests the buds {
cvvr, ll l'l()-gfllllrl-f€(l group on Orchard grass 21v€1‘zlg€(l Of tobacco Seedlings are cut Out S0 that tWO_Sta1k€d 25
83.3 percent and those on Ky. 31 fescnc 75.6 percent. Plants Wm be formed Om, Of the two growing buds
I" the lilttw two cases it aPP€aY$ that these grasses is then treated and the other left untreated. Pr€lim· `
by themselves were not able to stimulate milk pro- mary results indicate that the hndaue Or Chlordane — 
cluction properly without supplemental fcetliilg. In twatmeut is not affecting the untreated bud YA
ouch case, (lata from pasture tests where Laclino Wk
clover was mixed with these grasses indicated that Effects of EXt€Il(liHg   ih
more satisfactory results were secured. (C<~·*i~~<)¤l J°'<"" P”¥¢’ 9) n
EXP¢‘Yim<`¥*t$ Ht L‘<‘Xl¤i-WON Wh€Y€ alfillfa hay has to allow them to live independently; some farm in- R; i
l)(’(’Il l|S(‘(l HS ll SllpPl€lH€l'lt t() SlllTllN€1' pHStll1`(:‘ l}2`tV€ cgnjg can be eglrugd   I·€n]g_i]]il]g’ in addition to  
givcn results in line with those reported above for receiving QASI pgynqgntg; and the additional income l A
grain fee-cling on pasture. lt was found that the ;wnj]ab]€ through GAS] gllgwg them {O live relatively *“`.
fouling of alfalfa hay to cows on good pasture did comfortably \vl](;>1*g they wjSh_ Qthgy Older farmers
ll()t I`(‘Slllt lll 2l[)l)I`(‘Cl2ll)l€ lIlCI'€2lS(‘S lll lTllll( pI`()(lllCtlOll. already fQCQiVi]]g ()1· gxpgcting tg ygggivg rgtiygmgljt i
Tll(‘ pI`2lCllC(‘ \\’ilS lllll)I'()Ht2ll)l(;‘ 218 l()llg HS lIl]€ p2lStUl'€ benefits $00]] are mgljjfggtjljg legs I·€gigtg{]c(g {0 turning It
l'(‘lTl21lIl(‘(l I`(‘2\S()II2ll)ly g()()(l. It 21pP(‘2`tI`S that lllly Sllp- ()vg]· the ()I)(*I'ati()]] ()f thgjy fgylpg t() ygunggr rglgtivgg h
pl(’lTI(‘llt, \\'ll(‘tl](‘I‘ gfillll ()I' llily, Sl]()lll(l l)€ llS€(l 011]}* \vh() desire to livg in rural glrggg and Opgygtg {hg
when the- pnstnrv is considered inadequate. Later f;;ymS_ yloyggvey, younger farmers confronted with
tests may innlicutc. howcvcr, that cows producing at the Opportunity of taking Over Olde; mlativeg farms iv
V(‘I`y lllgll l(‘V(‘lS of l11lll< p1`()(lllCtl()H \\’lll give 21 pI‘()Ht- at an earlier (lgtg than prgvjgugly (gxpgcfgd gre ggggq- i S
1ll)l(‘ l'(‘Sp0llS(‘ to IU()(l€I`tlt(*‘ gfillll 2ll](l’()I' llily l:(‘€(lillg {ugly ]]]()]·g i]](;]j]]gd to ]·€]p3_j]] 0]] faI·1T]g_ Also? the  
vvvn Wllvlr gfallillg high qlluliiy p&1SfUf€· added security provided by OASI to their families is `
proving to be an inducement tO $01116 young people r`
Millf0r|ll(*(l Tobzwvo L€?lV€S to look more favorably upon farming as 21 livelihood. I' _
lC""H"""‘I lr""' P"·“" 7) Some Kentucky Extension Service personnel have Ar
vt-in for soniu distance und than lwruncliccl oil in an also noted that, generally, Old-Age and Survivors ;
irregular course- towzml the lent margin. Insurance appears to be one of the most bciieiicial li 
Tha- limlum·—trt·ut¢·cl plants were very stnntc·n, znul normal leaves woro not pro- residents will likely increase the demands for goods
dncul on liiiclaiiiv-truzitcal plants until 3 weeks after und services including rural health services and facili- i
normal lvaivos wcrv produced by Cl]l()l'(lllll(‘·tl'(‘ilt€(l tics. Fni·tliei·im>re_ this increased income to farmers ·
plants. lhlly indirectly pr0\‘i(lC money for such community
llow citlicr linclamv or eliloi·tl;int· ullccts tho plant uml 211%*21 Cooperative improvement endeavors as in
so that thcsc nbnorniail looking lczivvs nrc proclncccl building schools and roads, and in obtaining elec- U
is not known. \\'ork is bcing clonu to ¢lct¢·r1nin¢· if trification.