`-_ How Can Zinc Deficiency Be Corrected? will provide an economical procedure for correcting
T ii Zinc deficiency can be corrected by fertilizing the Zine deneiencY-
{Q? soil with zinc. However, the placement of the zinc what Must stm Be Done?
t appears to be very important. Zinc which is merely Te date We have detetmthed that some Zine
broadcast ee ilie Seil oi mixed iii ilie Seil maY be deficient corn occurs in Kentucky and we know rea-
`. iixed so iaPidiY mat it becomes imavaiiabie to me sonably well how to determine whether soil is likely _
.c plant. The experimental work to date has not shown te he deheieht ih Zine tat eeta We stm have not
» _ which is ilie best meiiiod of aPPiYmg Ziiici but it determined the best method of applying zinc to
abbeais that about 20 Poimds Pei acie ei Zinc siiiiate> correct zine deficiency. Work is being planned for .
, epplieel iii e bend eii iiieli er ee belew ilie Seed, gives inis coming year winch Win determine ina best
· good coiiiioi Howeveii it is VeiY dimciiii te aPPiY method of applying zinc as a fertilizer or as a coating
*~ iliii Smell eeieiipi el fertilizer iii e l>e¤  
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