IA normal leaves. Tl1€ first SymptO1H of illjufy \V3.S Et StI‘&1]_)-lil<€. L€2`tf A (Fig. 1) 1`€S€1l1l)l€(l tlle leaf 111211-
TL whitish instead of the normal green color of the formation which was first observed in chlordane—
,7-;, small newly developing leaves, The leaves that were treated plants in the field: the leaf was almost com-
w_ already developed when the plants were dipped were pletely normal except for the tip which was a
"` not affected. Two weeks after treatment abnormally sharp-pointed nub in contrast to the tip of a normal
·+` » . . . .
.,1 shaped leaves were found in all the treated plants. leaf such as C (Fig. 1), which was produced 1m-
_ Most of the abnormal leaves which were first formed mediately after A (Fig. 1). `
· ·_ OH both the lindane- and ch1<>rd¤¤w-treated plants The first leaves produced by plants after- b-etameht
"* W€Y€ UQYYOW and $U'3P·lik€» but 0th€1`$ W€Y€ UQYYOW with lindane were also usually narrow and strap-like.
at the base of the leaf and the outer half was more as Shgwlj by leaf H (Fig 4)_ Lateppl-Oduced haves,
11€9·Yly H0f1TlHl ill %1pp€H1'2111C€· such as C (Fig.   and I (Fig. 4) had a more irregular
  ` V , . , , . l . . ,   _
Bottom Leaves unaffected leafledge apd shape. An abtaorpiply large ampuntlo
..,, Figures 1 and 2 show typical ehterdehe-h·eeted t"’ ""‘ ‘;“b?°‘* ;”"*°°";P°f‘ " ;""‘?""{°"‘· ";t)“;
plk1DtS 3 weeks after tI`€z1tm€11t, and Figs. 3 Ellld 4 WA; pro ah y ile resut O 1 A IL UCUO? {H tofi (fl
‘A · _ ‘ ¤ · _ A
" Sll0W typ1C3l l111Cl3.11€-iII‘€Elt€(l plants. Tll€ l)OttO1T`t ijlrbéce rag 1611 t lan 0 al? eu aLg€TGlEtF   HEC VUIL
leaves, which \V€1`€ p1‘€S€Dt Wlltill tllé plants \V€I‘€ O lug O_ 63%;/€Sl’ ab   Owul ly ed (1 1%'_ ;`l\Y°lh _
treated, were unaffected by either- the ehlerdehe er- ;°‘“‘“°“d“‘ t 6 ‘;;“‘ °““€‘ €"V"*é fm; tmf ""“¥§
` the lindane. The first leaves produced after the plants Fcami Eepér an more plguomgw 1 m iuqfebl ({1 mm
_ W€I'€ Clfpp€(1 ill Cl1lOI`(la1l€ \V€1'€ 1l211`1`OW Hlld SlII‘3.]_)-lil<€ ai tell t (BSE FICFHG? were td §n`f E t kit; O   €°1V$b
with a granular leaf surface, as illustrated by leaves tw _ Alger? 63 hV€mb’_ m5t(?‘u O mmilulug O] “€‘u_y
~•y B (Fig. 1) and E (Fig   Pmgmssivély less lwf straig t rom t e main V€ll1, ian para L to tie main
.. I deformation was evident as successive leaves were (C(,,,H,,l,L,d 0,, paw, 12)
formed. Leaf D (Fig. 1) had a narrow tip, but the
'Y stem half of the leaf was more nearly normal in size l
·;,; and shape than B or E. The stem half of leaf F (Fig. _e,;ge,,
_   was quite normal, but the tip was still narrow and `  
  .r.¤ ;  ‘   =`>
 W, . ..·...     -.~. `   ,..i      i»‘·  
4 V   i=,,-- ie .__`'.V .   ...-   p     (  
.--: E fr‘i‘" ¤ Y   __,.. .    __.; ,_. x.,     `ij    
’ `   .··i·       , = ;___;g_;i ..._   _`v_A 1 ‘___ ·_ ,·*‘   I
Y- ‘   ‘ t`’‘       . . r           _...— »‘    .
‘   ·’ ,..,.   --·-»r . “ .  2 5:  ·:‘.   A   .    
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.,_   U ·..-.... Va __¢_       ·¢.._ e   <-». = ;_,  . ·. ~—·.,.A; N
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‘»ii`·»‘ * ·’·; ~     `   r "`, { ir ` =   ‘»¢Z2;»"’““°
43 ` I · ’   I 7     ,,f·=’#·f;;+ _   1 V.:  ""'° ·. ‘.¢:£--  ,l [ [hw .~» %`2;‘€/T5}-
. . i A 7   `‘`‘   ·»··’   ’‘f’    ° H        
.   ·   1iiii§;< ·l··i   ei   A.   itr ‘ T A   ...a·#’       ‘ /<
ry, _   __\: I   { . J A W /   =·=~   W ’ — a   .._ _ ( A.    = ·-   xr.
·   -l`‘     A   .       ....  
. _  *‘ `i‘‘’   ~ ..    ‘ ' .   3 ‘ ii;‘`         · ‘‘    ..’·i  
  · (  ··     A- "K -         .`..·     /``· ·
e ` . `¤`     I _,,_   .   ‘ `    ·=·<*; =‘·· 3 ‘·‘r  
t "·~.( `   : ,»»r ’ €€"/¤§’(. "%··;.;?`,:;.’ ., ‘j··j. ·’   ’   .-e  
` _   J -   .       »rr   ‘».,.
"         / '     .iv‘.··i  
T ~»~   G ,.e " l   ...=-    
’  {   ,     `  
` r·`¢ s T};   ”'
Fig. 3.- A lindane-treated tobacco plant. Fig. 4.—.·\nother lindane treated tobacco plant.
· J
Figs. 25 and 4.- Dipping these tobacco plants in a lindane torted leaves. Note the crinkled leaves (G). the strap-like
solution before setting caused the plants to produce dis- leaf (H), and the lobed, oak-like leaf (I).
,. KENTUCKY FIARNI AND Home Sc1aNcE—S1>1uxc: 1957 7