xt7v6w96810s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w96810s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19420213  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1942 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1942 1942 2013 true xt7v6w96810s section xt7v6w96810s The Kentucecy Kernel

Bt'ninninu: backgrounds
Of War And Peace

Cat Netters Line l"p






Donovan Accepts SGA Report TO BEAPPLICANTS
Of Student Welfare Committee FOR NYA AID
The Student Government Asso- nation in a meeting last night re- ceived report from the University
administration on the welfare
investigations and the rcsol- ution concerning the policy toward
drafted students.
Absent member of the lecisla- ture were Bob Amnions. Arthur Collins, Mary Olive Davis. Joe Gayle.
Bob Hillenmeyer.
Arthur Walsh,
F:iizatx'th Wirjrinton. and Louise
In a letter to the legislature
President Herman L. Donovan ac- the report of the welfare
He stated that because
the budpet was adopted with no
provision for major repairs or im- provements in the dormitories no
steps could be taken at present.
However. President Donovan as- the body that improvements
would be made as soon as possible,
he has requested that Dean Henry
H. Hill make a study of the dorms
in view of recreational facilities.
President Donovan said that he
is interested in having the students
reside in halls that are attractive
and well administered.
The resolution rponestina rhano-pin the policy toward students enter- ing military service received care- ul consideration from the Universi- ty Faculty
A more liberal policv would prob- i,iv
nritiivm fmm ,h
Southern Aasociation of Colleges
and Secondary Schools and the
Association of American Universi- ties. both of whom now fullv ac- credit the University. Leo M. Cham- secretary of the University
Facultv. rerjorted to the leeislature.
The SGA appropriated $30 to the
Campus Community Chest fund, in- creasing the sum by $5 over last
The Student Loan committee reported that loans of $50 and $100
have been granted. The first two
applicants approved obtained financial aid from other sources.


Rowland Elliott, mho returned less
than three weeks ago from a
months visit in Europe will
dress tnc oocnl,lg meeting of the
tcampus drive for World Student
Service Federation funds at 1:15
m. tomorrow In the Music room
Pof the Union building--. The meet-Miring is open to all students.
Eliott will also be the principal
speaker at a joint meeting of several arts and sciences college classes
at 10 a. m. in Room 302. Frazce hall,
nnd nt fi n m in the fonthnll rnom
for a meeting
tne lnternationa,
relations classes.
He is expected to tell of visits to
Swiss. French and Spanish intern- ROWLAND ELLIOTT . . .
mps. of talks with religious
. . just
off lust hunt I rum
and PI,t,cal leaders'
Europe will sftrak In students
of the ,iVes f
homes, in temporary shelters, talks 'umorroie.
ith indi' idute nd authorities in
Internment and refugee camps and
ing to attend the dinner should call
consultations about prisoner-of-wher office before 10 o'clock Satur- day morning.
Sent to Europe by the World StuAnn Morrow, executive secretary
dent Christian Federation and the
of the YWCA. will introduce the
World Student Service Fund,
lioU was an ambassador of the stu- - speaker, who will discuss "Food,
dent in America to the students In Fight, and the Future."
Europe who are prisoners of war
Receiving the last visa granted
hat '" being done In an American to visit in Europe. Elwar prisoner's camps and to see liott left LaGuardia field jn New
what needs the students had that York on November 28 by clipper.
could be benefitted by American Two days before "Pearl Harbor",
he went through the German conDean Sarah B. Holmes, chairman trol of the "Zone Occupe" to Gencf the International Relations class, eva. He visited in France. Germany.
has announced that anyone wish Geneva, Spain, and Portugal.

students will be taken on
the National Youth administration
rolls this semester, although about
35 NYA men and women have
not returned since last semester.
Dean T. T. Jones, one of the campus directors of the NYA program,
said yesterday.
Those who have not returned
include the ones called into the
armed forces and the ones who
felt that without NYA aid they could
not afford to
The University's NYA office began the year with an appropriation
of $36,000, which was cut $2,000
in December. There will be another
$2,500 cut in March, leaving only
$7,000 to complete the year. Last
year's appropriation was about

two-wpi- ed


Vols Invade
Alumni Gym Tomorrow

Freshmen are still freshmen
even after a semester of hobnobbing with the intelligentsia.
One of the Patt Hallers signed
the Consumer's Pledge at the
women's convocation last Friday.
This is the document being circulated by the defense program
which reads, "As a consumer, in
the total defense of democracy.
I will do my part to make my
home, my community, my country, ready, efficient and strong."
Evidently the little gal hadn't
read what she had signed. For
yesterday, clutching a magazine
containing a copy of the pledge,
she approached an upperclass-ma-

No new


High-Flyin- g

Tve Enlisted'

May Be Abolished
By Next Year

Rowland Elliot
Will Address
Two Meeting's



'Look,' She Gasped

Entire Program

War Prison Worker
To Speak Saturday



Against Kentucky cCats


UK Draft Registration
Set For February 16


thing called the draft will
( That
become more significant to several
hundred campus men when all University students and staff members
between the ages of 20 and 44 who
have not registered under the selective service act do so Monday.
All male citizens and aliens not
previously registered, who have become 20 years old before or on
December 31. 1941, and who have
not reached their 45th birthday
before or on February 16, this year,
must register.
University registration will take
place from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. in
the gym annex on Limestone street,
it was announced by Frank D. Peterson, University comptroller.
Although the comptroller issued
a call earlier this week for assls- tance from the University staff in
administering the registration, only
one person had answered his call
at 9 a. m. yesterday morning.
Mr. Peterson requested that all
faculty members or students who
are willing to help contact the military department by 3 p. m, today.
Students will be excused from class- -

"Look!" she gasped in a hor-

Win Would Put
Kentucky Cats
On Conference Top

Kernel Sports Editor
capacity crowd is expected
to be on hand when Tennessee's
Alumni gym tomorrow night, seekROTC summer camps will be
ing their second victory over the
discontinued for the duration of
Wildcats this season, the Vols hav$46,000.
the war and for six months
ing defeated Kentucky
"There will be no NYA aid next
afterwards in compliance with
Knoxville January 17.
year, Dean Jones said, unless the
War department orders. Colonel
Although the Southeastern conferengineering college initiates classes
Paul C. Paschal, head of the milence championship will not be at
similar to present defense training
coures offered
itary department, announced
"by the
stake, the outcome of the game
college. These courses include weld
for training at the advanced
will probably play an important
ing, tinwork, riveting, etc. After
Instructors ordinarily, used
part in determining the champion.
the work in the classes is finished
course camp will be available
If the Wildcats down the Vols and
the men are sent to other locations
for instruction elsewhere as a
to finish their study. They are then
win over Georgia Tech Monday
Miss Margie, known as Miss Marresult, officials said. In all progiven jobs in various industries.
night, and Tennessee loses just one
guerite McLaughlin only in sched- bability they will be used to
The reason for the cuts in the
more conference game besides to
Ullle hOOk W Q f ctrinttv fnrmal nf?aii!
teach in the advanced course
NYA appropriation was the desire on
morrow night's scramble. Kentucky
at the University this
the part of some of the senators will tell "What to See in a Play"
will finish on top of the conferbut nothing definite has been
and representatives to eliminate In her open class at 10 a. m. Tuesday
decided on this point as yet.
ence heap. However, should Tenj all
spending. The en In room 54. McVey hall.
nessee repeat over the Cats they
rollment will undoubtedly decrease
She will review a number of
next year as a result of the abolish- Broadway plays she saw during the
than place of residence', telephone, will take the conference laureLs
ment of NYA aid to students. Dean Christmas holidays, giving her per
age, place of birth, occupation, even if they should be upset by on
Jones said.
onal criticism, and will discuss varname and address of person who will of the remaining foes on their
"There is no doubt that NYA ious techniques of critical writing
always know the registrant's ad- schedule.
has increased our enrollment, as of drama.
dress, employer's name and address,
400 students earn
Miss Margie has been with the
At 3 p. m. today in the gym an- and place of employment or busClassed as the Souths two bitenough for tuition and books each Journalism department since 1914, nex,
the volunteer administrators iness.
terest rivals, the Wildcats and the
year," he added.
the year it was founded. When Prof. will meet to receive instructions
Vols are expected to go at it "tooth
550 students each re- Enoch Grehan, then managing edIn 1936-3from a federal supervisor of the
enrollees and nail" from
After registration,
ceived $135 The following year that itor of the Lexington Herald, was selective service.
the opening tip.
will be given pocket identification scheduled for S o'clock,
amount was divided among 750 stu- selected to become head of the new
until the
must be carried at all final gun is fired.
Willful evasion
dent. Year before last it was es- department, he brought along Miss registration and of the duties of cards which
any attempt to times.
timated that 70 of the 350 graduates Margie, who had been a. Herald
The Mehen brothers have been
From the 165 boards in Kentucplaying basketball since they wer
had gained their education through reporter since her graduation from prevent other persons from fulfill- by
ing this duty are punishableky, the new registration is expected
NYA aid. That in Itself will show the University a year before.
grammar school and have been
fine, imprisonment, or both.
200.000 the big guns
to compile approximately
the probable effect on enrollment.
in Tennessee's offen
The ten questions the registrants names. The total was arrived at on sive this season. Bemie led the Vol
Dean Jones said.
From her classes have come such must answer are name, place of the basis of 60 per cent of the scoring with 13
Another estimation revealed that
points in the first
men as Gov. Keen Johnson; Tom residence, mailing address (it other first registration, it was explained. Wildcat
during any one year over one-ha- lf
while Dick
of the students on NYA could not Underwood, editor of 'the Lexington
was held to seven markers by KenHerald; John F. Day. author of the
have attended school at all with
tucky's Brewer. Ermal Allen, howKentucky book. "Bloody Ground."
ever, chalked up 17 points for tlie
out the aid.
and a score of editors in Kentucky
In July, the dean of men's office,
Cats to take
administrative departments under establishing of a judiciary departhonors
for the tilt.
Tlic committee system in the stu- - the president of the student body, ment and the replacement of the dean of women's office, the YMCA and other states.
There is not a week that goes
government will be replaced This was called the best form of committee system by a more cen-b- y and YWCA will continue to fur
By recent comparative
nish employment service to stu- bv that she Ls not railed unon tn
a more centralized executive set organization under present political tralized executive department,
which can t be taken as much indi"Anything from how to join the
luncheon, banauet. club
sDeak at a
up and a judiciary department will theory by Uhel Barrickman, law
The amendment is printed in lull dents, Dean Jones said.
cation as to the outcome of other
t0 now to
Last year the University's NYA meeting, or all three. She has been air
be established by an amenndmcnt student, and John Reeves, instructor elsewhere in today's paper.
basketball games. Kentucky should
available at a new defense
committee, composed of Dr. E. Z. president of the Lexington chap- this week.
in nriliriml sricnep
beat the Vols by nine points. Ten-i
Palmer, chairman; Dean Jones, and ter of the Alumni association and information committee office to be
judiciary-execuThe Judiciary amendment was
nessee took a
This proposed
decision from
is a member of the executive board bc se UP Probably next week on the
Dean Sarah B. Holmes, aided about
Alabama for a seven point margin.
live amendment to the Student Gov- - composed to establish a body of
450 students. A total of $45,900 was of the association.
while the Wildcats romped over the
Association constitution, students selected by the legislature
new committee is headed by
paid them.
Open classes, of which Miss Mar- body in pe- - whose duty it would be to intrepret
submitted to the student
for a 16 point advan-- j
In the NYA program, students gie's is the first of the current Dr- Frank L. McVey, president emer- tage. Alabama, however, lost Jim
tition form has been a subject of the SGA laws and try all cases
are permitted to earn $10 to $15 per semester. were inaugurated last fall itus of tne University, and is one
Roth, a key player in the Tide at- controversy on the campus for three dealing with infringements of the
month at a flat rate of 30 cents by the arts and sciences college jof tne committees appointed Tuesday
tack, early in the Kentucky battle.
an hour. They are selected on the with the primary motive to interest Dv President Herman L. Donovan
Under the present organization
while Tennessee had to contend
It has been revised and
gathered students in fields other than those to correlate the University program
of information
with the stellar Crimson guard for
committee and there is no provision tor a judicial
by the amending
from forms sent them before the in which they are concentrating. with the nation's war plan.
j all but three minutes
of their enadministration several department.
school term begins, from testi Eight other lecfures hfiwe been
University defense councils for
counter with the Tide.
monials, and from school records. scheduled for this semester.
men and women students were also
All efforts were made by the comKentucky will meet Georgia Tech's
Tlie origin of this revision of the
set up by President Donovan to an- the amend- ktiirinnt pm'frnmpnt mav he traced mittee to
Yellow Jackets here Monday night
ment with the University ri4-- swr questions about selective ser
public health work during warto the second semester of last year
and will close their regular camprocess of re-vice registration, draft organization,
paign against Xavier in another
when Russell Patterson, as one of which are also in the
home engagement
first official acts as Dresident of organization and to make it
Books for the boys! This will be- "It would be so much safer and and other war activity. The men's
next Saturdav
night. The Wildcats have defeated
the student body, appointed a com- - with the approval oi tne aanunisira- come a famihar pnrase as tne cam.
easier." he said, "to use potential- - council will be on full time duty.
Dr. W. S. Webb, head of the
both of these foes in previous games
pus representatives for the Victory
mitee to investigate the efficiency
ly beautiful set-ulike I have
Venn Henry Hill appointed a BoQk Campaign join in the
this year.
of the government and to make
found at the University of Kentucky Physics department, is head of the
faculty members Wjwide effort t0 cclIect ten million hf-LAi
for the improve- - committee of
as working bases for an extensive men's council, and Mrs Sarah B.
Tennessee is riding the crest of a
examine the amendment, ivuce it bocks for the men in service.
ni-- nt
of the set-u- p
program than to wait until some Holmes, dean of women, is head of
a long winning wave, having suf-- i
was submitted to President Herman
very great need of bacteriolo- - epidemic catches us
the women's council,
fered their only loss of the campaign
Plans for the drive were formuU Donovan and Dr. Hill for their
In the season when Duke's
j early
lirty campus leaders, in a meet- - recommendations and criticisms. The lated at a meeting held Wednesday - gists and for laboratory technicians and then start running around willy- - The information committee mem- Blue Devils nudged them out by
tne last mint, set their coal at 1508
hoc hum ralleri a "har- - night. Miss Laura Martin, assis- will develop because of the war," nlly trying to build laboratories and mers will hold a meeting Tuesday to
supply centers from scratch.'
discuss organization and the locathe new iiiinjms two points. The Wildcats are fresh
. . .is hi nil n
.irners U the petition by Thursday. monlous compromise" between the 18111 Professor of Library science is the opinion of Dr. Leslie A.
from a
tion of an office, it was learned yesconquest over AU- -:
reading -- we ine unaer - committee and the administration.!""
defense iniormut mn i miniuttee bama last Monday and are expected
chief bacteriologist of the
torterday. This committee will not be
fcieiird approve the proposed amend- he amendment as submitted to
confined to use by students, but will whieh tells iii lime tn et in tin to be in better physical shape than
Boxes will be placed in the Union United States Public Health Service,
ment to the SGA constitution as ,he students this . week embraces
i they were at the time
be open to the public in general. air corps, eli
of the Knox-- :
rovisiniiK contained in building. Patterson hall, and the who visited the University bacterinuhlislirrf in The Kernel Friday. .v,
ville encounter. Center Jim King.
ology department Tusday.
13," will be circulated on tne two original amendments the University library. A student com
Krbruiu-wtio played only a short time in the
mittee will solicit all the depart
the campus Immediately.
Dr. Sandholzr said that the govgame because of a sprained
j first
ments of the University, the resid- ernment should institute some proIt was emphasized that students
First meeting of the spring sesankle, has fully recovered and ha
ence halls, sororities and fraternity
should sirn but one petition and sign j (lOITiperS KepOTt
sion of the CPT class will be held
exhibited some fine pivot work in
and scientific gram for the development of such
7 p. m. Monday hi room 203 of
recent games. He will be ready t
books published after 1935 and all bacteriology laboratories as main- - at
should be turned in at
relieve Big Mel Brewer should the
types of - fiction are being sought. tained bv the University under the tne Armory it was announced yesRoom 127 of the I nion before trb.
With Anna Ruth Thoman, plan- - occasion arise.
Magazines and newspapers are not supervision of Dr. Morris Sherago. terday by Colonel Howard Donnelisi, ana ueia. w. cuius, organist. kimii.s( irnrl hv
Coach Rupp indicated that he
VVuinii, for thej
A report on "The Philosophy of acceptable.
of flight classes as accompanists,
"Not only will the army, operat- ly. Organization
u.uversuy first t,me thl. vear
would start the same line-u- p
Influence on
for ing in Dlaces where water sunnlies and all administrative matters will Mens Glee Club,
Jcanette Graves is chairman
Samuel Gompers: Its
under the direc
be taken care of at this meeting.
American Thought" will be prescnt- - the campaign on the campus and mim
The entire program is dedicated !si.uieu tiie rt.duauia game, ir.is
Tlirw. n.ir KjVv lf lllQ "Mill II t
that Ermal Allen and Waller
Reed 10 the
Py Kitty Collins is in charge of collec- - where food must be inspectetl con. Prof. David Young will begin his tion of Donald Afternoon willMusics le to the men of the University who means will be the
the Sunday
returned to school this year and
forward posts.
cvjurja in meteorology and also
club at 8 p. m. Monday In Frazee tlonare now serving with the armed White
stantly to prevent food poisoning.
at 4 p. m. Sunday in Memorial
framed the amendment with
Big Brew at the pivot; and Marvin
i. it
u V.A nliih'c c(wrnsi
forces of the United States. The
The committee for solicitation and necd trained bacteriologists,
visions thev believed necessary. ral1
but dents added instruction to those stu- hall.
Akers and Captain Carl Siaker at.
taking a
collection includes Kilty Collins. Pat they also will be in high demand in
American compositions will make last number oi the afternoon will the guards. This Is Rupp's most exThese members were Bob Amnions, semester',
the subject February 25.
serve as a tribute to the Glee
programs scheduled by the Rimmer.
Pat Oldham. Margaret civilian areas.
up the entire program, which will
Jim Collier, and Richard Adams.
perienced and best defensive com-- :
The class will meet again at 7 emphasize a patriotic theme in Club members who have been called
Erskine. Ann Collins, Pat Cottrell.
Originally two amendments were philosophy club for the current
Tn,s crowdill(
in pro. p.m.
bination. Kenny England, guard.
EdD. Mcln- - view of present world conditions. to service since they joined the
Tuesday in Prof. R.
Elizabeth Noble. Marjorie Hunsinone establishing a ju- - ' mcster include reports by Prof.
ducU(m centcrg supplies lhe d
and Lloyd Ramsey and Milt Ticco
die iary department, the other re- - ward Newbury on March 2; Ann ger, Peggy Robinson, Betty McClan- - Qf epidL.mic;. ne sald ..Food and tyre's room in White hall and stage decorations and lightine will organization in September.
forwards, are also expected to
inursday at 7 p. m. in Prof. R. E. feature the national colors.
The program is as follows
vising the executive system of the Morrow, YWCA secretary, March 16; ahan. Bertha Allen, Joanne Thorn- - mk ald watef aJ1
' action.
bhavers room in the Engineer Stanley Morton, March 30; Prof, ton. Martha Key O oss. Mary Jane ful,
Membership in the Men's Glee
SGA. However, it wa.s decided that
and tnclr
Coach Johnny Mauer's starling
both provisions should be combined Konrad Bekker. April 13; Shiley Riggs, Jane Scott. Alice Kmnaird. controed by experts ...
jClub is open to any male student
w,w ....
Noble outfit likely will be comprised
Brightwell, Sarah Bogan, Bettie Nollau. Frances
and Louise
All students of the fall session interested in singing; t is not tin- Lord s prav.r
into one piojxjsal; thus simplifying Thomas
Dr Sandholzer said that under who are
nrr iij'wl Puul Herman and Beniie "Houdim"
April 27; and Robert Scott, May 11. Jinkins, Virginia Hill. Reva Shein- ii's "r H' '1' "' As,' p "
limited to those with unusual sing- subject to
enaction of the revisions.
Mehen. forwards; Bernie's little bo- 11
Jean ,hc P,escnt reflations deferment on February 23 are advised to be ing ability.
Thes' original amendments werci Organized in 1940; the Philosophy berg. Sonva Gravenkcmucr.
ther. 6 ft. 5 inch Dick Mehen. cen-- I
Dacierioiogists was a nnwnt. at. Ih....
N..ble Cam
t'oinr lu Mf 11, My t)rein
Hub meets weekly to hear reports Mills. Lura Ann Maver. Jane Ru - oi slum-iinns tn nhtuin
discussed in oen meetings to which
ter; and Mike Balilaris and Buny
gradu- - bin. Mary Ann Macke, Eleanor Po - """"
' special instruction to prepare them- - group have
Ixitli fatuity and students were in- and discussions. Students,
entered the armed How on ill?
boards but that he expected some Kelve fir Iho vMr,nrl tpvt
riLdll Cu Ikiv Sou: O'Neil, guards.
fnrifK,, Ihu 0..lf,..B ntAn.kn.l.i.. V.n..
-- ..inninn ...c.uciaii.i,
vited. The Kernel published these ate workers, and faculty members well, Marjorie Pal more. Peggy Hart- v..w
Krmo Knn((
.tee Mountain Sontf
for tomorThe probable
provisions would be
man. Martha Koppius. Kathleen
Some vacancies in spring session been reduced to 65 for this concert old King col
amendments and accounts of the are members of tlie organization.
Paul Tol.ner row
Persons interested In becoming Budde. Adalin Stern. Anne Carter mude ln ,lle future to allow them remain to be filled and those stu- although new members: for the
members are asked to contact Prof. Felts, and Irene Bridgeman. Miss to continue their training.
dents whose names were on the sup- second semester will bring the total Vetfro J'olk livWs
. B. Mehen
He also thought that the govern- - plementary
John Kuiper, head of the philoso Adele Gensemer. head resident of
list should be present up to over 75.
It was pointed out that the exP
Nobody Konws iv- . Her'nan
R Merw.i
in de Watei
was a move phy department, at his office in Patterson hall, will act as adviser ment should make provisions now at Monday's meeting in order to
The Glee Club will enter the
ecutive amendment
O Ne:l!
three Neirro Sotri.'id's
m ..i,,,, ,i r..ii...e nioc
U.r ll, r.r,.i
fir ;i'tv:ivo Ijhotat iHu.c tr nJH In h, i,r,v,rl f..r fim!
t'r:r.T Il.l1


ror shaken voice. "I've enlisted
in the army!"



Play Reviews,

Plays She Saw
Will Be Subject





non-defen- se



War Department

Orders Canceling
Of ROTC Camp



SGA Amendment Is Result

Of Three Semesters' Work

Committee Organized To Give
Campus Defense Information
















From University
Join Book Drive






Ilr It All!















irst PrOgTaitt

Qf PhiloSOphy Gill)




University Men's Glee Club
rlo Give Sunday Musieule



















wmu.Y nrrRnto







at lllnflnn.

A.'t nr






.U - D04't







M OO One

Wool i ik trip.
1! i fnmfatk



Atl tinned mrttrle eM cr.ltiWTHf are In he enntltereS the
i.fiinitnn nf the writer 1hemelre, unit do nr,t rterettartlf
tiller! the t)ptvinn ot The Kernel.


America's Painful Dilemma


Iliissin is ,'iihu rahle to a flanking mo,etni nt
o m the south.
Snuggle to keep up your sense of n neon-tern- ,
lell xoiirsclf that there's nothing to get
hid alxnit. Kxen go so far as Roger llahson (See
Soio .YofY.v) and advocate "getting your share"
of the consumer gotids left, hoarding if necessary.
And some tlav xou'll wake up with the Britshelling
ish and lrenth fleets.
New York City.
America is far from
No. in v good
being "all out." America's jw?ople slill think
i lux
are impregnable (so did they al Pearl
Harbor), still aren't ready to put out lor the
xv a i cllort
(neither was France), still want to
hang on to their last bits of "normalcy."
I he
toi orations are slill holding out in many
tasts lor that last nickel of profit, goxernment
olluials are still fumbling around about getting
pioductioii under wax. America's eople
are siill smug and complacent, cvccting things
in break their wav anv tlav noxv but not axvake
enough to make their own breaks.
America slill doesn't know she's at war.


limits ;ur

where Russia is
Uiail in xuiu newspaper
m.ikinj; smashing diivcs against Germain. And
then look at n map ant! see uhat littlr distant r
tl, c
have tn.ercd.
Sec in I lie mux it s luixv the plant's ait lulling
nil l American assimMx lines. And thru dirt I:
nji tin thr figures and see tlmt tlrli.'ri irs aie
i,t limit s i hedule
Heat on lilt' i ail in alKiui llu- iicmcncluiis
lossis inlliilftl on I !if Japanese al SingaMire.
Ami i lift) hioli al tin' map and sir tlmt. lows
in mi limn, they luree gained thru tdijrt tivr.
lell oin liicnds thai I he war will he oxer in
a xe.n. And then stop to srr Japan, tontudling
Singapore, holding thr Dutth Fast Indies, tutting i. II thr Riirma road, threatening Java and
Inter Australia. Sre the Axis fortes in Atnin
sueeping to the Fast onte again ant! notue that



"An iniernation.il cartel ot French and Gcr-inaintlusii ialists were reliahlx reHinetl totlax
to haxe starlet! organizing a new campaign
a iHgoiiated
icaie Intween f.ermanx and the
Nations on business grountls.


These international industrialists, a qualified
soinie sail!, aiguef! tliat Japanese toiujucsts in
the Patilii . . haxe put Japan in a (xisiiion to
seize and dominate world markets ii the Wesin fighting the xvar to an
tern Powers
end." Reported by Robert F. Bunnell. Asson-ntePress. London.






llachfzroiuuh Of

Changes Should Bring
SGA More Efficiency

good chance to eliminate the bumbling and
tumbling of the Student Government Associint SGApholes jioint out-w- ill
ationthe first
lx- gixen I k students this week when thex
will haxe the opportunity to dear up the messy
committee system.
As explained on this page, the purpose of the
amendments proposed, and printed in full
is to prox idc a method for holding com.
mittees responsible, to make them easier to
untangle generally some of the
and to
knotted organiat ion.
It also xWll prox idc students a greater xoiic
in their own affairs than over before in I'k
history, and xvill make one more step forward
on the road to real democratic student government.
We realize that the details of organiat ion are
usiiallx not of tontern to the average student,
bu in this case, in the long run. it will be for
his interests to sign one of the petitions circulating.
We can assure you that, though technical, the
new .'incndmcnts arc of great value.

"It is well to keep a xc.n's supplx of soap in
he house . . Motk up now on the kilt hen utensils which xou'll neetl for the net txvo xears.
Alxvaxs keep a gone! adxanrc supplx ol tannetl
;ixk1s mi hand as well as a new oil stove lor use
in an cmeigcnrx." Roger Rabson.



During the three years the Student Gox'ernment Association has
been in operation, no major change
has been made in its constitution.
The founding fathers still remaining on campus tell us that they
were none of them satisfied with
it either at the time it was ratified
or at any time since then.
Its form was the result of many
between the students and the administration, between various groups of students,
anci even between various administrative officials.
As a matter of record, the system
set up by the fathers (who are
the first to admit it) never has
worked satisfactorily. The committees have been unwieldy, hard to
convene, and essentially irresponsible.
There was no way to decide who
was supposed to make them work,
and no one to remove or punish if
they did not. There never was any
way for the student gox'ernment
to make or enforce any specific
rules for student conduct.
Everyone remembers last year's
legislature, which spent most of
the winter term working on the
budget. Finally, it became obvious
that a few changes would have to
be made before the students at the

r And Poticv



University of Kentucky could be
said to have an efficient and democratic system of
The amendments which are now
being proposed by a committee appointed by student president Russell
Patterson are designed to correct
as many of the defects in the present constitution as possible
form in which they are printed
elsewhere in this issue of The Kernel is the result of much careful
work and of a long series of discussions between the members of
the amending committee and t