What should the Churches of Christ, in Kentucky
and other loyal States, do with their returned members,
who have been in the armies and councils of the
Southern Confederacy or elsewhere-aiding and abet-
ting in the effort to overthrow the Government of the
United States and dismember the Republic
  Let no one take counsel of passion or prejudice
in the decision of this question. These are unsafe
counsellors.  The ears of passion are too dull to
hear the voice of reason and of truth, amid the noisy
din and senseless clamor, with which she is ever sur-
rounded; and the eyes of prejudice too feeble to see
the truth through the thick vail that ever covers her
  Let these both alike, then, be excluded from the
forum, the jury box and the judicial bench, and let
reason, in the clear light of the word of God, and of
the embodied wisdom and judgment of mankind,
decide the question. Let no considerations but the
interests of Zion, the good of those involved in the
question, the good of the churches and our common
country, be mixed up in the decision of this momen-
tous question. Let us remember that the eyes of
the allwise and benificent Ruler of the universe are