The Department of Modern Languages has made remarkable progress in the past few years., and, with little or no assistance in a financial way from the University, it has so improved that it now offers a course of study the equal of any in the South. The introduction of the French and German classes and the arousing of an interest in them among the student body has been the feature of the new course and we scarcely see how a better improvement could have been made on the old system.
Professor A. C. Zembrod, the head of this department, succeeded Professor P. Wernicke, who left to accept the chair of Mathematics in Washington University. Professor Zembrod is a native of Switzerland, being educated in both French and German, while only a small boy, and has absolute and accurate knowledge of both languages. He is well versed in the literature of both countries and takes an active interest in their literary progress today. As a friend of the student body, one who knows and sympathizes with its wants, he is foremost among the Professors.
He is ably assisted by Professor C. E. Melcher, who, although a native of this country, has spent several years in Europe and is well fitted for his position. Professor Melcher is also quite prominent in all student affairs and is one of the most popular members of the faculty.
With these two able educators at the helm, the Department of Modern Languages can look forward to many future years as prosperous, as successful, and as enjoyable as the past three have been.