Several i'. eiitucky berry growers found through experience
in 195l, that a sod or pasture field - planted to strawberries re·
sulted in failure - due to injury by grub worms and plant lice.
Short Memory
Just a few years ago some apple trees in Kentucky produced
over $100 worth of fruit per tree. Yet some growers are consi-
dering using the bul1—dozer on them now.
I Still Hungry
i Meadow and Pine mice like the flavor of tender apple bark,
B and poison is still more economical than valuable apple trees.
E Successful Blossom Thinning
1 Proper chemical sprays applied in petal-fall or ten days
E later on Golden Delicious and Transparent scored a"home rur1‘ in
several Kentucky orchards in 1951. One grower expressed his
T results as follows: "20¢ worth of spraying saved $5. O0 worth of
i thinning labor. "
ie Articles for "Kentuek Fruit Notes" are assembled under
g the direction of W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Kentucky
Experiment Station, who is located at the Western Kentucky
Experiment Substation, Princeton, Kentucky
ll 2300 - 12-51