1 check plots. 1 It is indicated, therefore, that a heavy spray yum
Off be allowed to take place when spraying if complete control is
to be attained.
{ 2
W. D. Armstrong (
1. Many winter—injury cankers have developed inthe crotches  
· of young peach trees. These cankers are oozing gum; as is the 1
usual reaction to trunk and crotch injuries of any kind. In many
· cases observed in the fall of 1951, these gummed-up crolqhes
have become infested with the lesser peach tree borer. which works l
in wounds and cankers above ground. These borers continue
their feeding during the warm days of the winter and then finish
feeding and mature during the spring. The presence of saw-dust J
_ like frass in the gum around the cankers and wounds is a sign
that these borers are present. Where these borers are numerous,
they can cause serious tree damage if they are not stopped.
Probably the best method of control that is effectiveduring .
the winter is to treat such areas with a solution of P. D. B. (Para-
dichloro-benzene) in miscible spray oil. This miscible (treated) `
spray oil can be bought by the gallon from spray dealers.
9 Directions: Dissolve 2 pounds of P. D. B. crystals in one
. gallon of the miscible oil. This will take several hours. Then
add enough water to make up to 2 gallons. Paint the mixture
onto the gummy, borer—infested areas. There is no need to
scrape off the gum and fi-ass before treatment.
r It should be pointed out that only the gummy or infested areas
should be treated and that the tree may be injured if the material
is brushed carelessly over large areas of healthy bark.
It is suggested that peach orchards be examined for the pre-
sence of these above-ground borers and that treatment be made
at the earliest possible time, preferably on a warm day.
For additional information see Circular 487.
1/ Of the 79 borers "wormed" from the trees on April Z0,
. 1951, -6 had already pupated. These proved to be pupae of the 1cS· g
ser peach tree borer; adults began emerging from these pupae on
April 30.
Authors Note: Recent work in New York shows that parathion is
_ more effective than DDT in controlling the lesser
1 peach tree borer.
. I 6