[twas especiallygratifying that Concord and Fredonia, two Pea}
gf the varieties whose fruits have been most outstanding, also mth
proved to be hardy enough in vine to survive the very severe Spr;
’ 1 winter of 1950-51. These two varieties can be planted with rea-
§ i sonable assurance that they will not be winter killed. However,
  most varieties if planted on well-drained sites can be expected to
` V survive all but the most severe winters.
, W. D. Armstrong Fe`:
As a result of the record sub-zero weather of February sca
1951, a number of Kentucky orchard men failed to apply a dor- tot
* mant oil spray, for fear of causing additional tree injury, since it, the
is a well known fact that dormant oil sprays have caused addition- the
1 ` al damage when they were applied just before or just after sub- of <
zero cold periods. Also, due to the fact thatmostKentucky peach
orchards received no summer sulfur sprays, there would be a
special need for a dormant spray to head off serious peach leaf We
` curl damage. Recent experiences in Kentucky and nearby states kilt
` have shown that heavy sprays and dusts of sulfur for summer con- Om
. ‘ trol of brown rot will also control peach leaf curl the following W1
spring without the use of a dormant fungicidal spray. However, gu]
‘ where the summer spray applications were not applied to peaches de
_ as in 1951, there is a special need for fungicidal dormant sprays.  
Since the 1951 season was warm and favorable for the in- tm
crease of scale insects, growers who have a scale problem bk
shouldmake preparations for a dormant oil spray on both peaches br
. ` and apples. Where an oil dormant spray is to be used, exper- SO
1 ience has shown that it is safer to wait until February to make Ou
this application than to do so in December before heavy winter
weather sets in. For apples, a 2 or 3 percent dormant oil emul- ly
sion spray or miscible oil spray, well applied, will take care of go
the scale insects as well as eggs of the European red mite. When (at
a DN material is added to this mixture, eggs of the rosy aphid BE
will also be controlled. For peaches, a Z or 3 percent dormant ml
oil spray combined with a 4-4-100 bordeaux mixture, applied be- G1
C fore any growth starts i.n the spring, will control peach leaf curl
and will also go a long way toward checking scale. Wf
Where scale is not a problem in peach plantings, a dor-
` mant spray for leaf curl will still be needed and this spray of
, €ith€T 4-4-100 bordeaux mixture or six gallons of liquid lime Sul- he
. fur per 100 gallons can be applied safely in either the late fall af- N(
V ter the leaves come off or early spring before growth starts. The  
reason this spray is absolutely safe in the fall is that it contains I
I no oil. As a final word of warning to all orchard men: Consider 3
your dormant sprays for 1951-52.
n 8