Where parathion has been used extensively in Kentucky
peach or apple orchards fortwo or three summers, there are
indications that scale is well under control, and that no dormant
Spray against scale will be needed during the winter of 1951-52.
W. D. Armstrong and N. R. Elliott
The sub-zero weather of late November 1950 and of early
February 1951 caused serious winter injury to fruit trees in the
western two-thirds of the state,and also to some shrubs and land-
scape plantings. In sorrie cases the trees and shrubs were killed
to the ground or snow line and never leafed out. ln other cases,
they leafed out and grew part of the season before part or all of
the plant withered and died. Still others did not show the effects
of cold-damage until fall.
Peaches: Damage was most evident in fast-growing young
trees.  these from three years to six years of age were
killed outright or injured in the crotches or on part of the trunk;
often on the southwest side. Where areas of bark were complete -
ly killed, depressions developed there, often followed by a flow of
gum from such areas. Many of these young trees have such
serious crotch injury that the trees will be weakened, their bear-
ing ability reduced, and their life shortened. Older trees showed
little or no crotch or trunk injury from the cold, though most of
them in western Kentucky suffered internal browning (called
blackheart). This will cause the main limbs to be brittle and to
break under a heavy load of fruit. Many mature peach trees and
sour cherry trees in dooryard and roadside plantings were killed
Apples: Most mature apple trees over the state, apparent-
ly sufETeTcTvery little real cold injury and in most cases bore a
good crop of fruit in 1951. However, many young apple trees
(ages 3 to 10 years) of the Stayman, RedDelicious, Winesap, Rome
Beauty,and Paducah varieties died during the summer, and many
more have serious trunk and crotch injury. Golden Delicious and
Grimes were injured to a lesser extent.
Varieties that apparently resisted injury to young trees
were Jonathan, Black Ben Davis, Yellow Transparent, and Lodi.
Landscape Notes; Over the state, much of the less hardy
hedges were killed to the snow line. However, the Ainor River
North hedges survived. Many Arbor Vitae Shrubs died as well
35 Rose of Sharon, Pussy Willow, Box Wood, Abelia, and Nan-
dina. Other trees that were killed or seriously injured by the
sub-zero weather were: Weeping Willow, Lombardy Poplar,
White Mulberry, and Mimosa. Many hybrid tea and clinging