xt7v9s1kj76c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1kj76c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19530306  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  6, 1953 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  6, 1953 1953 2013 true xt7v9s1kj76c section xt7v9s1kj76c The ECentucecy Kernel


Ray Anthony Band U.S.








Play Tonight
For IFC Formal







'"",W,1W f

March 2 Is
Date Selected
For RE Week





In Concert
Sponsor To Be
Phi Mn Alpha ,

Collier's Photographer
To Cover Annual Ball

A concert of American music will
be sponsored by the Alpha Gamma
chapter of Phi Mu Alpha, national

professional music fraternity, at 8
Ray Aiitlmny and his orchestra will play at the Intcrfraternity p.m. Tuesday in the Guignol
Council's dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight in the Student Union Theatre.
Transylvania College Choir, under
Rallrooin, Lawrence Riddle, dance committee chairman, announcthe direction of Harvey Davis, will
ed this week.
open the concert with a group of
There will lx no charge for the dance. Admittance will lx by American songs.
II) card only. All the girls will he given 1:30 a.m. permission. Also on the program will be Benof
The dance is formal and the IFC requests that no flowers he given. jamin at the assistant professor
University of Louispiano
His annual itinerary now includes ville.
For the first time since the war.
in Louisville as a
there will not be tables in the ball- - prom dates at colleges and universi-roo- recitalist, Mr. Owen has appeared
Tables will be placed outside ties throughout the country. The as soloist with the Louisville Symon the balcony and downstairs. Mu- - band has also been featured in Uni-m- c phony Orchestra.
will be broadcast all over the versal and Columbia musical films
Miss Virginia LuTz, a member of
and on many radio and television the UK music faculty, will sing a
Riddle said there would be no shows,
group of songs by contemporary
The one element Anthony refuses American composers.
table reservations for the dance.
"We are hoping that people will mix
The University String Quartet
around. Instead of staying with their
will play "A Suite for String Quar- particular group," he added. He
tet" by Gordon Kinney, associate
Ftresscd the fact that every student
professor of music,
on the campus was welcome.
The closing work, "Nonet for
Brass," by Wallingford Riegger of
Tommy Mercer Featured
A color photographer for Collier's
Northwestern University, will be
played by a group of UK music
Magazine, Mr. Zinn Arthur, will be
A students under the direction of
t the dance. Mr. Arthur is doing a r
Richard Kamm.
color picture story on the Bunny
Students, faculty and townspeople
Hop, a current dance step.
may attend the concert. There is no
Ray Anthony discovered the new
admission charge. Prof. Ford Montf"ance last spring on the West Coast
gomery, Phi Mu faculty advisor, said.
and contrived a tuneless tune to go
The program will include three
with it. He ordered a batch of fuzzy
southern hymn tunes, "My Shepherd
ears to give a touch of costume and
Will Supply My Need," arranged by
started plugging song and dance
Virgil Thompson; "Star in the East,"
across the country. Since that time
arranged by Lewis H. Horton; and
his name and the Bunny Hop have
"On Jordan's Stormy Banks," arbeen synonymous.
ranged by Harvey Davis. These seAnthony will have with him his
lections will be performed by the
orchestra and five vocalists.
Transylvania Choir. In addition, the
Vocalists will be Jo Ann Greer, Tomgroup will sing "The Last Words of
my Mercer, and the Skyllners.
David," by Randall Thompson.
Novelty and comedy will be provided
"Fifth Sonata for Piano," by
by trombonist Kenny Trimble.
Claude Almand, will be played by
Anthony discovered Miss Greer
during his recent Palladium en- - to tolerate is
In his opin- - Benjamin Owen.
"Sure on this shining night'' and
gagement in Hollywood. Miss Greer's ion "Be-Bois a horrible noise
voice was dubbed In for Rita Hay- - and he wants no part of it. He favors "Sleep now," by Samuel Barber,
worth in "Affair In Trinidad," and a full
He doesn't like "New Born" and "There Is a Lady
guest shots in Bob Hope's show.
using a mute, because he feels "it Sweet and Kind" by Norman Dello- Mercer joined the band in 1951 spoils that trumpet sound." His band Joio, and "La Bonne Cuisine," by
and has been featured from coast plays an average of 100 major col- - Leonard Bernstein, will be sung by
Miss Lutz.
to coast. He started singing while lege dance dates a year,
Members of the University String
in grammar school and at IS had
"Bands Are Here To Stay"
his own radio show. He has sung
To the question, "Will Vocalists Quartet are Kenneth Wright, Marwith various bands, such as Charlie replace bands?" "Never" replies the vin Rabin, Joseph Pival and Gordon
young orchestra leader. Despite the Kinney.
SpivKk and Eddie Duchin.
Anthny Stresses Versatility
fact that most of the
Anthony "The Voung Man With records feature voices rather than final selection will include William
James Etherton, Robert
A Horn" stresses versatility in his trumpets, horn blowing is here to George,
music. His orchestral presentations stay, says the maestro. Singers are Cooke, Joseph Buchanan, Mojrvyth
inn from Jazz and swing to novelties here to stay, he admits, but the Kinney, Bryson Curry, Fred Hines,
Ashley Ward and William Cole.
and sweet ballads for a well-ba- lbands are, too.
anced music program. He goes to
Anthony says his big ambition is
extremes to provide a maximum of to make a record that will sell a
visual appeal with his music, utiliz- - million copies. His major aim is to
ing such gimmicks as parading the keep America dancing and, if pos- To
band through the aisles of theaters, sible, to his music.
Students who wish to act as
guides during Freshman Orientation Week next fall should
register immediately.
Applications should be made
to the secretary of the University
Personnel Office, room 9, Administration Building.

Annual Observance
Will Include Speakers
Seminars, Assemblies






Theme of this year's Religious Emphasis Week, Sunday, March
8 through Thursday, March 12, is Time to Look at Lifts."
Assemblies, coffee hours and seminars are among activities
set for the five days. More than 150 .students have participated
in planning the observance.










Need For Quick Action
On Med School Seen

Need for immediate action on a
Dr. Chambers told members atmedical school for UK was empha- tending the meeting that there are
sized at a meeting of the Blue Grass 400,000 people within an hour of
Dental Society latt week by Dr. Lexington and that the eastern and
Francis Massie and Dr. J. S. Cham- southeastern parts of the state debers.
pend on Lexington for much of
Dr. Massie stated that Kentucky their hospital care, doing away with
has fewer doctors and dentists per the problem of having a lack of
capita than any surrounding states. patients.
Even if action on the proposed
school were started in the next session of the legislature, he said, it
would be 1965 at the earliest before
the effects would be felt in the doctor supply available. He predicted
that Kentucky will have one phyThe UK Board of Trustees has
sician for approximately 2,000 per- authorized the City of .Lexington to
annex the University's Experiment
Dr. Massie said the school, in Station Farm, President Herman
order to be completely effective, Donovan said this week.
should include medicine, dentistry,
Dr. Donovan said that city offinursins. and pharmacy.
cials asked the trustees last De- ut. vnamoers asseriea mat K.en- - ctmber to approve the annexation in
tucKys siaie legislature should put order that property on the other
more emphasis on the health of the side of the farm can be annexed,
people of Kentucky, adding that The citv can annex no DroDertv
other departments, such as game unless it is touching property aland fish, get as much or more at- ready within the city limits, he extention.
The trustees felt that good public
relations should be maintained be
tween the city and the University,
Dr. Donovan said, and since thej
could see no disadvantages in
annexation, they authorized the
Students who have not applied to proceed with the plans.
for degrees should do so today or
Saturday, Dr. R. L. Tuthill. registrar,
has announced. This applies also to
graduate students who expect to
complete requirements for graduate
degrees. Applications should be filed
m Koom 16. Administration Building.
The editors of Stylus, campus
Candidates for the bachelor's de- literary magazine, have announced
gree will be charged a graduation
that the deadline for students'
fee of $9, which ii:ludes rental of
cap and gown, diploma fee, and articles will be March 15. The magKentuckian. Candidates for ad- azine is accepting short stories,
vanced degrees other than the doc- essays, poems, and one-aplays
torate will be charged a fee of $20, from interested students.
Stylus, formerly entitled Vague,
which includes the cost of the hood
to be presented the candidate but will be published in Reader's Digest
does not include the yearbook. Fee form. and will be sold on campus
for the doctorate is $25. Graduation j' i..
fees are payable not later than the will be returned to the author with
fourth drey prerrrtiiig ruitiincnrc- - constructive comment from the li- terary staff.

Pictured alxve are the Re v. Rill Swift, Bonnie Conip-toReligious Emphasis Week Commit Ive
and Jim Hudson as they make preparations for Religious Emphasis Week which hegins
on the campus Sunday. An annual observance, Religious Emphasis Week will last through
Friday, March 13. Guest speakers will appear before University classes as well as at assembly meetings.


25 UK




A Message

In Two Colleges
Get 3. Standings



From Dr. Donovan
This Sunday marks the beginning of Religious Emphasis
Week. Through the week there will le many meetings and
classes in which guest speakers will discuss with students
and faculty the relation of religion to the program of higher
education, and religion as it relates to all aspects of life in
our University community.
This is a significant week in the University year. I urge all
members of the University faculty and staff and the students
to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Religious
Emphasis Week; to look intelligently and thoughtfully at the
meaning of life and what faith has to contribute to the enrichment of life. The theme of the week is "Time To Look
At Life." It is time, and here is our opportunity.

Nineteen students in the College
of Arts and Sciences and six students in the College of Engineering
made all . A's during the first semester.
In A&S, seniors mading a 3.
standing are Leland Brannan, Mildred Hart, Ernestine Huston, Robert
Lathrop, Patricia Patterson, Mary
Ray, William Snyder, Nancy Tur-maWilliam Waters, Thomas
Weide, Jack Wilhoit, and Penrith


Juniors include Judith Fauquier?
Sally Hill, and George Sanderson.
Elizabeth Bartlett, Charles Severs,
and Patricia Watlington, sophomores, made all A's.
Nancy Ann Roberts was the only
freshman in the College of Arts and
Sciences who achieved a 3. standing
for the first semester.
In the College of Engineering
four seniors, Wallace Emory Fluhr,
Armand Franchi, Cyrus Layson, and
James Curry, made perfect - stand-



Of Late President
UK Accepts


Henry Steilberg, sophomore, and
Abner Browning, junior, made all
A's in the Engineering College.
The list of honor students, was
released this week by Dean M. M.
White of the College of Arts and
Sciences and Dean Daniel V Terrell
the College of Eng ineermg.
The University catalogue describes
an "A" grade as work of exception- ally high quality.


The executive council of the Board
Trustees accepted a 2,200 book
library of the late President Frank
LeRond McVey.
- "He had a good basic library."
Dr. Thompson, director of UK li- traries, said this week. Thompson
commented tnat McVey's library is
a reflection of the intelligence and
care tnat he tQok m sek,ting his
reading matter.
Included are the Chronicles of
'America, a series dealing with the


history of the United States,
lished by the Yale Press.
Dr. McVey's library consists of
many social science books, because
this was his main interest, Thompson noted. Dr. McVey was awarded
a doctor of philosophy degree in
economics at Columbia University
and his specialty, in the social sci-of



Dr' ThV"8011 commented that
(Continued on Page 3)






ir 1') in



audience of approximately
attended Heidfs "American
Wav" show Wednesday night in
ii..mni.i.i u ii.. Li .,iii,.K i n j i v u 11..j
At i iii'i .til rviiiian...
rvltones were awarded first prize of
$25 by audience applause. Mrs. Her- An








UP t

KHSPA To Be Guests
For Journalism Clinic
Approximately 500 high school
and student publication
advisors will be guests of UK at the
annual Kentucky High School Press
Association Clinic to be held on
March 27 and 28. Dr. Niel Plummer.
director of the School of Journalism,
announced tMs week.
staff members and
other specialists in the field of jour- will serve as leaders in the
discussions and as advisors during
The students and ad- of each school are being urg- ed to bring editorial, photography
and yearbook problems to this
year's clinic.


University stuednts who plan to
take the Selective Service College
Qualification Test during the coming year are advised to obtain test
applications immediately. Dr. Lysle
W. Croft, director of the UK Per- -



ren also received $25 as second prize.
The Deltones, a Delta Tau Delta
quartet, is composed of Jimmy
a music major; Jim
Moore, a music major; Gus Kalos.
a music major; and Tom Hutzler.
an enKir.eering major. The group
sang the Quartet from 'Rigoletto."
using lyrics which they composed,
Mrs. Herre:i, a senior music ma- jor. sang "A Heart That's Free."
Ihiilt Given Hurspshur
Dean A. D. Kirwan presented
uoirH win, a Vi n.ct. .iiiuc iiuill oit.
in "i. nun iiui .n
tion in behalf of the three organi- zations on the campus sponsoring
the show, ODK. Lances, and Mortar
The audience anne:irirf tn pniov
the show which emuhasized the
overall youth of the performers with
its blasting music, colorful lighting

",p'- '



pacing. Heidt eviand rapid-fir- e
dently believes in the "Blast and
fast" show treatment for his show
opened loud and stayed loud.
Youth was emphasized over and
pcr- over during the
formance by Heidt who repeatedly
used such phrases as "the Ameri- can way," "youth's opportunity,"
and "freedom of opixrtunity."
"American Way" Explained
Heidt explained the "American
'ay" idea as originating when the
show tt'nc Tlfviii'i' fvdiiiipd Gei'inaiiv.
about a year and a half ago. The
response to the "land of opportu- nity iclcas expres.sed by the Heidt



Germany, as interpreted by an
American attache, determined Ileidt
to play his present


Students mtending to take the
test of April 23. the next adminis- tration date of the exam, should file
applications at once, he said. This
will be the last test given during
the current academic year.
Application blanks and informa- -'
veling show to raise money for an tion bulletins mav be obtained bv
international tour.
from the nearest local
Outstanding acts in the show Wed- hoard Th. v do not have to return
nesday included comedian Johnny home to the local Selective Service
"It's In the Book" Standley; Dick board which has jurisdiction over
Kerr, comedian and imitator; Lou them.
Prochut, accordionist; Jim Andy
Students should follow instruction
Caudill. former UK student, jazz in the bulletin, fill out the applica
trumpeter: Jack Rowley. 1952 na- tion and mail it in the special
tional junior hih school baton envelope provided. Dr. Croft extwirling champion: Betty Cole, 16- - plained. Applications for the April
year old sinyer; the Heidt Steppers, 23 test must be postmarked no
eight youn( gri precision dancers; .,ter than midnight, March 9.
the Four lildens, acrobats; Ralph
Results of the test will be reSigwald, singer: and Conley Graves,
ported to the student's local Selecpiano.
The Deltones and Mrs. Herren tive Service board for use in conwere chosen for the Heidt show sidering his deferment as a student.
from among 103 competing acts that Preperation and administration of
tried out last week in the studios of the exams are under direction of the
WBKY. John Muruhv. Heidi's chit!
Educational Testing Service.
talent scout, made the selections.

Finalists Appear On Heidt Shoiv

The Deltones and Mrs. Patricia Eads Herren, UK finalists
for the Horace Ileidt show
Wednesday night, were invited
to appear on the Heidt radio
show. The Deltones sang on last
night's show, broadcast from
Louisville. Mrs. Herren will
sing on the program either

Stylus Announces
Student Deadline

T ii









Student activities Monday through
Thursday will include coffee hours
in the Music Room of the Student
Union, at 10 a.m. and at 3.30 p.m.
Seminars, in the form of court trial
will follow the afternoon
periods at 4 p.m.
Trials' Planned
"trials" will "indict" students
on different charges, using court- procedure, judge and jury. The
"docket" is:
Monday: Charge, you are a
snob. Prosecuting attorney. Dr.
James Gladden.
Tuesday: Charge, you are a
griper. Prosecuting attorney. Rabbi
Maurice Davis.
Charge, you are a
. Wednesday:
Prosecuting attorney,
the Rev. T. B. Cowan.
Thursday: Charge, you are gul.
lible. Prosecuting attorney, the
Rev. Yandell Page.
For each seminar, the "prosecuting attorney" will state his case;
students will hold buzz sessions to
at a defense; and a jury,
headed by George Shadoan, pre-lastudent, will arrive at a verdict,
'.Trials" will end at 5 p.m.
The "indictments" were explained
by Barbara Hulett, member of the
committee. "Snobs" wiU be
accused as isolationists, selfish stu- dents who form their own little
cliques. "Gripers" will be indicted Louisville.
Breakfasts Scheduled
for negative attitudes and for not
Also scheduled for the week are
will be
enjoying life. "Buck-passercharged with war apathy and with 7 a.m. breakfasts, Monday through
blaming everything, in indecision. Thursday, in the Student Unioa
on the war. The indictment for Football Room, for the
ueing guiuoie wui accuse siuueiiui
( Continued on Page 3)
of being gullible about the view- -

Eligible Students
Advised To Apply
For Draft Exam

Filing Of Degrees

points of professors in class or about
religion acceptance without under-Guign- ol
Nine Assemblies Set
Nine assemblies will be held on
campus during the week. Monday.
an agricultural assembly is set for
10 a.m. in Memorial Hall with Dr.
N. D. Peacock. University of Ten- nessee, as speaker. A social studies
assembly is also set for 10 ajn.. with
Rabbi Jacob J. Gittleman,
ville. speaking in the Guignol
ater. At 10:40 a.m.. the Rev. Cowan
will address a University High con-Tvocation in the College of Education
auditorium. Dr. Richard R. Caem-roomerer, St. Louis, will address a hu- inanities assembly at 11 a.m. in the
Guignol Theater.
Tuesday, an education assembly
at 10 a.m. in the College of Education auditorium will hear Dr. J. Edward Dirks. Lake Forest College.
Dr. Caemmerer will address a mu.MC
assembly at 3 p.m. in the Lab Theater, Fine Arts Building.
Wednesday will be
held at 10 a m., when Sam Adkins,
Louisville, associate editor of the
Sunday Courier-Journa- l,
a law convocation in LafTerty Hall,
and at 4 p.m., when Dr. Raymond J.
Seeger. George Washington
versity, will speak to a physical
sciences group in the physics lecture
room of Pence Hall.
Dr. Seeger will also address an
engineering assembly at 10 a.m.
Thursday in Memorial Hall.
semblies will also be held at the
University extension in Covington
and at the College of Pharmacy in

Trustees Approve
Farm Annexation

Is Set For Today

Opening convocation of the week
will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday in the
Theater, when the Rev. T.
B. (Scotty) Cowan of Lexington will
speak. His talk will be followed by
a reception in the Music Lounge,
Fine Arts Buildiiig.

Student and advisors will be
structed in special sessions in the
production of a yearbook by offset
process. Also persons interested in
stencil duplicating newspapers will
have help available,
The clinic'! chief exhibit will be
prints of winning photographs
mitted for the 1952 National His;h
School Photographic Awards
test. Kentucky students are bein?
urged by the UK School of Joumal-th- e
in this year's
ism to
to contest.
Reservation blanks for the clinic
may be obtained from the School of
Journalism. All persons who plan
to attend the clinic should make
reservations early.
Dr. Plummer has urged the stuff
and advisors of yearbook publications to submit nominations for the
1952-5- 3
senior honors and the award
of the Marguerite Mclaughlin Certificate For Yearbook Service. Also
vnAnvn man
tll.lf ctlltuntc lift?
because of their outstanding W
in journalism.
The clinic will charge a $2.50 fee
per school, for an advisor and one
delegate. Additional delegates must
Pay a $1 registration fee.






TVl ToiH
, A trilIlMi

f' 1LV apllllllfl
A tour of state government
cies m Frankfort has been planned

r graduating seniors and grad- uate students by the Division of
Personnel of the Department of Finance in Frankfort. The group will
make the tour on Tuesday. March 24.
Seniors and graduate students
wno wisrl to participate in this tour
snouid mane arrangements wun ur.
Hambleton Tapp or Mrs. Katherine
Kemper. University Placement
Service, Room 107, Administration
Building, at once. Transportation
will be provided. Plans call for the
group to leave from the Administration Building at 8 a.m. The tour
will take the entire day.
Students expecting to go on the
tour must make arrangements with
the deans of their t'ollista before
March 24.




Fridav. March



The Frying Pan

Annexation Of UK Farm
By Lexington Is Justified
Although there has been opposition to annexation of the University's Experiment Station Farm
by the City of Iexington, we lxlieve the UK Board
of Trustees were justified in authorizing the city
to go a1ead with plans to annex the farm.
If the UK farm remained outside of the city
limits, it would prevent annexation of any property
on the other side of the farm, lecaiise no property
can be annexed by the city unless it touches property already in city limits. Therefore, people living on the other side of the farm desiring to become part of the city could not do so. A hospital
now being constructed on South Lime will probably desire to be taken into the city.
The UK Trustees found that $4,000 per year
could be saved on fire insurance if the property is
annexed, because the city carries a lower rate on
fire insurance than the county. The farm will also
have better fire protection than formerly since the
city fire department cannot legally fight fires outside
the city's boundaries.
The problem of sewage disposal from the farm
will lie handled by the city without cost to the University after annexation. Surface drainage, which
has leen a past problem, will also lx? taken care of
by the city.
Members of the party opposing the annexation
wmild not give us reasons for their opposition, since
they considered the matter closed and since it is a
"policy of the University." However, we gathered
that one reason for opposition is that it is feared
the city might persuade tlie UK Board of Trustees


For 'Scientists'

University to do away with segregation laws.
They should liave gone further and said that segregation should be alxlished all over the globe.
Tle world can never hope to le free and just
so long as segregation and discrimination is present. People will noi give up tlieir petty prejudices
and inequity feelings. Recent statistics show that
college students are more tolerant than are adults
towards otlier races and religion. But there still
exists a great deal of racial prejudice among college students, especially in southern states. In last week's meeting, about 100 students took
part in a forum discusison on the subject. The
issue was divided into three topics: restrictive
clauses in Greek-lette- r
societies; personal prejudices
on the part of students and faculty; and the barring of Negroes from undergraduate schools of
the University.
Two world wars, in which men of every race
freeand religion died to protect our
dom, point an eternally damning finger at those
persons who profess the superiority or inferiority
of any race or religion. Only stupidity, a mental
blindness, can be attributed to these people. The
history of mankind has shown, time and time again,
tliat only those who ai free, and who recognize
the freedom of others, can survive.
There is no defense for prejudice. From the
viewpoint of Christianity, racial prejudice or prejudice against other faiths is not possible. Men
of wisdom have long recognized one of the basic
tenets of Christianity: each man, as a man, is
sacred, regardless of the church he worships in
or the color of his skin.
hard-earne- d

Has No Name

to use some of the farm land for buildings and residential sections.
This is, indeed, a good reason for opposing the
annexation, but we think the Trustees will have
more sense than to let such a thing happen. The
farm land must be considered as much a laboratory
for agriculture students as various buildings and
rooms on the campus are considered laboratories
for chemistry and physics students.
It is also feared the city would zone and patrol
the farm area when it is annexed. This is not so.
In reply to a letter from President Herman Donovan, the attorney general of Kentucky answered
"that neither the present zoning ordinances of the
City of Lexington nor any future ones will apply
to University property owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky unless the legislature delegates
to the city, by way of zoning statute, specific authority over State property."
Dr. Donovan said this week that the city of Lexington has cooperated with UK in many matters
and has always been a good neighbor. He said the
Trustees felt good public relations should be maintained lx'tween the city and the University,, and
since they could see no disadvantages in the annexation and since part of the farm is already within city limits, they authorize the city to go ahead
and make the annexation.
We agree with Dr. Donovan that the University
could not be "a dog in a manger" and prevent people on the other side of the Experiment Station
Farm from being brought into city limits when they
desired to be.

Prejudices And Discrimination
Should Be Abolished From World
A group of UK students took a noble stand
last week when they declared it is time for the

The annals of history contain names of such
men as Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering who
refused to accept the idea that all men are born
with certain- inalienable rights. Such men are insignificant now, except as an example. But the
world is still full of persons carrying on the work
of internal destruction of the nation by advocating
the superiority of certain groups.
A discouraging aspect about the problem of
segregation and sectionalism is that it is evident
on the campuses of American colleges and universities, including UK. This is an institution of
higher learning and is supposed to train young
men and women for life. One phase of that training, which apparently has been overlooked, is the
part which deals with understanding and appreciating the freedoms that have made our country

what if is.
If a professor is prejudiced that is serious enough,
for hatred is the most contagious of all mental diseases. If he professes his prejudices, he is a criminal of the worst kind, because education is the only
preventative or cure for prejudice.
The same applies to students, both Greeks and
Fraternities and sororities which
manifest the raving symptoms of prejudice contradict the meaning of "fraternity," brotherhood.
If prejudice, and, consequently, segregation is
ever to Ije alxlished, most of the responsibility will
be ours. It is a responsibility which should be
taken on with pleasure, for the freedoms which
allow us to study here are the freedoms which arise
from the recognition of the importance of the individual, not the race or creed. MM & RB

The most stublxirn loyal UK fraternity doesn't
have a Creek name nor a pin to go with it. Their
sign of membership is carrying two science fiction
magazines to class for every textliook.
Some of these science fiction fans have been
interested in planets and space ships since tli'-idiaper days; others are recent converts. They all
swear by cosmic days and Ray Bradbury and
violent if you compare science fiction with
comic books.
A few of them just call it
"escape stuff,' but a surprising
percentage of them can tell you
in scientific terms how soon well
get to the moon and why we
haven't gotten there before. One
I kivow can even tell vou whv t
we'd ever want to go there in the
honest fancier is quick to admit that there
is a lot of trash passing for science fict'on. They
say you can tell the real thing by its imagination,
accuracy, and enough philosophy to give it flavor.
If creatures from outer space decide to visit
.earth sometime soon, they should aim their rocket
for UK. They'd find plenty of friends here.


Man From Mars Comes To UK
To Get His Newspaper Story


Last night a man from Mars visited me here in
the Kernel newsroom. lie was a purple man, with
a green nose and skinny legs. It was only natural
that he should pick me out to confide in. He
thought I was another Martian.
His name was Xfrt, and he was a. reporter doing
a feature on the academic situation at various
American colleges. Xfrt was quite perturbed with
his findings, and here, recorded faithfully for those
who care, are his exact words:
"I was really glad when my assignment brought
me to UK. You see, even on Mars the name of
your University isn't unknown. There are quite a
few loyal UK fans up. there, all of whom still root
for you, even if it's only in intramurals.
"One of tlie first things I did when I got here
was to disguise myself, which was easy enough. I
slipped on; a, mask; with a blank expression and
swiped a loud sports shirt from one of the boys who
passed out" in liacli of Miller Hall. After that, I
proceeded to" attend some, of the classes here, and
let me tell you, I'm not at all pleased with the
"The very first class I sat in on was one dealing
with elementary principles of one of the fine arts.
One person, obviously of inferior intelligence, tried
to teach the students alxiut this art by having them
memorize a textlxxk. I felt free to speak up against
this, since all Martians have a natural love for the
arts. I casually mentioned that only a fool would
attempt to teach music, or painting, or any other
allied art from a textbook.
"Never, absolutely never, hav e I been so humiliated. I was ordered to leave the class! Before I
left, however, I gave that inferior person a lethal
dose of the Martian Itch Ray.
"After that, I sat in on a class dealing with a subject known to us as rudimentary intelligence. You
call it philosophy. Here, as in the other class, the
instructor did not meet with my approval. He insisted that we couldn't grasp the meaning of the

UK Students Show
Disinterest In SGA

Religious Emphasis Week Begins
With 'Time To Look At Life'
Next week has leon designated as Religious
Emphasis Week on the UK campus. It is a time
when every student should pause and contemplate
Lis own religious life, to take "time to look at life."
Religion is too often taken for granted by the
average person. Vast numbers' of modern men
and women are unable to affirm Christianity. Or,
if they do believe in Cod. they have such a childish conception of Him that it fails to stand up
in times of stress and crisis. This weak and nonexistent faith funis out to le the underlying cause
of much of the contemporary feeling of depression and inner torment.
These people constantly ask why