xt7v9s1kjj5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1kjj5r/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1950 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 26, No. 1, Summer 1950 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 26, No. 1, Summer 1950 1950 2014 true xt7v9s1kjj5r section xt7v9s1kjj5r The Quarterly Bulletin
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  3 i
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky. .
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year J
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Oflice at Lexington, Ky.. ‘i*_
under Act of March 3, 1879." {  
Copyright, 1950, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

   _ INDEX
    Alpha. Omicron Pi Social Service
P   Secretaries and Jeep (Illus.) 36
  "  Annual Report 3
n  1 Beyond the Mountains 45
Y .   Clinic Day at Mudlick (Photograph) Inside Back Cover
.   Eva Gilbert and Class (Il1us.) 43
t   Field Notes 48
`   From Fear to Trust Martha Morrison 19
``»» .  In Memoriam 37
 ’ Jet Pilot Journal Every-Evening 27
g   Old Courier News 22
  Old Staff News 31
  Pauline Odessa Ramsey 25
{ Silver Anniversary Fund 18
I  Ar A Hen and Her Ducklings (Photograph) 30
  A Request Child Family Digest 59
` n  ` Announcement 17
U f x Flying Saucers Denned Shelby Sentinel 35
V 1 From a Hymn of the Russian Church 59
4- Q  From the Report of the A.N.A. Kentucky Nurse 24
tv 1   Nurse Midwifery in India 42
n   Postscript to Summer 26
W·  1 Skaal . Light, London 44
I   True Tales 35
 ·· White Elephant 47

W. A. Hifner, Jr. Helen H. Fortune  
To the Oflicers and Directors,  
Frontier Nursing Service, Incorporated   A
. Lexington, Kentucky  
Ladies and Gentlemen:—  
We have made a detailed examination of your records and  
accounts for the iiscal year ended April 30, 1950, with the  ,
results as disclosed by the annexed Exhibits and supporting q
In our opinion all monies have been duly and properly W  _,
accounted for.  _
A summary of your operations for the year may be brieiiy  ‘
stated as below: ?
Total Revenue Receipts .................... $234,030.7 3  -‘
Total Expenses Paid ........................ 168,170.41  1
Excess of Receipts ............................ 65,860.32  .
Invested in Buildings and  
Equipment ...................................... 65,759.89 {
Balance, uninvested .......................... 100.43 l`
During the year your endowment and reserve funds were  A
increased by the total amount of $6,465.59, and are now in _
excess of $500,00000.  .
Your books have been closed under our direction and are
in accord with this report. ;
Respectfully submitted, A
Certified Public Accountants lg
Lexington, Kentucky U
May Eighteen,  ·§
Nineteen Fifty. ‘

   Faoucrma NURSING smnvxcr. z
` of the
, for the Fiscal Year
  May 1, 1949 to April 30, 1950
I As has been our custom for a quarter century, we present
_’ our annual report of the fiscal affairs and of the field of opera-
 ¤ tions of the Frontier Nursing Service to our trustees, members,
" and subscribers.
v_  We have, as in previous years, divided our report into two
i sections. One section is about money, and one section about
 I I- i
  Not for a number of years have we been able to print our
 . annual audit in full, for lack of space in this Bulletin or any
 F other publication we could afford to issue. However, all of the
A figures that follow are taken from the Exhibits and Schedules
  of the last audit. We have divided the figures into four cate-
 , gories, each one broken off into one page to make easier read-
_ ing. The auditors’ own Summary is the first category. The
e? second is their list of Endowments and Reserve. The third
i category covers all Revenue Receipts. The fourth category we
Q  have put into two columns—to the left the expenditures of the
" last fiscal year taken from the audit, and to the right our Budget
V for the current fiscal year based on last fiscal year’s expendi-
 I tures. The trustees adopt this Budget at their annual meeting
before it is put into operation. Last year’s expenditures exceeded
. those of the previous year by only $2,113.82. This is the first
 I time since the war in which there has not been a much larger
increase in expenditures. Some of our costs, notably feed for
_ cows and horses, fell instead of rising. The costs of maintenance
F of our vast properties was in excess of the amount of money
. included in the Budget for this purpose. However, the response
 _. to our request for special help under "URGENT NEEDS" was
I so generous that these costs did not exceed our income.
 ‘ Under a fifth category, called Inventory, we account for
 E the properties which our auditors value at $344,126.52. All five
” categories are given in sequence on the following pages.
 J ·

1. ,.
From Oflicial Audit for Fiscal Year j.
May 1, 1949 to April 3, 1950
RECEIPTS (not including new endowments) :  
Donations .......................................... $179,323.48 ' l
Income from endowments, bene-  
Hts, fees, et cetera ...................... 54,707.25 $ 234,030.73  
EXPENDITURES—-for operating expenses includ-  
ing repairs, replacements, upkeep, and a new I
building .................................................................... $ 168,070.41 (
Excess of Receipts over Expenditures ........................ $ 65,960.32  
New Endowments and Reserve received .................... $ 6,465.69 A
New Land, Buildings, Livestock and Equipment ...... $ 65,759.89  
Less—Charge-offs for deaths of animals, deprecia-  
tion, et cetera ............................................................ 1,711.13 i
Net increase in physical property ................................ $ 64,048.76 osq 
Value of Land, Buildings, Livestock, and Equipment--$ 344,126.52  
Total Endowment and Reserve (This is the value  L
of the gifts at the dates they were received.  4
Present values would probably exceed this  A
amount.) .................................................................. $ 505,701.64 l
Total Contributions and Income (exclusive of En- · ·.
dowment) from Organization to April 30, 1950-.$2,941,208.03 ·
Total Expenses (exclusive of Land, Buildings, and  Q
Equipment) from Organization to April 30, 1950.- 2,613,872.20  Vi
Excess of Total Income over Total Expenses ............ $ 327,335.83 {
This excess is represented by
Cash, and Cash items ...................... $ 10,395.11 Q
Land, Buildings, and Equipment .... 344,126.52  ,  
Total ............................................ $354,521.63 q'
Less—Indebtedness ........................ 27,185.80 $ 327,335.83  fi

 Tl l
ii 2.
or The total endowment funds of the Service at the close of
_. the fiscal year are taken from Exhibit D of the audit and are
  as follows:
' 1 Joan Glancy Memorial Baby Crib ...._........,..............._._ $ 5,000.00
lg Mary Ballard Morton Memorial ............._..__..........____.... 85,250.83
}?_ Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Fund No. 1 .............. 15,000.00
[ g Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Fund No. 2 .............. 50,000.00
1 Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial .................................. 15,000.00
I Isabella George Jeffcott Memorial .............................. 2,500.00
._ Bettie Starks Rodes Memorial Baby Crib r................. 5,000.00
  John Price Starks Memorial Baby Crib ...................... 5,000.00
Eliza Thackara Fund ........._................................._.......... 1,475.61*
  Children’s Christmas Fund in Memory of Barbara
‘ Brown ............................._....................................... ‘   1,000.00
7 Marion E. Taylor Memorial ............................................ 10,000.00
`_ Fanny Norris Fund ........................................................ 1g,009.gg
 S Marie L. Willard Legacy ................................................ ,12 .
i William Nelson Fant, Jr., Memorial .............................. 78,349.52
_ Mrs. Charles H. Moorman Bonds .................................. 1,100.00
 . Lillian F. Eisaman Legacy ............................................ 5,000.00
  Donald R. McLennan Memorial Bed ............................ 12,750.00 ‘
I Lt. John M. Atherton Memorial .................................... 1,000.00
, Mrs. Morris B. Belknap Fund ..................................... 1 10,000.00
5  Elisabeth Ireland Fund .................................................. 12,120.00
‘ Louie A. Hall Legacy in Memory of Sophronia
 - Brooks for a Center and its Endowment .............. 41,731.39*
 , Margaret A. Pettet Legacy ............................................ 1,953.70
 , Elizabeth Agnes Alexander Legacy ............................ 5,000.00
 4 Richard D. McMahon Legacy ........................................ 943.23
A Anonymous General Endowments ................................ 102,400.00
Mrs. W. Rodes Shackelford’s Fund in Memory of her 6 000 00
`· two children ................................................................ , .
 ‘ Cassius Clay Shackelford (a boy)
  Rodes Clay Shackelford (a girl)
 V Total Endowment ...................................................... $486,701.64
_ Mrs. Louise D. Crane .......................... $ 4,000.00
. Mrs. Frederic Moseley Sackett .......... 10,000.00
  Mr. Marvin Hughitt ............................ 5,000.00 19,000.00
  Total ________________,____._,,_,______.._._.._._....................... . ....... $505,701.64
  * Income added to principal.
.4  All others at original amount of gift.

 3. Yli
Statement of Donations and Subscriptions Paid 1
May 1, 1949 to April 30, 1950 ·:
Benefits and `
SUMMARY Contributions Bargain Box Totals _·
Alpha Omicron Pi Social Service »
Fund ........_.._.............__.._...._. ; ......... $ 3,770.00 $ 3,770.00 .
Baltimore Committee ...,......__.._.,,._______ 1,277.00 1,277.00 y
Boston Committee .......,........._....._........ 5,196.50 $ 1,845.48 7,041.98 ‘
Chicago Committee ........._.................__. 8,347.00 8,347.00
Cincinnati Committee ......................__.. 4,401.36 4,401.36 X
Cleveland Committee ............................ 6,529.54 6,529.54 ,
Detroit Committee ..............................._ 13,736.27 13,736.27  
Hartford Committee ............................ 765.00 765.00  
Kentucky:* i-
Blue Grass Committee .................. 4,623.71 4,623.71  F
Louisville Committee .................... 4,955.21 4,955.21  
Miscellaneous Kentucky .............. 3,118.00 3,118.00 Q
Minneapolis Committee ........................ 2,265.00 2,265.00  _’
New York Committee __________________________ 25,768.37 6,000.00 31,768.37
Philadelphia Committee ...................... 4,790.00 4,790.00  Y
Pittsburgh Committee .......................... 11,472.00 11,472.00 ,
Princeton Committee ............................ 1,361.00 1,361.00  ;
Providence Committee .......................... 1,555.65 1,555.65 I
Riverdale Committee ............................ 1,218.00 1,218.00
Rochester Committee ............................ 1,700.94 1,700.94 ,
St. Paul Committee .............................. 460.50 460.50
Washington, D. C,, Committee ............ 5,790.10 1,816.67 7,606.77  .
Miscellaneous ........................................ 6,822.33 6,822.33  
Sub-totals ...................................... $119,923.48 $ 9,662.15 $129,585.63 .
Add:  l
Building Fund, Margaret Voorhies  _
Haggin Quarters for Nurses ............ 59,400.00 59,400.00  A
Totals ............................................ $179,323.48 $ 9,662.15 $188,985.63 ·
* Total for Kentucky $13,699.92. »
Fees for Frontier Graduate School ·
of Midwifery .................................. $ 5,540.00
Payments from Patients:  ’
Income from Nursing Centers .... $ 7,539.27 i
Medical Fees ......__.._..__.__________________ 2,359.45  {
Hyden Hospital Fees .................... 3,887.40 ‘
Hyden Hospital Clinic Supplies- 2,355.33 16,141.45  ,
Wendover Post Office ............................ 2,085.03  
Investment Income ................................ 18,590.35
. Sales of Books and Post Cards .......... 75.08 _
Coal Royalties on Hyden Property .... 2,508.19  I *
Miscellaneous ......._...._....__.__..__._________________ 105.00 $ 45,045.10  y 
Total All Revenue Receipts ........ $234,030.73  3

 Y} 4.
Q SCHOOL OF MIDWIFERY: 1949-1950 1950-1951
  1. Salaries and Wages ................................................ $ 33,544.26 $ 35,000.00
» 2. Running costs food minus board of residents,
. cows, fuel, electricity, laundry, freight, haul-
y age, et cetera) .................................................... 11,154.77 13,000.00
* 3. Dispensary Supplies (Note 1) ............................ 10,776.08 10,000.00
X _ 4. Medical Director (Note 2) .................................. 2,091.83 3,000.00
J $ 57,566.94 $ 61,000.00
  DISTRIOTS (Wendover and Six Nursing Centers) :
1 1. Salaries and Wages ................................................ $ 28,545.92 $ 30,000.00
i- 2. Feed and Care of Horses (Hospital, Graduate
  School, Wendover, and 12 districts) .............. 9,273.09 9,000.00
 I 3. Jeeps, Truck, Station Wagon Ambulance
· (Ditto) .............................................................. 3,039.75 3,000.00
 Q 4. Running costs (food minus board of residents,
cows, fuel, electricity, laundry, freight, haul-
.  age, et cetera) .................................................... 10,814.81 10,400.00
 5 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. 5 57575-57 5 52**00-°°
Salaries, accounting, auditing, office supplies,
, postage, printing, telephone, telegraph, et
cetera ....._.._..........._................__..................._....... $ 21,706.35 $ 22,000.00
1. Social Service .......................................................... $ 5,544.22 $ 5,500.00
I 2. Insurance (Fire—$287,000.00 coverage, Em-
 L ployer’s Liability, full coverage on truck,
 · eight jeeps, station wagon) .............................. 4,680.84 4,500.00
 I 3. Interest .................................................................. 270.00 270.00
4. Quarterly Bulletins (covered by subscriptions,
» with small surplus) ............................................ 3,980.12 4,000.00
 . 5. Statistics and Research ........................................ 3,917.67 3,500.00
A 6. Miscellaneous Projects such as: Doctors,
Nurses for study and observation; profes-
, sional books and magazines ............................ 1,722.70 500.00
 7 7. Miscellaneous promotional Expenses beyond
 . the mountains .................................................... 825.69 200.00
$ 20,941.24 $ 18,470.00
" of Equipment and Livestock (Auditor’s Val-
uation: $344,126.52) .......................................... $ 16,282.31 $ 16,130.00
  $168,170.41 $170,000.00
  Note 1: Approximately 1/3 of supplies relayed to districts.
 E Note 2: Approximately 1/4 of his time spent on districts.

5a .  
(From Exhibit C of the Audit)  
Our auditors set a value of $344,126.52 on these holdings,  ?
after adjustments. Among the major holdings are the following: ·
Hyden ,1
A stone Hospital, one wing of which is the Mary Ballard  
Morton Memorial, one wing the Mary Parker Gill Memorial, ij
and the frame Annex, a Memorial to "Jackie" Rousmaniere; Joy ~ F
House, home of the Medical Director, gift of Mrs. Henry B. Joy; FZ
Aunt Hattie’s Oak Barn, gift of Mrs. Henry Alvah Strong;  
Mardi Cottage, the Quarters for the Frontier Graduate School  '
of Midwifery; The Margaret Voorhies Haggin Quarters for s 
Nurses; three water tanks; two employees’ cottages; and out-  .
buildings such as garages, work shop, pig house, forge, pump ,
house, fire hose house, and the Wee Stone House. A ,  t
Wendover  g
Three log houses, as follows: the Big House ("in memory of G5
Breckie and Polly") ; the Old Cabin and the Ruth Draper Cabin; { ?
the Garden House; the Upper and the Lower Shelf; the Cour- F
iers’ Log Barn and Aunt J ane’s Barn; numerous smaller build-  
ings such as the cow barn, horse hospital barn, mule barn, tool  
house, chicken houses, forge, apple house, smoke house, pump  °
house, jeep shed, fire hose houses, water tanks, and the Pebble  ·i
Work Shop.  
Georgia Wright Clearing n  
A caretaker’s cottage and barns; extensive pasture land  
for horses and cows; a bul1’s barn and stockade; two wells with  
A Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Nursing Center  
` (Beech Fork; Post Office, Asher, Leslie County) 4
Frame building and oak barn; employee’s cottage; deep
well, pump house and water tank; fenced acreage for pasture .
and gardens. U T
, »  I

.4 Frances Bolton Nursing Center
  (Possum Bend; Post Office, Confluence, Leslie County)
 Q Frame building and oak barn; deep well, pump house and
  water tank; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens.
  . Clara Ford Nursing Center
(Red Bird River; Post Office, Peabody, Clay County)
 I Log building and oak barn with electricity; fire hose house;
’_ walled-in spring; deep well, pump house and water tank; fenced
j acreage for pasture and gardens.
i? Caroline Butler Atwood Memorial Nursing Center
. I Flat Creek; Post Office, Creekville, Clay County)
  Frame building and oak barn; fire hose house; walled-in
Q spring; water tank; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens.
  Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial Nursing Center
  (Bullskin Creek; Post Office, Brutus, Clay County)
 f Frame building and oak barn; fire hose house; walled-in
 ( spring; water tank; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens.
Margaret Durbin Harper Memorial Nursing Center
'V (Post Oiiice, Bowlingtown, Perry County)
 p Frame building and oak barn with electricity; fire hose
  house; walled-in spring; deep well; pump house and water tank;
  fenced acreage for pasture and gardens.
 i Subsidiary Clinics
Five small clinic buildings on the following streams: Bull
  Creek, Stinnett (Mary B. Willeford Memorial), Grassy Branch,
  Hell-for-Certain Creek, and the Nancy O’Driscoll Memorial on
  Cutshin Creek.
Y Livestock
 E Twenty-one horses; one mule; one registered Brown Swiss
 C bull; twelve, cows; four heifers; registered Duroc brood sow;
 { pigs; over three hundred chickens.
 i Equipment
  Equipment includes: eight jeeps; one Ford station-wagon-
i ambulance; one half-ton truck; tanks; engines; pumps; farm
  implements; plumbers’ tools; sixty—two pairs of saddlebags; sad-
` dles; bridles; halters; hospital and dispensary supplies and hos-
_ pital and household furnishing in twenty-two dwellings variously
{ located in a seven-hundred-square—mile area.

‘ The data in this section are supplied by the statistical '
department of the Frontier Nursing Service; by records kept in
this department on guests and volunteer workers; and by the  *
social service secretary maintained by the Alpha Omicron Pi j
1. *3
We have had no regular Medical Director during the past  
Hscal year since Dr. Maurice O. Barney left us at the end of
May, 1949. The work has been carried by a succession of i
acting Medical Directors which have included competent men -
and one woman, Dr. Martha E. Howe, F.A.C.S., who gave us .
three months of volunteer service. As the year closes we still
have with us Dr. Alexander E. Dodds, on loan from his resi-  
dency in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Roch- ,
ester, New York, Medical School. Our prospects of regular  
medical service for the current iiscal year are brighter, and will ‘
be outlined elsewhere in this Bulletin. This report concerns  
itself only with the past Hscal year.  .
Due to the fact that we did not have a regular Medical J
Director we were not able to hold as many large surgical clinics
as usual during the past fiscal year. However, Dr. Francis
Massie and Dr. Eugene Todd gave their services for a most ‘
successful surgical clinic in April.
T We wish to extend our deeply grateful thanks to Dr. R. L.
Collins of Hazard and Dr. N. F. O’Donnell for coming to Hyden  
for our emergency surgery whenever we needed them. For
these services they make no charge to the Frontier Nursing
Service, and charge the patients only what they are able to pay.  
A number of lives are saved annually by these devoted men. .
We are grateful to the Sisters of Mount Mary Hospital in  p
Hazard for taking in accident and gunshot cases that we have _
had to relay to them after emergency treatment; for reducing  V
their hospital bills to a level the people could meet and in some ‘ `

 » FRoN·1·1mR NURSING smnvicm 11
instances for having charged nothing where patients could pay
. nothing.
_ We are thankful every year to Dr. Harold G. Reineke of
' Cincinnati for his reading, without charge, and reporting on ‘
the X-ray pictures our Medical Director sends him from time
 * to time. The Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati has continued to
j give free care to the children we have transferred to them, and
Q, for this our appreciation deepens through the years. ‘
Ai The Louisville and Nashville Railroad continues to give
 Q passes to indigent cases and their attendants.
4  The Kentucky Crippled Children’s Commission gives, as
  always, prompt, free, and most effective care to all of our
crippled children. This Commission also arranged for immediate
f care in Lexington for three cases of infantile paralysis, one of
. which was an iron lung case. All recovered completely.
{ Physicians not only in Hazard, but Louisville, Lexington, ·
, Cincinnati have accepted without charge patients and members
  of our staff sent to them. Our gratitude for these services comes
4 right from our hearts.
S The Hospital at Hyden was occupied 5,857 days last year
by 764 patients with a daily average of 16.0 patients; the cost
4 per patient day, $8.25. Of the 764 patients cared for during the
iiscal year 140 were sick adults, 269 were obstetrical patients,
174 were children, and 181 were newborn. There were 16 deaths
_ in the Hospital during the fiscal year, of which 5 were newborn
· and one was obstetrical. This patient was brought into the Hos-
pital by one of our district nurse-midwives because of hyper-
tension and persistent vomiting in the 6th month of pregnancy.
  In spite of expert medical attention the patient died twenty—four
1 hours after admission to the Hospital following the delivery
 , of a stillborn infant. There were 46 operations performed. At
_ the Medical Directors' clinics in the outpatient department of
 V the Hospital, there was a total of 7,217 visits received during
‘ ` the past fiscal year.
) .

3. Q
In the 12 districts operated by the Service from the Hos-  I
pital, Wendover, and six outpost centers, we attended 9,753 I
people in 2,155 families. Of these, 4,915 were children including H
2,409 babies and toddlers. The district nurses paid 17,488 visits  
and received 17,629 visits at their nursing centers and at their {W
special clinics. Bedside nursing care was given in their homes  
to 400 sick people of whom 20 died. At the request of the State  
Board of Health, the Frontier Nursing Service gave 6,719 inocu-  
lations and vaccines against typhoid, diphtheria, smallpox,  
whooping cough, et cetera, and sent 2,800 specimens for analysis. l 
This part of our report has reference to general district  ·
nursing only and does not include the midwifery carried day and I,
night by the nurse-midwives along with their district nursing.  Q
The figures for midwifery are covered under the following ;
section. ,
4. T
Registered Cases I
The nurse-midwives and the midwifery students of the Q
Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery (under supervision of  ,
their instructors) attended 414 women in childbirth, and gave I
them full prenatal and postpartum care. Of these 414 women, ‘
ten were delivered by our Medical Director and our consultants.
There were 416 live births and 11 stillbirths; four deliveries of
twins; 356 new cases admitted; 472 closed after postpartum  ·
care; three miscarriages; and there was one maternal death- ·
the one reported in the previous section under Hyden Hospital. i
Emergency Cases—Um·egiste1·ed I
In addition to these regular registered maternity cases, the f
Medical Director and the nurse-midwives were called in for 37 g
emergency deliveries, where the mother had not been registered -
or given prenatal care, which resulted in eight live births, two ( 
stillbirths, and 28 emergency miscarriages (22 early and six i
late). They also gave postpartum care to 13 other mothers. I
There were no maternal deaths. 4 

 F1¤.oN·1·1ER NURSING smnvrcm is
i_ Outside-Area Cases ‘ ·
There were 202 women from outside our area who were
carried for prenatal care. Of these 55 were closed before deliv-
 i  ery. Most of our outside-area patients move into our districts
, or our Hospital for delivery. In that case they are transferred
4_ to our regular midwifery service. However, the nurse-midwives
~ did go outside our area to deliver 12 such patients of 12 live
l babies in their own homes, with no maternal deaths.
{.3 5.
 F The Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery has two classes
  annually, each of six months’ duration, which start on October
{ 15th and April 15th. During the past year eight registered
 _ nurses were graduated from the School. The twentieth class
 I since the School opened in 1939 is now in attendance. When its
{ work is completed on October 15th the School will have sent
·‘ 91 nurses, qualified as midwives and in our frontier technique,
i to service quite literally all over the world. Graduates of the
, School are in a number of our states, in Puerto Rico and Alaska,
i and in various parts of Africa, Japan, India, Siam, and South
= America.
j 6.
· The Frontier Nursing Service entertained at Wendover 196
overnight guests who stayed 343 days. In addition Wendover
entertained for meals 267 guests for 308 meals. Included among
 - these guests are both outside and mountain friends.
» The Service entertained at the Hyden Hospital overnight
5 guests for a total of 73 days, and day guests for 394 meals.
Guests of the Service during the past year have included
1 _ not only Americans, but persons from the following lands:
T Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Ecuador, Great
j Britain, the Bahamas, Newfoundland, and the Philippines.
`V  7. ~
; Eighteen couriers and six other volunteers worked for the
. Service a total of 1,179 days. During the time the volunteers

 _  l
  were with the Service they lived at Wendover, Hyden, and the  ·
E outpost Centers. .
` 8. ‘
1 (Alpha Qmicron Pi Fund) ` Q
i Services and aid have been given in connection with the  {
  following numbers and types of cases:  
Aid and care to one child placed in a private home.
* Aid and care to 6 families of widows and men unable to  
work.  V,
i Helped 5 children with school expenses. L
Transported 11 children to boarding school.
Helped with clothing for one child in Deaf School at ~
Danville. `
1 Emergency aid to 5 families who were burned out. .
Loaned money to one family for new stove and coal. `
Acted as Committee for family receiving Idiot’s Claim. _
Arranged through the courts for proper home place-
ment of neglected child. p
Arranged through the courts for a mentally deficient `
child to be committed to the State Hospital in .
Garden seed assistance to 3 families.
Transported 4 children to the Children’s Hospital in
Cincinnati. p
Made arrangements for 4 children to go to the Ken-  
tucky Crippled Children Commission in Louisville
and Lexington.
Transported 11 children to the Kentucky Crippled Chil- V
dren Commission in Louisville and Lexington.
Sent 3 patients to outside physicians and hospitals and A
helped meet the cost. ‘
Sent 3 children to outside hospitals for eye surgery. _  `
I Sent one patient to the Cancer Clinic in Lexington. .
Transported 18 children to the Kentucky Crippled Chil-  
dren Clinic in Hazard