xt7v9s1kmb2q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1kmb2q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1992 1992 1992-11-11 2020 true xt7v9s1kmb2q section xt7v9s1kmb2q Vol. XCV No. 53

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Established 1894 Wednesday. November 11, 1992






Food Services may serve meals
from franchises next semester


By Nikki Borrong
Staff Writer


By the ettd of tlirs school year.
I'K students may be able to eat at a
brand-nattie tood restaurant on
campus. rti addition to l'ls' lood
\cnrces' present ot'terrngs.

"We are seriously looking at
bringing ttr sortie branded concepts
oti carttPtrs." said Robert lhaun. dr-
rettot ot' l'ls' l-ood \ei\rees ”It's a
tedrotrs process. btrt oitr iritettt is to
hai e some bratided concepts oti
campus available to students "

Brairrt said that tood ser'\rces
hopes to brry tranehises ot bratided
products to srrppletiierit present
campus tood set'i ice locations

"\Vhat we would irkc to do is to
be tlte ti‘atrchrsee. and we woirld
operate it." he said "We would
look :it areas where we are riot pit»
\ tiling adequate menu items and go

for those tirst We would pirt it in
our current overall operation plan.

”then are se\er;il menir rtettts
we're not doing lX‘tdllsc we don‘t
tliittk we cart do it well enough."
Brauii said "this will help its gise
a better tood sei'itee to students "

Hngrnal plaris \.lllk\l tor the
branded tood operations to be in
place by the lhaiiksgiirng holiday.
biit. because of delass iti tiegottar
trons. litaun said he hopes to hau
them open sornetinie dnrrtrg the
spilltg‘ \L'lllL'\lLl

llecattsc the with
dittcretit tiartrhises are still tn
progress. liranti could not name the
specific brandsl is is seriously con



He added that suit. each brand
has its own licensing terms. cacti
has to be looked into rrtdrxtdrially
high start up
‘.\ltl\ll I'K‘s tood serxrtts \illlllt‘l

\otiic hir\ c costs



Political analyst Kevin Philips participates in a panel discus-
sion yesterday afternoon in the Student Center Theater.

Researcher studies
children and alcohol


By Lori Coleman
Contributing Writer


(‘hildren who believe drinking
alcohol enhances their social lives
are tttost at risk for becoming ado-
lescent problem drinkers. a [K re-
searcher said Monday.

(ireg \‘nitth. aii assistant protes—
sor ot psychology. recently pub-
lished a study titted “Psychological
| \peetaiicy as Mediator ot' Vulnerv
ability to .\lcoho|rsrti."

It is one iii a series of studies
concerning alcoliolisrti published
by Smith arid colleagues.

l-or se\eia| years. Smith has re-
searched risk factors for adolescent
alcohol abitse. He said his work fo-
cuses on what ehildreti and adoles-
cents leartr aboiit alcohol‘s effects
through their parents‘ and peers‘
behavior and tlirorrgli the mass ine—

"We are trying to study what
goes on dtrrrrrg the childhood years
that leads children to expect unrea-
sonable berretrts from drinking and.
thus. ptits them at risk for problem
drinking." Smith said.

the stirdy tocused on third-grade
children. ages nine tuid 10.

“It we ask kids before they think
what they think about drinking. ttre
ones who think alcohol will help
their social lives and cognitive and
motor tiiirctioris are at the greatest
risk." Smith said. “they drrtik
heayrly very early. at ages l3. l4or

it is important to titid out how


early a child toitiis these opinions.
Smith said His sttid_\ implies that
institutions and educators should
thirik riiore about early preiennon

lei‘i‘i .\lr|let’, a psychology gradri
ate strident working witlt Smith. is
studying \‘lllltllt‘tbs perceptions ot
tltetr Pittc'llls drinking habits and
whether those children had an}
drinking esperrcnees thetnseli es.

Miller‘s research shows that
young children whose parents glue
them alcoltol are at greater risk to
t'ortti the belret's about the benet'its

"that doesn‘t necessarily mean
that giving a child alcohol at a
young age puts that clitld at a great
risk ot becoming a problem drink-
er." Smith said.

'l‘he earlier studies rttsohed chil-
dren rti suburban Itetr'ort Miller”s
study was condtreted with children
iii l-ayette (‘ounty Smith currently
is conducting a study ot children Ill
l-asterti Kentucky

Smith said he wants to see rt
I-astern Kentucky children‘s pro
cesses oi learning about alcohol drt~
t’ers troiti the processes ot the chil-
dren iii the earlier studies

“lilie data is collected We‘re in
the process of analy/itig that data
now and will have the resrrlts Ill six
itioritlis or so." Smith said


“liiery one has to be dotte separ~
ately." llraun said "lhete are se\-
eral we are making real good
progress with. though "

llrariri said that it Its becomes
the ttanchisee ot a branded tood op»
elation. that operation would be titl»
I} rtrcot’tmrated into l'ls' tood set-
\ tees. and students would be able to
rise their diner cards .it those loca-

"\Ve want to triake tlits a part ot
U\Cl.lll looil set‘Hce to sllltlcltls.” he
said ”lt depends on how all ol tltts
goes. biit our intent is to riiake rt
;i\arlable to ditier card stridetits ”

Some branded products are .il
reads sold through cattiprrs tood
*cr\ice locations. llrann said but
the) are not actuely .id\ctlrscd

"\\'hat we will be doirig is taking

See FOOD Back Page





By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer


lhe bl"? l'iesrdctittal llectrori
mas hate mailed ti critical lltlltllt'.‘
portit in the nation's political litsto
ry. .iiial'.st Kenn l’liillrps told a
crowd last night

l'hrllips said that because lll‘c ls’e
pirbltcaris ha\e been \otcd orrt ot
the “hire lloirse. it is up to lltc
ltetttoctats to sattst_\ the citi/eiis
or .i total change iii the politital
parties could occur alter this ptcsrr
detitial term.

llltlL‘Pk‘lltlL‘lll t'ttlltllildlc Ross l't'l
ot was ati extremely ettectrse tone
in this year's electron. even though
he only collected 1‘) percent ot the
\t‘i" 4-r l. l'c‘clh‘ll Hay. l’hilhps s.lt\l

He said that it the Democrats do
tarl rti this term a third parts could

“lhe last tirtre we really had .i
backto back t'arltrre ot adtttititstta
trotis. I guess it was iii the INJ'ts
and ts's'oc between the ltetriocrats
and the \\ higs. aiid the part) sys
tern tell apart." he said

l-arher iii the day at a panel dis
crission l’liillips said the public is
“sick of the ttiaiti political parties”
and that is. why l’erot was so [lttptl'
lat in the k I return Phillips said in .i
(CNN poll. oi percent ot the public
wanted a new party to rirtt Cdlltll‘


If negotiations are successful. UK students. like education senior Gema Hernandez (above). will
be able to purchase meals from franchise restaurants from Food Servrces next semester.

Political analyst: Election may bring changes

I’lirllips. whose appearance was
sponsored by the l'ollcgc ot \tts
and Sciences. spoke on "\\|t.it \o
\etnbcr \lcatts 'ii iii. l’olitro oi
the ”its" trt .\lc i'.-»ii.rl llall

He also participated iii .1 pirirl
discussion with tour prolissois
trotii lllr (ollea‘e ot \tts .tlhl \it
\llkk‘ .tllt‘llrtuill Ill lllk

\llltlrlll( etitct llieatct


lllc panel discussion tocirsrd on
l‘hillrps‘ book. “llic l’olrtrcs ot
l\)l\l| itid l’ooi \\e.ilth and lllt
\rrietrcan l-lectorate iii the Reagan
\ttertiiath." arid how it cotttpared to
this ‘ .ar s election

"He s .i may protocatrse lltllilstl
.itid speaker iii the sense that he is
able to look at political erents ttom
.i itcslt petspectncf sard ts'rchard
l.dwards. dean of the ('oilege ot
\tts and Sciences

(‘licrsl .-\ttiold. a social wotl iiiir
tor. said she did not lL'.Ill/'\ how
\l\'\L the electron actrtall» was irtittl
the panel tll\\ll\\lttll \lie said she
thought the discussion was true test

rig.‘ bcertise l’litllrps csplarritd llti

sls'tlll’ll sllillcfllss that all torir \.lll
drd.ilcs itsetl

l’llllllt‘s speech was l‘ll‘tlsnll into
torn parts He told tlic crowd when
the l 'tirted States is in national polt
iris what happened llI lllt l"“l\ to
r‘.lll\\ our country to be l't thr sitna

tioti it is iti whether last

See PHILLIPS. Back Page








Pro-medicine junior Aaron Wimsatt. 20. registers for his
spring classes in Patterson Office Tower yesterday.


JEFF BURLEW Kismet Statt




Passenger 57' may motto you want to toko tho but. Review. Page 3.


Periods of rain today. especially in the afternoon; high between 55 and
60. Thunderstorms and heavy rain possible tonight; low around 50.
Almost a 100 percent chance of rain tomorrow; high between 55 and 60.








By John King

ASst-critti-d l’tw


llltll ls’l’ll‘s \o tit
strate-Iists who Ii. lpid liilit at:
tori wrti thr “line
now tltiretls sketihrng plans tor
a political opit ition that \\t'lllil
keep lirrri there .i ltlll eight can

As (liritori liiriiselt
[rates on weightx transition that
teis and derort. iirrit attention
to shaping .i \\ hrtr llotrse polrtr
cal lcattt. top ll‘lt s p':in to attend
to the latter bent on lir‘lt‘lll" th;
Iterriocratit l’.irtx
tit'st tiattotrd \ril in .r iv ti

llllll\k .llr


brind 1-“ its


Kcs pl.i».i- llt tin .'ttott
siitc to be llliis, .ho on it tr 1-
\'tl ( ltiitotr . .lll‘tllt" i.ll||[‘.|l 'r
\"(llllllillltlotlti lt- stir-.it ‘l t it or

\lephatiopt dili“ ltt.tll.t‘ ct Iti.td

\Villieltri str tli i‘rsts latriis ( .rr
‘.illc .itid l‘.riil l’i\".ll.l pollslit
Statiles (Ilt't'lll‘tl" .irid tririd
tarsct ls’ahtrr l |ll.ttitttl

“Illllt llti . t‘liil slltllt‘U‘s

tltey‘tc \ll"l‘[‘lll" tot new cars


Clinton strategists plan
for 2nd presidential term

Hit H

.t pint: irlra. i

\letlialiivpi-tihis iniir -ll ll?

ton s it l.ttil . and h: i't 1‘

il‘til 1" .ii i .i' ' l
land it! . it». r s.\ r.l

\\lll|L'lll‘ ‘il" both f ' r’ it-
itlg'ttlrl/dlh ii iii
.itid ottcrr sin d as 'lr \llll\<.tl‘s


to idiot tori wllltl ittrrt-t
iroiig- ”i. i ‘irit out tti
’ t oh 1. ,
it t‘ 'it
p rid it
i it i ’ it ill
' ‘1 i 1 ii 'r lt
l ‘li . \ l lll‘ii-tl
ti. .1.
’i‘axr. 1:. ii Iii lt.tllil lot
politics saiif in. \‘clllitl tlitr
lt'll .idxt \‘ilirr. llL |.itids is
where lllt t" ion s -'et directed
from ”
Sow CLINTON Hints. l) tip



Library offers increased
security for night hours


By Li-Chang Su
Staff Writer


Students who \ctrlitre out in lllr
ittrddle ot the night to slllil\ at \i i'
gatct l King libtats \«rd riot
alone there llie library pron rdr
tirttt‘s guards tor iiiosi who tat,
\atitage ot the lli ritehttrnit hone

"llccattsc our lilsc to iltililtli
the ttbraty \ttlllll‘» at l.llt horn» in.
to time immediate
antisocial l‘t‘ll.t\li\|s we asked the
l'ls' l’olrcc llcpartrnerit tor help'
said .lridith lhown. head ot tllsllld
ttoii .it the library

“'lhrorrgh tht I'K l’ohtt ittpiri
mcnt‘s contract with i\iid\ lraiir
.\er\rcesi. we are lt.|\ tti" one a t 'Ht
1) guard wrtli its lllllllt" lll"ltl ltotits
wheneyer the library is oprir .‘1

lk'\[‘flll\'\ \ lt-

litowit said the sciiirit'r ”trait
asks people who arrrsc or lc.i\c lltr
library between it p iii and ‘a m
to sigti iii and out on the to: slice!

“When signing III. the sc‘ttllth
gtrard will ask people to show their
l'K ll) and to specits \kltlsll area ot
the library they are going to use ”
said Brown “We do so paittx bi
caltsc weal lilsc to kttoe whit it sit
\tces are most important tor lit"ltl

“And. it is partlx Ill iast ititrt
ttitgltl be .t llL‘L‘tl to r\.isitali tlir
btrtldrttg it a tire or other L'lllt'li'l Ii
cies happen at night

“When signing out. the secrinis
guard wrll ask people to state which
destinations they are heading lot to
riiake sure they will return home



lllc \\\llllls 'lt.t|il walls at wind
tlt lll'l.tlt tin. \ ‘cl it"tll lion -‘.

\\ i ili‘r . 'ti. 'illi.

r it .i t ‘t r. l’
’i‘ r’ it ' it
.'r ‘i
I it it». 1 t“ "It
it i rfiir r it »

\\_ trots llle‘r it 2;:ods .rll
'r . illl hit it: ‘i\\l‘ vi in «tsi
\Iilli» lift-vat mllll ‘m 1 st in
tin sf oi i'lll pitioti- r ; tit es tlr
posiir r "

\\ ll \lcl iittt.is t‘ 5‘ l l l‘ [lit
Ito srtd tlii liri'lir'st iii =‘.lst .3 iii
titt‘ s li'i;|ll'i wirin ‘\ arrt: l“
titi rid ' ini

l'hrnk this sitiirrtx it ~ rain has
\l“~tl‘ d this period welt and it has
[‘lil‘cil [U l\'
.\lt( ornas sird there
would not bt so lll.llt‘s lll"l|l risers tti
lll\ lll‘l.tl‘s ”

\ littit' [‘l. ,\ ntatt\c "

”I liltr its l\\

lll .'llltlllliill llls‘ \lthlt'itl tioxctttr
tticrit Association working rri con»
iiitictron wttli the l ‘K l'olrce llepatt-
tticttt .itid lllt ls't lit program.
otters an on \ iriipris i nine t\\t‘l'l

'\\. I‘tii‘d ti rid li‘l pcoplc
t “t it: b ick to
it His or park

'.\lit sitnli l.rtr ‘ti ’lii

\llllrl 'ttt it t. «iii. no

III" iiits within lltl i rtnpris \ll son
hair. to do is to i'r.r its .i phone
\tlll \ltfailllds sitd

"\o tar about one or two slll~

flklll\ ll\t‘ lllt' r'siitll ‘\l\\l\\ illk‘ll

d.'i\ I

See LIBRARY Ba. Page

 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. November 11, 1992


Expansion timely



for Reds

Cooper to


By Joe Kay
Associated Press


(‘th‘lNNA'll (‘tncrnnatr
Reds general manager lrrrr Bowden
is glad the exptursrori dralt rs [Ills
year rather thrur nest

Most ol’ the Reds‘ prorrtrsrng
young players still are at the lowest
levels ol. the lartrr s) stetrt. so
they‘re exempt lrorn next l'ues~

We are fortunate that we don't have as many
people there as we would it the expansion took
place a year from now. Either way. we're going
to lose some quality players.

Reds general manager

return to
Cool Cats


—Jtm Bowden, By Chris rrpion

Staff Writer



day's draft. that leaves the Reds
tree to protect more or their major

“We are fortunate that we don't
have as many people otrt there as
we would it the exprurs'ron took
place a year l‘rorn now." Bowden
said “lirther way. we're gorrig to
lose some quality players ”

learns have submitted their lists
ol' 15 players who can't be chosen
by the Honda Marlins and (‘olora~
do Rockies in tlte threerourtd dralt
l‘eruns cart lose one player per
round National league teams will
be allowed to protect three addition
a] players alter the lust and second
rounds American l cague learns
cart protect tour

learns didn't disclose tlterr dralt
lists. whrelr had to be submitted by
Monday ‘\llllt‘tlt‘li liowden won‘t
discuss names. the players
rnost likel) to be protected are
li|t\et' and

lim (Tosto;

«Shortstop Blur) larkrtt;

il‘hrrd basemen (‘hrrs \‘abo arid
Willie tireene;

o()utt'relder.s Btp Roberts. Reg-
gie Sanders and Roberto Kelly.
who was acquired last week tn a
trade tor Paul ( l'.\'erll:

'l’llchers ,lose Rtto, ltrii Belch-
er. 'l'im Pugh. Norm (‘harlton artd
Rob Dibble

that would le.i\e unprotected
six pitchers wrtlr rrrator-Ieagrre es-
perrcttce , (‘hrrs Ilarnrnorrd. Bob-
by Ayala. Mo harttord. .\lr|t llill.
Steve l‘oster arid loirt Browning
tither unprotected players would
include llrll l)oiart. .lell Braitsott.
l‘reddte Berratrdes. (rerottiuto
llerroa and ( ‘esar ller'ttturde/

llatnrrrond would be an attrac-
tt\e player lor .tir e\partsrorr club
because he\ .i lt‘ll»li.tlltlctl starter
with a small salary r\l-Itl.lllll tlrrs
jretu‘r llairtirrotid. 2!». lost ltrs start-

-('.rtcltct's loe llarr

w ur. .
ll“ trig role last season because ol ttr-

MW" ““" tlt had a .‘r‘

'lltsl basellietr lla!

torrsisteticw carried

"The Best Movie of the Summer.
A Major League Hit-I...

“An Uplifting, Winning IO!”




-:: an.” :2 Nils; __

....-..> -.-...rI\——

Wed-Sat. 8:00 p.m.
Sun. 5:00 p.m.
$2 w/UK ID. at Worsham Theater



l‘rom: l’ete November, StiA President

\lerrtber, l.e\ingtort campus ls’ealignrnent S;
ls‘estrueturing Task l-‘orce

Re: \ our ideas for changes on the lexington Campus


t hancellor Robert llt‘lttt‘lt\\'r1_\‘ has created a task force to
or ike I‘t eommendalions to him b\ the end of the 'all se~
rnoster regarding how w e can make the unnors‘itv work
in Nth r both in tht wa\ that rt i.s strut lure d and in the

w at that learning and adrninrslralrt e processes are han-
dled. lhe input ot' students is very important to this at»

l hrs rs your opportunity to be a part ol this ellort. Please
take tune todax to t orrsrder and answer the questions be—
low. Srtriplt clip out this lorni and return it to the SGA
oltrce, l2ll Student ( enter 'l be thin orsrl\ very much
needs \orrr ideas and suggestions

l \\ hat cont erris \ ou the most about tliel ls organiza-
tronal structure ‘

I What orgarrt/atrons unrts programs. or ltrnclton.s
. .~rrld the I osirrglon ( .tmprrs or the L nrversrtv do with—
. tit ‘

1 llow \ an we make it easier tor students to register and
be ad\ rsed, got trnant t.t| .rrd. pro btlls, live and eat on
tarrtptrs. and, in general. be strttesslul in obtaining their


| I




Chad Cooper is coming back
to Kentucky and to the UK
hockey club

nrtt aye-rage rrt his seven wins. but a
(1.52 ERA lll Ills Ill lttssc‘s.

llrll and l-oster were rnrunly Illld’
dle-rehewrs last season. making
tlteirt espendablc -\yala arid San~
l'ord aren't considered ready for the
major leagues

Cooper. a native of Jackson.
Mich. was the club's leading
scorer in all three or his season
with the (‘ool Cats. He has been
playing for the varsity hockey
learn at Western Michigan but
now plans to retuni to his l‘or~
trier learn.

Browning and lloran probably
will be unattractrte to the espan-
sron clubs because ol their age.
contracts and health problems

“Super Coop." as he was
nicknamed by the (‘ool ('als'
huts. may he back on the ice this
weekend as the hockey team
takes on l)erri.son at the Letting
tort lee (enter.

Browning 1: ltad reconstructne
knee stll'get} .tllcl tearing ligaments
III a home plate collision lul) 1
He‘s entering the third year ol a
tour-year \ll ‘l rrrrllrotr contract
that has an option lot a llllll year at
h: I ”“lhl‘ll (‘ooper plans to play in the
rest or the (‘ool (‘ats' home
games and to transt'er back to
l'K for the spring semester

Moran. 14 had back problems rrr
l‘Ntl and I‘l‘ll and lost his starting
second base lob last year
terrttg the second you ol
_\e.u. Y" J rurllrorr contract

llc‘s err-

.i lit ‘ '- .. ~
I “ 1 had called me a few weeks

ago lrorn Michigan and said that
he missed playing.” club vice
president .lason \‘mrthwrek said.
"He also said that he missed all
ol’ his friends down here."

lllclt was speculation that tht
Reds might not protect Sabo, who
had a bad ankle last season and has
\lllL' year lc‘ll l‘eltrt'e llee agent}
llrit llowden quashed the rumors irr
recent weeks by lalkrrtg about
Sabo's importance to the eltrb

Senior detendei Nick l’ellt-
green said there were many herr-
ct'rts to Cooper's return. both on
and oft the tee.


“Chad brings a lot 01’ all-
around experiene’ and scoring
to the team. lhe younger
players should be able to look
up to him and learn l‘rom him."
Pelligrcerr .satd.


(“News (Bridal

for more info.

"Since he was good enough to
make it on to a Division I team.
he can‘t really turn us too






Lexington Musical Theatre Presents



3J1 ithJt '

Thursday November 12 7:30 p.m.
Friday November 13 7:30 p.m.
Saturday November 14 7:30 p.m.
Sunday November 15 2:00 p.m.

at the Opera House
Tickets $14. $12. $8
Group and Senior Discounts Available
Singletary Center Ticket Office (606) 257-4929


UK-IU tickets available
tomorrow at 4:30 lottery


Staff reports


A lottery tor tickets to llK‘s .lrut. I basketball game against Indiana \\ ill
be lteld tomorrow lor students at Memorial (‘ohseurrr

llte game will be played at l'reedorn ll ill in l tilIIsHllC Ky
-1tlprn lht game will be nation; I”) aim rsed on I SI’N

pill or

. at either I

l)oors lor the lottery will open at 4: ill p rrr riid close at -l ~85.
Students will be given small sheets ol paper with rartdorri numbers on

tltcrn as the) enter the eoliseurn

Numbers will he called.

turd students

wrtli lowest numbers will be allowed to purchase tickets lirst.

'l'he cost ol the tickets is $2.5.

arid each student may purchase two trck’v

ets ()nly l'l-s' students will be allowed to rise the tickets l'K personnel
will be at | reedorn Hall to check l'ls' H )s as students ertter the arena.

.\'o guest tickets will be available during

the lottery.

Carolina basketball coach
wants to stay despite trials


By Rick Scoppe
Assocrated Press


(‘1 ll l‘.\llllv\. 5' (X ('oach
\texc Newton rsti't talking. He also
hopes he isn't walking.

Newton hopes to be at South
(arolrrra tor .r “long tune.” bttt he
wouldn’t continent Monday on the
second internal rrtxestigrrtrort ot hrs
l‘d‘hcll‘dll program Ill less than a

\orirlr t .rrolrrra \t‘llll‘lldlltk otlr-
cer Hand llrthorr has said the util-
broke .\'(‘.\\ ttrles b_\ :il-
lowrng an ineligible r'eerurt. (‘or'te/
Barnes. to sla} III the athletic dortri
and recene practice gear Both
would be considered titator \rola-
trons under Nt'.\:\ guidelines.

lhdron is continuing his rn\estr-
gatron. winch one school official
said would probably uncover other
\tolatrotis Newton. wlto was hired
alter a 57-day search. relused to
comment when he rtret wrtlr report-
ers belore practice

Reporters repeatedly asked New-
ton about the probe. btrt each tirrre
Newton. ob\rons|_\ nervous. looked
dowrt at his handwritten statement
arid repeated that the university
asked him not to eorrrrnerrt. Alter
one question about the investiga-
tion. Newton replied: “I‘ve given
you the only words of wisdom that
l cart give you at this point in

Newton said he planned to he in
Binningharn. Ala. tor the South-
eastenr (‘onl'erenec basketball me-
dia days this week and hoped this
would be only the second ol' many
years with the (iarrteeoeks.

"I hope to be here a lotrg time."


Newton sard "I’m looking lorward
to doing the things that we were
mandated to do when we arrncd
about lJ months ago "

lanue Watson. the (iarnecocks'
lone Itllldllllt' retunirtrg starter. said
he hoped Newton and his stall
would rertiarrt at South ('ar'olrna
throughout the season

"l leel corilrderrt the) will." \\.rt-
sort said “He (Newtont assures us
lll.tl Ilk'
eerncd about that \\ e'rc rust trying
to play basketball "

Watson and l.rrtiriett Hall. a run»
tor college translcr. said the probe
hadn‘t been
(iarriecocks. who open the season
l)ee. l against l'lortda l'eeh.

"My three years here. l'ye been
through some adversity lite
learned ltow to handle it." Watson
stud. "I'm happy wrtlt (‘oaeh New—
tort. I think he‘s doing a good job
arid we all like lrrrrt

"(‘oaeh Newton assures Us that
he‘s on top ol e\etj.thrrig. He tells
us to practice hard. play hard and
play together We‘re rust staying
together arid staying locused.
wlrrclt l tltrrtk is the biggest thing
we ltave to do.”

Both Watson and Hall rel'used to
comment on the investigation. al-
though llall. who reportedly
roomed wrtlt Barnes. did say he
had spoken to lhdron.

ll lorrrrd guilty ol the rule viola—
tions. the school eotrld lace sane-
trorts rarrgrrrg lrortr a reprrinrutd to
probation Newton could also be
tired under the terms ol his corr-
tract. w ltrelt has tltree years remain-

\\Ill .\o we‘re not coir

a distraction lot' the





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RALEIGH ROCKERS y Script’s holes filled by Snipes

lllI .rl ll. llllr“


l .Wllt‘ kl ‘

\l.llllll;' \\i~l.\ \||l|‘\’\ and \l.'\

\\.llll\'l lllm

pub '[lh IIIle. lllx MmII


llI. HI II.\\I~l.l 1N l.ll\\ in, ..l.
-.'l::_ lllllll. lIlII..' ~ll ‘.l.l.. \lIII

I\lII lll' l\’\ lI.~.. :II.Ill. Il;I.- |\





. ll: I.'l ""Ik'll .l Ill" l 'l‘ II: l‘llIWl.
8y Ernest A. Jasmin " '

Stall Clllri‘


l’l Il ’lII'I I‘rllll‘mlll‘. IllrrlIl I l\


\l.lx I IIII.‘l.r ll‘l litllL‘ " " """"" """" m"
..’I.I .‘Illhli '.ll.l\ h. I x. l llII‘I
', um . ’. . -l . . .
\\.\l._\ \llllk‘x IN ltlprhlllk‘l lll .lll ..I'\\'.'I'.' l)::"'ll'.:\lll' \ll'.'I'l"I'l'I.':I'li'r'rl "3&1' """' " "".'"." . .
.llllk'lldllllx' \lI.II:'I-Il lllllllt‘l IlI.ll H“, l»...l I..“. ”MM!“ U.‘U..l\,1h_;‘. “ ""“ ‘ "‘ ‘l““"‘l\ " "
"""\"""':"1”""I“”l‘t'mwum‘” I_. lIlI Ill. llIclIlc "Illlx lll.l|l l‘ \l.l.~ , "k .
”L” ”HM lX"'l‘lu \\.llll ll‘ [AM ”k ' "‘wl‘fl' ‘ 1‘ lII‘l MN
pm Hi. lelx' lll \lllII'lI lx’.III. llll\ lIl~ ;.4 ., .1 ;I|_.',\ mm“ WU.
llll. Ill. «IIN ll.|\ “\th. lull .III "NH" """ "Ei'kA """ "H" "R "" '3 " "" "m" ‘ ""
lelll'lll‘JtKulz‘llll\\llll|]1IlII‘L‘I\IIIl l\ IIIII ll|\lll\‘ l‘\.l .l~.l< .‘I .l",l‘l: , ‘ . r “Inn”: ...
I'll. Illl.“ IlI.III "lllL' l.l\l \llIw. “W" ""“ ""H l"' "‘H 1" “Hm" .‘I ., r’ I‘ .llx Iii. \l‘IU
\U‘M-I m“ ‘l m. Haul." U‘mhlm‘! .llll1\|llill. lIIIIllI-l llI.IIl II ‘ll‘. . l.‘ I'I. , _.\ .,
.IIIIl llnrllul .\IIlI \Ilecx drum... ”HM" ‘ "ml" “5‘ ‘I. vrzliIII I- .ll..lrn, .
l||.lh.'\ Ill. lllll\l\‘ uh.” .I EIIIIII lllllli lllrm-‘ll ~Illll. .Il Ill. ~~llll|l\ .I'. I. . ll..‘ l‘l "I .In. .l. .’.
.I \thMIKI [mI IIIII..Il--1‘-I ill.‘ Illlll‘.l :- “l ll l.r ‘ ‘* I’ II. !. lr- - vl.
\IIII‘I \ \|.ll\ .I~ IIIhn I..“.I I|._ Illllll“ \I‘lll.‘ \xgll \‘lkhl ~ll Il .l IlI,II I .III. .I- "l M III.I.
ll\.l\l II! \(x'llllh ll‘l .l lll.‘l|l'l .IIIllIII' ELII‘ .lll\ ~I.!Ix \ . list ...I;. lr::r.l: ,» ‘
ll.IIIIII.Il lu Ill. Il.‘.illl 0' III\ ‘.‘.Il. .: .I lIIIlri .... Ill. 'I arm! ‘I .- . . H II
.l ll\‘\l.lL'\' \lllllllll‘ll ll'.‘ l\ \L‘l\ lll“ll I... lllrl~| |‘.\l‘ll\l\|‘.‘l.\ l.~ '. . .- I‘ ...

\llllll“ .‘.|l\ll ll \IIIII.\ III III. \lllrlul

.rl l.II.I.l.IIIj'

\lm l>.IIIlI..l l‘|.l'I\ \ILIIII, '.‘llr‘
hullll :gx ('llllll - .l..lIl \\ll. \!
llle Ili..l l\|.ll|\'||\llll‘ |\ ~lIIl.
unlul. l IlllI‘: l‘\1.|l_\ llul [III \II. .

ll‘. ‘ III‘ lll IIlII llII,.l. Hilt‘ \ |.1\\ " lrrII


.Il \l‘lll‘l \llq \‘IIIIl~ llr‘ l:.l;\II.'
\llll\\ l..l\': l\ll. .Il\ll lll.ll>u“


MII'I‘ICIIIJRHSHIIsrr-IrllnmpnnnllrIIIIrix ,..._[I‘..\ .hhhn I. a (ll. I“...
The Connells. a live-man band from Raleigh. NC. bring their alternatlvely sliced rock "n “""‘ """" V“ ‘ "" ”é” '
, . , , "Ill. .\ lfr: ‘r\-\‘I.~.. lIzl
roll to Breedlngs tonight. The group s latest album ls titled One Simple Word , ‘ . ' ’ H . '
.l| l\ I. lll" |\ \.lll l . ‘1‘ ill‘




‘lI-II'.l\ ,l.III l\ l‘-. III' lIk.II I: 'l‘ltJr
.|.l .l II\I.III. - I.. l Iw \II;.l. . I‘ll I.

Writer dragged off Qpr y stage

Illl. .I- . ‘ '. ,,.
\l .r 1. Il[‘ in |\I. Ito...


rim. 1 ll\\ 'l \ l‘lillLl. .lIIIl

By Chris McDaVId
Stalt CllllI ,

1. MIN. Illilr >l lll III.Ill.II..x \LIIItll ,_
lllt lI :.1llll'll.ll \llrlllng \l.I;:L'


llc'x gal .l lrlgpcr lIrllImIIIg [hill]
I’chlIchlI l'lrixll I'lll'l Illllk'llll lhk'\C \.I.I .lII . zll. . . I‘lllCi urinal. l‘lll

ll.l}~‘. l‘rrr :I..I\I \llI.'l'l(.lll\ lI.l\. \l....-.I_. l _ y... .In M... h. BIG BLUE
Ilcul ll..rr.l Ill lIIIIl . » .IMII. *. ‘lIlUk (It'lllll" .III \I.l§_‘. l\
{\lIIIIIw. \ \Ill.ll\.lll Illllrmnl: Ir. . w». ruin. llI,I|-I\1I\lll\\;'\ CRUSH
‘ \\ll.‘|l llI.‘ lls'Ih .I~III IlImII Ill."

1\ \ll Ilr.l\w . lll.Il ll. \l‘lkl \‘lll Mnill- ' l .:I ll. ,.|ll\ -»I ill I: III. IIIIL I III..

lllxl' lll.ll lll.|‘~ lIIIl \u'IlI \II lIllIc;l~




l.lll\ lllxll..l lll‘.‘..llll Ill. \III'K lllt


\llll \.IlI.Il. luIIIlIII l.l\[ >2.” \\llll lltl .IIIIl .IHIIII llllrl‘.‘..l. II.II-Irgll Ill;

pullllgll} imam. Illllll Iu'ellll). 1""m'm'" "3"“ M" """"""' """ \\'ll\\ll 3 mm. In. lllilu' ' "‘

II... . I... .....I I..... I..... ”w ' n... W 3...... .h‘ W .. THIS TIME . CORNER OF s. LIMESTONE & EUCLID
run...“ lll.IIl l\‘ .lllllh Incl llllll ll“.\\ .rl HR VA 1‘ H‘ ‘ H“: w l him“! U“

lll\l l.lll‘~ lllu .II. l.ll|.ll|L'\. m ll .\‘ll\l III lllk‘ \tlll\\'ll lxvlllrugll MMHHA i hm. m“ “I”. “H I”. SAT
um Illl \Illl‘th ll' llll} Ill lll_\' lIL‘II\Il} lIIrlIIllelgllul.llhlIIlI.I'I~III 1 6 SUN

MIN \lrllll\\\'\ lullmu‘l'x aren't ‘k'l'l‘ l“ "‘x mm“ “I?” “I ”‘V ‘L‘L'V sin“. A.” HML I“. \..l\ I....LHJ. WE PLAY To WIN 2 m 10— 8 M~F
(““7 255- 5125 10— 7

\lII-IIIIlII All. II .I all. llll ll l ul Illk
ll‘ICIIle ullcli .I group 0‘ ll\ lI‘IlwlL'Il ply-tel} IuIIIlllllg lll\ llllIIl wllv t'llllll “I. W.“ ”I ‘l ”mu I...“ In lllk
in f\;l\ll\lilc In we llIIIl Illl lll\ tour [\I// l rII‘I’I‘ lllu t'tlllgcll I‘Illl) 1.l\l\'\|
\llpplllllllfl ll|\ l.l|\'\l illhlllll )IIIII' Illmnl .III lll‘lll .lIIIl .l ll.lll. hlII ll.




\llt'x'h Ill lllx \ll‘\\ll


lll.IIl II- ~;.. .lll‘lllltl In lllL' lInIll Ill

Arum/l lilckul .lll rll )..;,, \lH'HIL' I'lllll
I , . Ill. ll.IIl .lllil ll\k‘ lll\ llkkk'l \llll‘ ll‘
ll \\§l\ lll.‘ \k'k'l‘llll lllllL‘ I had seen lllml l‘l I». r IIIH'I'r: llIIl \rl..' [III/I , ‘
. ‘II l\.lIl lll I rrIrlIIIl‘. I'llhwull lllk'
lIIIII ltll lllI~ lillll l IlIIIw ll\( Icw- \\llll .I luv. \lr‘\\'lllk' ll \lIlL-x *

I. ~I l‘l Ill. \l‘llkk’ll \lI.IIIp\ L lllllll"
l1llllll.l\| IIIIl. .IlIIl lI.lIl II‘II‘Il‘lc \L‘ill\. llII'ImII III IIII {'l’t‘ll IIlI hlllx' '

, . lr‘.lll llIII «IllllI‘ I '\\llll|"
hill .ll Ill. lirrrnl l llI- ( lpl'} it L'\. II x '








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Illl\ lI.I~I.I l‘l l_II\I|I \\.‘l\ Irlm- I (atEuclid) I
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lllJll t'lllll’.’ Illl :I .\ll'll1\\L’} tour: in- 233 9957
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ll \I.I~ .Ill .l mu lII/.ll’l‘c wlling. w- I New Bulbs in all 9 beds 0 Early Bird Dlscounts 7a.m.—-10am. '
PCCIIIH) l.’ lllk l.l[l\ Illlll ”K' ()l“) L HOURS. M‘Th 7—11 . Frl 7'8 . Sat 10"8 . Sun 19-5) J
t‘lllpll‘h'r- ull.» |I.IIl llcwl‘ hull c\- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — - - -
plmwl lI‘ . .l\ l. I‘lll'L'l \ tlllllll't‘. a». , __-- ..__,',...,'_".':._,'W' _,_ .

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