Best Copy Available

By Arthur





Shaler Geological Society
The Shnlor Geologlcnl Society held
its first meeting Monday, October 11.
The following officers were elected
for this semester: president, iHownrd
V. Tygrott; vice president, Lee
Kay G. Greene;
treasurer, C. C. Anderson. The program committee appointed consisted
of Leo Oldham, Lafayette Herring, and

M. K. Cooke.

Interesting talks were made by C.
E. Perry, Lafayette Herring and Ray
Greenej Perry, who has been associated for the last several months
with the Tennessee Geological Survey
spoke on the structural conditions of
Tennessee. Herring gave an account
of the subsurface conditions affecting
"beaver" sand in the
various parts of Warren county where
he did some work this summer.
Greene, who was employed by the
Standard Oil Company in the
oil field gave nn interesting account of the condition causing the acThe
cumulation of oil in Kansas.
next meeting will be held Monday
night, October 25 a 7:00 o'clock.
Henry Clay Law Society
The meeting of the Henry Clay Law
Soolety hold on Thursday, October 14,
was attended by a majority of the
law students who seem to be taking
more interest in the society. The
Constitution, which was evidently lost
during the war, had to be replaced, so
(another Constitution (was adopted.
Following this, a short but very interesting program was held, as follows: Burchett addressed the society
on the subject: "The benefits of a
good law society," in which he portrayed the prospects for the year and
told of some of his past experiences
in different societies with which he
has been connected.
The gist of his speech was that
everybody in the society must work
together towards accomplishing some
ideal. Boyd gave a worthy discussion
of the "Absent voters law," in which
he told pf the proceedings to go
through In case students are away
from their flegal domicile. Contrary
to every speech that has beep made in
regard to the coming election he made
a real
The last number on the program
was an essay on "Law versus Mob
Violence," in which the lawless outbreaks in the United States during
the last two years were portrayed and
an appeal was made to the American
people to obey the law. The society
meets in the Science Building every
other week at 7:30 on Thursday even- n



in&- -

Society met MonThe
day night in the Science Building and
organized for the yeao Doctor Pryor
nmde a short talk to the society and
read an interesting letter from Virginia Helm Mllner, president of the
society last year, who is now at John
Hopkins University. Miss Milner was
very popular on tho campus an her

many friends were glad to hear that
she liked her work. Sho said that her HISTORY OF SMITH HALL
respect for the
course hero
was Increasing daily. W. G. Wlalker,
vice president of the society last year NEW WOMENS DORMITORY
presided at .the meeting tinjtll )the
election of the president. Tho following officers were elected: W. It. Wil- Formally a School for Girls
Mary Gibson,
son, president;
With Many Famous
Esther Fertlg, secretary;
J. O. Nail, treasurer; iC. V. Watson,
publicity secretary; Ted Griffin, Walter Coleman and Mary Sweeney were
The old Gordon property, now Smith
named as program committee.
Hall, Harrison Avenue, recently purchased by the University of Kentucky
Y. W. C. A.
for an additional woman's dormitory
The Y. W. C. A. met at Patterson is a beautiful home over a half a cenSunday, October 17, to discuss tury old. For years this property was
Membership Basis." Christ Church Seminary
the "Personal
for girls.
Fannie Holler, Edna Snapp, Lulu Later, it was converted into Gordon's
Illakey and Bornlce Young each gave School for Boys.
a short discussion of the different
In an Interview Miss McCauley said:
phases of this new membership basis.
"This home, one of the oldest and
According to Its requirements a girl
finest in Lexington, was built by my
does not need to be a church member
father, John McCaulay, years before
Y. W. C. A.
to become a member of tho
the Civil War, when houses were conShe must, however, take the followstructed in the right way. It stood
ing pledge: "It Is my purpose to live
on six acres of the best land and suras a true follower of the Lord Jesus
rounded by one, of the finest orchards.
Christ." The meeting closed with a
The foundation of the house was left
reading by Lucille Yungblut.
to settle for months, and throughout
was flni!ied with handsome wood-ork.
For years this property was Christ
Church Seminary with Doctor Silas
Lotten at its head. Many prominent
persons were educated there. Her
devotions to her former teachers, the
University Woman's Club
Lottens, lasted through life.
The first autumn meeting of the
Professor Gordon later bought this
University was property
,Womans Club of the
and used It as a school for
held at Patterson Hall Friday after-- boys.
noon. The hostesses were ithe mem-- i
This property, now Smith Hall, is
bers of the executive board, Mrs. Shel- under the direction of Miss Berkley,
by T. Harbison, Mrs. Charles Judson who as
tle supervision of twenty
Smith and Mrs. A JM. Harrison,
Miss Adealalde Crane, who has returned to Patterson Hall as director
Seven Ages of Man.
after spending a year In Asia Minor First age See the earth.
with the .Commission for Relief in the
Second age Wants it.
Near Bast, gave a vivid account of her
Third age Starts to get it.
thrilling experiences in being besieged
Fourth age Decides to be satisfied
and shelled by the Turks, and a de- with half of It.
scription of the work which is being
Fifth age Becomes still more moddone among the starving people by erate.
Sixth age Now content to get a
After her interesting address tea strip six feet by two.
and cakes were served by the hosSeventh age Gets the strip.
tesses. There was a large attendance
old and new members, and the
It may be that England can't carry
prospects for work and enjoyment this out
her policy in Ireland because she
year are very bright for the club.
is kept too busy carrying out cont;



A neighbor, seeing the
daughter of a geologist playing with a
badraggled but. cherished kitten, asked
her what her pet was called.
the precocious
youngster, "that depends. Father calls
her a segregation from an Intrusive
magma of doubtful genesis; mother
refers to her as the basement complex; Sister 'Helen insists that she is a
typical example of secondary impoverishment, but I just call her my
dear little kitty."




Military News
By Katherlne Conroy

West Point Appointments
Senator A. O. Stanley has two appointments open for entrance to tho
U. S. Military Academy, at West Point,
and Hon. King Swopo, of the eighth
District and John W. Langloy, of tho
tenth District each have one open.
University men from either the eighth
or tho tenth Districts who are Interested In getting nn appointment may
to Senator Stanloy.

np-pl- y

"Morale" is the subject on which
Dr. John J. Tlgert of tho Psychology
Department of the University will leci
ture to the Freshmen men In chapel,
Monday, October 25. This is a subject
of interest to everyone and all who
wish to hear the address are urged to




Seating arrangements for the cadets
in chapel have been completed and a
diagram of the numbered seats will be
found on the bulletin board in the
Alumni building. According to the arrangement, formation will not be held
on the campus, but instead each cadet
will attend individually and be checked by the number of the seat he




The University High School, known
Get Your Discharge
as Model High opened the season last
Saturday by overwhelming the CarMiss Graddy requests all
lisle High School team 61 to 0. As the
men who sent their discharges to the score indicates the lads from Carlisle
Registrar to call for them at once.
were no match for the fast Lexington aggregation coached by George
Some Tight.
Buchheit. Model High expects to have,
Late Arrival: "What's the score?" the most successful season it has ever
Early Arrival : "Nothing to nothing." had and they will be a serious conL. A.: "Must be a good game, huh?" tender for the State High School
E. A.: "Dunno. Ain't started yet." Championship.

seven-year-ol- d

Burma University, of Ragoon, Is
building a new plant, and the governf
of the cost of
ment will pay
The Baptist Church,
which controls the institution, is paying the remainder of the cost.





"T" Squares, Protractors, French Curves, Triangles,
Pens, Compasses, Art Gum, Tacks, Field
Books, Cloth, Paper, Ink, etc., from


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Between Main and Short

J During your absence we have opened a firft class place of recreation.
means is employed to make our Parlor comfortable and home-lik- e.



The following cadet captains have
been tentatively selected: Company A.
Silas Wilson; Company B, J. J. Gibson; Company C, Gerald Griffin;
D, Wm. R. Hutchinson; and Company E, Harold Enlow The selection
of these officers is subject to change,
and the final list of
officers will bo announced later, after
giving the men a trial and determining
their merit in each grade.

Thompson . Van
Lemons, Katherlne
Meglbbon and
Mary and Mlnnio Peterson spent tho
week-enat their homes in Cynthlana.
Louise Mayer of LouIbvIHo was the
week-enguest of Anglo Hill.
Mary .Colvin and Louise Stuart spent
the week-enat their homes in Frankfort.
Anna Laura Atwood and Anna Mao
Covington of Danville spent the weekend with Lorraine West.
Lucilo Blatz of Louisville spont the
week-enwith her sister, Dorothy
Zerelda Noland, who Is teaching at
Athens, spent the week-enwith Elizabeth Brown.
(Mrs. Fred Kraft, Virginia Kraft and
Louise Will of Louisville were the
week-enguests of Elizabeth Kraft.
Lucy Dean, who is teaching in the
Richmond schools, spent the week- end with Bernice Young.
Mrs. S. R. James of Louisville was
guest of her daughter,
the week-enMary Elizabeth James.
Margaret Short spent the week-enwith Miss Allender of Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs. Wells and Geneva
Wells, of Frankfort, spent the weekend with Laurine Wells.
Margaret Ford spent the week-enat her home in Qhelbyville.
Gertrude iWallingford, and Margaret
Jameson spent a few days at their
homes in Cynthlana.
Mrs J. G. Peak and Miss Mildred
Reese spent the week-enwith Jessie
Fry Moore.
Mrs. N. L. Weakley, enroute to
Philadelphia, stopped with her daugh- i or JW atViaflno WooWow
frr n fanr
Fannie Heller spent the week-enat
her home In Paris.


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Tell your friends to "meet you at the Academy."

GEO. E. JOHNSON, Manager.

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