









Thick With
Suit Case;

Husband Writes.
Murderers nro hnnged, homo wreckers are shot and those who steal
kisses are slapped, but what are, wo
to do with a guy who will picks up a
woman's suitcase and deliberately
walks off with it, right in broad daylight, too?
Tho guy in tho case is none other
than lEger Von Murphreo, captain of
tho Wildcats.
Hero is the way it happened. On
tho trip to Miami tho team spent the
night at a well known hotel in Cincinnati. The various members of tho
team slept, slumbered and snored,
one, two, three, four, flvo and six in
a room. Tho morning after they awoke
and made a mad rush for breakfast.
"Murph," being not go rapid in the
art of mastication of water, milk,
toast, butter and whatnot was a little
late in his debut toward the trolley
car. Thusly when he saw it rushing
past he snatched the suitcase, which
he thought was his, and finally succeeded in catching it. Ah, how happy
lie was!
On the way over he enjoyed kidding a certain rural person about a
grip which had fallen from the rack
by telling him that it was leaking.
Yet he little suspected the deadly contents of the leather bag by his side.
When he prepared to dress for the
contest he opened the satchel and lo,
"behold by gosh, gee, if it wasn't some
of this translucent material worn by
actresses and whatnots. Well there
was: hose and h'ose and a? and a !
and a soft filmy piece of carnation
pink material that could not be used
as a bathing suit, and a skirt, and a
garter and another garter' and, we
"know this sounds awful, but there
was a er a box of cakes.
Of course Murph could not wear
the pajamas in the first half and the
in the second half because
they would not fit so he was content
to be kidded by the rest of the squad.
Being afraid the cakes would not
keep, the team helped him to eat them,
thanks to the lady of the lost suitcase, they were fine.
"Murph" had a communication
tram the husband of the lady and he
Is going to return the grip immediately. The husband took it good natured-land remarked, "I'll bet you enjoyed
the game if you played in the pajamas." Murph has received his grip
and also a lesson: "Never run off with
the suitcase of another for it may
mean a box of delicious cakes."



M. C. A.

By George Gregory.

There will bo no excuse for not
making noise at the Sewance game
tomorrow because "Daddy" Boles, at
the urgent request of
ningo nnd Hukle, has wired a firm
in Chicago to send 1,000 pasteboard
megaphones which will be hero by
tomorrow and will bo on sale at tho
bookstore. Tho voice amplifiers will
bo decorated with tho yells
and "Meow" on one side and a largo
blue K on tho other. The prico of
theso valuable implements will be
very low, only a few cents and there
will be no excuse for the student body
noise enough to strike terror into tho
hearts of tho mountaineers of

Dr. TIgert spoke to a largti group
of young men In tho Y. M. C. A. rooms
Sunday night. Tho subject of his
was "Tho Elements of Successful Leadership." "There Is more room
at the top of the lndtler now than ever
before," said he, "but it itakes real
men to fill tho places. To bo a real
leader one must have a consuming enthusiasm, be unselfish, have high alms
and bo willing to cooperate with
others. Service, happiness and contentment are tho ultimate aims of
well spent lives."
Membership Campaign.
Tho Membership (Campaign which
started Tuesday ia going strong and
by tho end of this week ovory man on
tho campus will have been given an
KENTUCKIANS FIRST tho Y. M. C. to becomo a member of
Y. M,C. A. Billiard Room
Among tho football enthusiasts go- The billiard room was opened Wed- ing to Cambridge for the Harvard- - nesday and many students are finding
Centre game are many of the most In it very pleasant recreation.
loyal followers of the Dluo and White. association has spent $200 on the
When the big game starts they will tables and Jthey are in excellent con-b- e
indistinguishable from the sons of ditlon. A charge of ten cents a cue an
Ocntre. This is the magnanimity of hour is being made to keep up repairs
spirit which a former president of the ' cn the table3. Mr. Peak will have
University was so anxious that the charge of the room mornings and
and alumni should Thomas Gregory afternoons and
ings. All students are invited to come
When the Wildcats and the Colonels in and play at their convenience.
meet on St'oll Field November 13,
Home Coming Day, these excursionists BATTALION MAY GET
to (Cambridge will be in the center of
the Blue and White boosters, cheering on tHe Wildcats in that spirit of
rivalry that makes for the benefit of Blue and White Shoulder Patches
Being Considered.all engaged in the competition. Such
a feeling augurs well for ithe two inThe cadets of the University are
stitutions and for the people of the
making a strong endeavor to gain the
rank of being classed as a
College of Cadets," a posiGREEK, 15 YEARS OLD,
tion requiring merit in honor, scholarYOUNGEST FRESHMAN
Comship, attendance and training.
mandant Freeman and Major Tucker
Spiros Vinieratos, '24E, only 15 hope to have the University cadets to
years old, Is the youqst Freshman be eligible for admission into this colon the campus.
He completed the lege.
work in the gymnasium in his home
A plan is being considered to pro- town of Argostoli, on the island of Cep- - vide the cadets with patches for the
hallenia, Greece, and came here to right shoulder of the uniforms, resem- study marine architecture.
bllng the divisional patches worn by
His father, mayor ' of Argostoli, over seas men in the service. The
came with him as far as New York, design for the unit will be a white
but from there he came alone. Viniera- Wildcat on a blue background and will
tos has had only two years of English be handled through the University
at his home, and although he can read book store.
quite fluently, he has difficulty In understanding the lectures. He has no
Cadet Hops After Thanksgiving.
There, will be one cadet hop every
friends or relatives in America, but he
expects to remain here during the four month after Thanksgiving, and, in adyears of his course, before he returns dition, a Military Ball, February 22.
Only cadets and especially invited
guests will attend the hops this year.
Muskegan Daily.

$2.00 up

"Su-Ky- "




University Book Store



We want to invite you to our new store that we have especially
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University Lunch Room
Uncle Charlie's Successors

Kentucky Sportmanshio
Is Commended by Miami
President McVey has received a letfrom President Hughes, of Miami
University, an excerpt of which follows: "I cannot pa3s this opportunity
to congratulate you on the football
team you sent up here last week. Our
team was fortunate in defeating them
by a small score, quite contrary to
their expectation. I think they surprised themselves as much as anybody. But tho game was the cleanest
I have over seen played on any field.
There was only one penalty against
your team, and that was for some
play, I
technical violation of
Tjeliove. Our team was penalized two
or possibly three times. Tho game was
a very hard fought contest but so far
as I could see it was absolutely free
from anything any ono could criticize
deas unsportsmanlike in tho least
gree. It certainly was so far as your
team was concerned.
it fortalnlv Is a pleasure to seo a
gamo of this kind played on a high
plane as Kentucky piays, aim inuy
have won my entire admiration
their sDortsmanship.
iviei v i at the same timo express my
appreciation of tho fine spirit of tho
men in tho football squad. They have
my congratulations nnd host wishes.

MAY YOUR stay in our city be both profitable
and pleasant.

and Marxi

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Copyrli'Iit 193) Hart Scbaflucr & Marx

