University of Kentucky





After Being Picked Up By Strollers Offer Prizes For
a Jilted Brother, He
Best Acts Presented
Adopted Campus

Autumn and sob winds and frost,
Scarlet and gold turned brown;
Memories of love and of sweetness
Drab leaves twisting down.

In Competition

The campus boasts of no more


portant personage than Jack. Neither
the Commandant nor the President
'holds a higher head. The Seniors in
all their glory, with mustaches and
derbies, corduroys
and canes, are
"small skimpshun" compared to him.
Like George Washington, the
collector of subscriptions to
turkey-buyin- g
funds, Jack has the prerogative of going where he "listeth,"
and making himself at home anywhere from Judge Barker's sanctum
sanctorum to the lowly furnace room.
He is welcome everywhere everywhere except in. Dean Mulecher's German class. The D. of M. has given
up the idea of making a dachshund
out of him, and recently, when Jack
sentiment by barking
in the midst of a German recitation,
the professor expelled him. Branded
as a "flunk-outin the Arts and Science Department, Jack has now entered the College of Law. He sleeps
peacefully thru Judge Chalkley's lectures and recently showed his contempt for Judge Lafferty's moot court.
The only course now left open to him

well-know- n


With a list of entries which Includes
a number of old students and Freshmen who have already demonstrated
their dramatic ability or who seem to
have marked talent, it looks as if the
Strollers will have an "Amateur
Night" performance this year which
will surpass any they have ever presented. All students who are not already members of the organization
are eligible to compete for the prizes
and many with dramatic aspirations
are taking advantage of this opportunity to prove their ability to win
a prize. Two prizes of $5.00 are offered, one for the best act presented
by a single person, and the other for
the best act presented by more than
one person.

Comedians, readers,- "vodvil" stars,
actors of all kinds, musical artists or
artistes, as the case may be, should
bestir themselves and get into the
competition. As yet, the number of
musical acts entered is small, and
those who have ability in this line
should not pass up the golden opportunity. Acts of all kinds are acceptable, provided they can be passed by
the Board of Censorship. Originality
Mystery enshrouds the coming of always counts heavily in an act.
Jack. He just came. Ask any of the
Those who desire to enter should
"wise guys" of the dorm whence Jack see the stage manager of the Strollers,
came and they will grin and advise John It. Marsih, at once and turn in
you not to ask such impertinent ques- their names. Entries will not be actions or you'll find yourself laying cepted after midnight Wednesday, Noyour weight on the cannon while some vember 8. It is advised that all enSenior beats "Hail Kentucky!" with tries be turned in as soon as possible,
his cane on your west end going east. as the time is getting late. In case
Tradition tells one tale as to his there is a large number entered an
humble origin. In the wee sma' elimination contest will be held Thurshours of a cool spring morning, day, November 9, and "Amateur
after burning low the midnight elec- Night" will be held on the following
tricity, one of the Jilted Brethren night in the chapel.
went to town for a chicken pot pie.
On the way back the Jilted Brother
waB stopped by a dog, running wildly
down Maxwell Street and barking as
did Cerberus before Pluto had to muzPresident Barker will address the
zle him so he wouldn't keep him and
of the Union Literary SociProserpina and the rest of the base- members
ety in their society room Saturday
ment dwellers awake all night, with
night at 7:30 o'clock. Judge Barker,
his shrieks and barks and sounds unone of the charter
holy. The J. B being a believer in who is himself
members of the society, is a great bepreparedness, picked up a brick. But
liever in literary society work. He
the dog came up, wagging an amicanot only lends his influence but makes
ble tail, and rubbed up against his
money contributions to all the
new acquaintance. They were friends annual
societies. All members of the society
and students in tho University are
Enters University.
urged to bo present Saturday night to
Jack followed his
to the campus and up to the lane that hear tho address.
goes by the "Old Dorm." In the paleCLUB MEETS IN
ness of the moonlight ho could drink
in the beauty of the Bcene. The green
benches were just tall enough to sorve
meet in
Club will
as flea removers; 'the old maple tree
was fixed just rjght for him to curl chapel toduy at noon. All men who
up against; the spring zephyrs breath- - are six feet, one inch in height or
above are requested to attend.
(Continued on Page Five)



new-foun- d


Slx-On- o





Six New Men Become Mem- 32 to 0 Score Due to Good
bers of Honorary
Work By the Team
As a Whole

Winter and under the snows
Green blades lie warm in the
Springtime and sunshine soon shall
New loves for the old.

The pledging exercises of the Tau
Beta Pi, the honorary fraternity of
the engineering colleges, were held in
chapel Tuesday morning. This fraternity has an excellent national
standing and to be chosen a member
is an unusual honor, as the best students are always selected. The men
pledged were:
Robert M. Davis,
Junior honor man; C. F. Lee, H. C.
Smlser, W. S. Moore, E. R. Burnley
and K. C. Frye, member of the organiMAKES APPEARANCE zation.
Speeches were made at the exercises by Dean F. Paul Anderson, Dean
Miss Marguerite McLaugh- C. F. Wood and President Emeritus
lin, Journalism InstrucThe new men
James K. Patterson.
tor, Is Contributor
were seated among the students and
each old man went down from the
SUBJECT IS JUBILEE platform and pedged a new member.
The members from last year are: A.
The first issue of The Kentucky
L. Eimer, M. M. Montgomery, W. f.
Magazine, the publication which is to
Adams, E. W. Davies, J. N. Waters
present what Is best in Kentucky,
and B. S. Springer.
made its appearance this week. The
magazine, which bears the imprint of
Lexington and Louisville, treats of the CHESS PLAYERS HOLD
resources, institutions, material, morMEETING AT Y. M. C. A.
al and educational progress, the character and achievements of Kentucky
The same frost that ripens the
men and women, and tho great possi- green persimmons
and drives the
bilities of the State's future develop- grizzly to his snooze awakens the
chess playing instincts of the devoThe feature story which leads the tees of that game. So with the first
list of contributions is on "The Golden cold wave of the season the few stuJubilee of the University of Ken- dents and professors who had heard
tucky," written by Miss Marguerite the first call of tho knights and pawns
McLaughlin, assistant professor in gathered Monday at the Y. M. C. A.
the Department of Journalism. Miss rooms for an evening of play. ProMcLaughlin's story not only shows re- fessor Miller was faced by three playmarkable research .work, but it is writ- ers simultaneously and was kept busy
ten in clear, characteristic style.
walking from board to board for the
The story contains a history of the entire evening.
institution, pictures of President BarIn discussing the prospects of orJames K. ganizing a Chess Club at the Univerker, President Emeritus
Patterson, of prominent alumni and a sity, Professor Miller said that a club
birdseye view of the University.
organized here could secure players of
Miss McLaughlin has achieved an note thruout the State botih for blindenviable reputation as a Journalist, fold and simultaneous play. He also
having been a member of The Lex- pointed out that match play could be
ington Herald staff for several years arranged with tho players of other
and also having contributed to maga- colleges.
The fact that she
zines frequently.
Next Monday evening at 7:30
was chosen a contributor to The Ken- o'clock Professor Pence and Professor
tucky Magazine is an unusual honor Miller will meet all comers in simuland an evidence of her ability.
taneous play at the Y. M. C. A. reading room. Those wishing to participate should bring board and men.
In connection with the revival at ALPHA ZETA PLEDGING
the Hill Street Methodist Church, a
young peoples' meeting is hold every
evening from 7 o'clock to 7:30 o'clock.
Pledging exercises of tho Alpha
Friday night has been sot aside as Zeta fraternity, tho honorary organiUniversity of Kontucky night.
zation or tho College of Agriculture,
will bo hold in chapel tomorrow morning. Short talks, setting forth tho
purpose of this fraternity, will be
The Homo Economics Club will made by Dean George Roberts, Promeet this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. fessor E. S. Good, and Professor T. P.
Evory member is urged to bo present, Bryant. Tho entire chapel hour will
as important business will come up. bo given for this purpose


No. 7

Grabfelder, Kinne, Haydon,
Crutcher and Brit-tai- n


The Wildcats made the Black and
Red collection look like a black and
blue distribution last Saturday. Cincinnati hasn't scored this year and
from present indications she won't.
The game was only of interest in the
performance of the Wildcats. The
sons of Cincinnatus were beaten from
the start.
Earl Grabfelder started things when
he hopped thru tackle and sped for a
touchdown on the first formation before the crowd had finished yelling
for Rodes, who had carried the ball
to the middle of the field. Then it
was easy money.
used a multitude of substitutes. Every
boy in the school who had a football
suit and an "afternoon off" apparently got into the game. After every play
a troup of substitutes would go out
and then after the period was up the
regular, who was well rested up would
go back into the game.
'Doc" Rodes was star extraordinary.
He danced thru the Cincinnati defenders like he was on roller skates and
had his pants greased. He gained
steadily thru the line. He broke loose,
one wonderful run for ninety yards
and a supposed touchdown, but Referee Hamm got the impression that
his foot touched tho outside line and
the play did not count. His passing
was excellent. The long throws failed at first but were successful enough
to let Kentucky get long gains, three
for about thirty yards, and a short
gain or two. "Doc's" punting was also
Then there was Brlttain at smashing half on the defense. He is the
"smashingest" smashing half in tho
business. He broke thru the lino
nearly every play and thru the CIncy
runners before got started more than
once or twice. Brittain is a bear. He
has outplayed every man he has played against this year. He had his face
banged up by Mr. Koohler during tho
first half, but got back In the game
later and did valiant work.
Kinne was last year's Kinne. Tho
little fellow with tho angelic cast or
countenance was the most sensational
player of last year. This year ho has
played a steady gamo, but until tho
Cincinnati clash ho had not pulled
any of those unexpected breath-takinwonderful stunts that made tho big
sport scribes of the great East write
Dr. Tigert for his gridiron biography
last yeur. But he Is in his old shoes
now and pulled one sensation after
another at Cincinnati. Ho dove on
fumbles, caught an unexpected for- -
