.1 1 ‘  
  all of which give concerts and furnish music for convocations. The
  Y.M.C.A. sponsors a series of forums and informal discussions in the
‘ 5 Student Union, the men’s dormitories, and in the various fraternities.
i_¤` Pan Politikon, a student organization to promote knowledge of
  countries other than our own, studies through the various depart-
i ments and activities of the University the social, political, and
i cultural life of foreign countries. Departmental clubs add effectively A
1 to the cultural life of the University.
W Each year the Guignol Theatre presents a series of plays in
: which students, faculty, and others interested in dramatics may
I participate. Regular radio programs are broadcast daily except
{ Saturday and Sunday and special broadcasts are given frequently.
E ` These radio programs are participated in by students and faculty
i members. They originate in the University Studios in Lexington
{ and are broadcast through the facilities of WHAS, Louisville, and
'.   WLAP, Lexington. Excellent exhibits, books, pictures, and museum
{ " materials of a variety of kinds are presented at frequent intervals
  by the University Library. ·
  Religious Life
Q The University, because it is distinctly interested in the religious
  life of students, encourages them to maintain their memberships in
{ the churches of their choice and to attend religious worship regularly.
‘ On the campus the Young Men’s Christian Association and the Young
Q Women’s Christian Association are active organizations, each with
  a paid full-time secretary. Frequently great spiritual leaders are
{ brought to the University to speak to students. Through these resi-
{ dent secretaries and visiting ministers opportunity is given the
1 students to consult with sympathetic and able persons.
E. { Since the University and its staf are interested in the best all-
i round development of the student, every encouragement is given
  him to maintain high moral and spiritual standards. The vitality of
1 religious life on the campus of the University of Kentucky is evi-
· denced by the Pitkin Club, organized in 1925, and named for Horace
l Tracey Pitkin, a missionary to China who lost his life during the
i Boxer Rebellion. It is an organization of students, now limited to
  seventy-five, and at present there is a long waiting list of students
1 who wish to become members. There are also active student denomi-
  national groups and Sunday School classes for students in the respec-
Q tive churches. The Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. have various active
  religious groups meeting regularly.
3 .
` Student Activities
Many opportunities are given to the student to take part in
various activities outside of his college studies. He may engage in
newspaper work in connection with the student paper. If he is