throughout the country in order that_ alumni may come in contact I
with each other.
.r The Alumni Office is located in the Student Union Building,
and alumni, students, and friends of the University are welcome at
all times. The annual business session of the Association is held dur-
ing commencement and the Executive Committee meets on the sec-
ond Monday of each month except during June, July, and August.
By legislative act alumni representation has been secured on the
Board of Trustees so that they may have a direct influence in the ad-
ministrative affairs of the University. The officers for 1943-44 are as
follows: President, H. D. Palmore, ’l4; Vice-President, Dr. E. C. *
Elliott, ’02; Executive Secretary, Marguerite McLaughlin, ’03; Z
Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Ethel Rix, ’34; and Acting Treasurer,
Helen King, ’25.
The facilities of the University of Kentucky include the 106-acre
campus and the Experiment Station Farm of 600 acres at Lexington;
a forest reserve and sub-experiment station of 15,000 acres at Quick-
sand, and the sub-experiment station of 600 acres at Princeton. The
buildings on the Lexington campus now number more than fifty.
The location of each building is shown on the map in the front of
this publication. Following is a list of the buildings, with brief
enumerations of the services housed.
Administration Building. In this building are located the offices I
of the President, the Dean of the University, the Dean of the College
· of Arts and Sciences, the Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, the
Comptroller, the Registrar, the Department of Public Relations, and
the Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. The building
also houses the Geological Museum and the departments of Ancient
I Languages and Political Science.
Agriculture Building. The offices of the Assistant Dean of thc
College of Agriculture are located in this building. The remainder
of the building furnishes classroom and laboratory space for horti-
culture and agronomy.
1 Agricultural Engineering Building. Designed primarily to house
S the shops and laboratories for farm engineering, this building also
vv provides classroom and laboratory space for the Department of
9 Agricultural Entomology.
8 ‘ Agricultural Experiment Station. In the Agricultural Experi-
g ment Station are located the offices of the Dean of the College of
Vf Agriculture, the Director of the Experiment Station and the Director
S of Agricultural Extension. The building also houses the offices,
is laboratories, and research facilities for agronomy, chemistry, en-