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A place for heavy discuss
(continued from pg. 65)
Board. This Committee sponsors the Blue Grass Arts and Crafts Festival which is held in Botanic Garden every spring and fall.
Casto said, "The Blue Grass Festival is a time when a student, faculty member, or member of their family can display and sell items they've made. We also have blue grass bands."
Casto continued, "The Garden is a perfect place to have the Festival. It attracted a larger crowd because people just walking through on their way to classes would stop to see the displays and hear the music."
"Botanic Garden is a part of campus that people don't appreciate, it has the kind of quaint atmosphere we are trying to get across for the Blue Grass Festival, besides, arts and crafts are special and shouldn't be displayed just anywhere," he said. "Every organization should keep the Garden in mind. It's a great place to have entertainment because there's so much room to sit around. Also, it's close to the Student Center facilities if food is needed."
A spokesman for the Dean of Student's Office said that the Garden could be reserved for approved functions by any Student Organization through the Dean's office.
As for the future of Botanic Garden, Forston said, "I do believe that area will remain open rather than filling it up with buildings. We need open spaces like that around campus to beautify it." ff
RIGHT: Dogwood bloom in the garden in early May. OPP. PG., TOP LEFT: A quiet lunch and a soft conversation are common in the garden. TOP RIGHT: Although some come to study, many end up sleeping. CENTER: Winter is a time for snowballs. LEFT: Sitting and watching squirrels is another past time. BOTTOM CENTER: Arts and Crafts Fairs offer leather and macreme goods. BOTTOM RIGHT: During the fair, bluegrass music is played.