Treat, Brigadier-General, in charge of
  American troops in Italy, 3Wi7, see note
Treaties. Secret, published by Bolsheviks,
  201, 202, 324, 325. See Treaty of
Treaties, Secret, re Cyprus, 61, 62; re
  French and Italian African colonies,
  88, 92; re Persia and Dardanelles, 201,
Trebigne, 326
Trent, 46, 47, 379
Trent, captured by Italians, 379
Trentino, the, Italian province in Aus-
  tria's control, 46, 47, 55; essentially
  Italian, 110. 144, 179; offered as bribe
  by Austria, 197; promised to Italy in
  Pact of London, 326; Italiarns advance
  in (1916), 266, 271: forced to withdraw
  after Caporetto, 314; final capture by
  Italy, 378 ff.
Trieste, integral part of Italy, 47, 110,
  111, 144, 179; occupied by Italians,
  378, 379
Triple Alliance, founded by Bismarck,
  67, 68; terms of, 70; hostility toward,
  in Italy, 71, 144, 160; renewals of, 77,
  78, 125; purpose defensive, 83; weak-
  ened by Algeciras Conference, 92, 93:
  supported by Tittoni, 104--107; and
  Italian-Turkish War, 119, 121; and
  Saseno, 174-176; interpretation of
  terms, 176-178; renounced by Italy
  (May 3, 1915), 206. See Article VII
Triple Entente, 88; strengthened by
  Algeciras Conference, 92
Tripoli. Italian-French agreemesnt re, 88;
  Germany and, 117, 118, 11'3; Italian-
  Turkish War concerning, 119 ff.
Trotsky, 290
Tunis, French occupation of, 66-68;
  Italian attitude toward French occu-
  pation of, 85-88
Tunnels, great number of, to be guarded,
Turin, in early history of Italy, 13, 17,39:
  anti-German riots at, 210; strike in, re
  Caporetto, 303, 307
Turkey, ancient enemy of Italy, 9, 10;
  friendly overtures of Central Powers,
  90-94, 220; railway concession to Aus-
  tria, 98; re Bosnian annexation, 1.00,
  101; Italy declares war on (1911), 119,
  120; defeated by Balkan League, 124,
  125; European power curbed, 129, 130;
  328; declares war on side of Central
  Empires, 163; hostility to Italy, 239,
  240; seeks armistice, 360, 361
Tuscany, early history of, 21, 38, 39
Tyrol, acquired by Austria, 20
Tyrolese, pitted by Austria against Irre-
  dentists, 111, 112
Tzar, forced to abdicate, 288, 289

Udine, Prince of, on Italian Commission
  to United States, 294
Udine, recaptured by Italians, 381
U3kraine, occupied by German-, 338
Umana, the, 23
"United Italy," early conception of, 5:
  Napoleon prophesies, 14; intensity of


  feeling for, 16, 22. 25-28: Lombardy.
  Venetia, Parma, and Modena vote for,
  32, 33; two Sicilies vote for, 43; Rome
  secured as capital, 52; de'ts of new
  government, 56
United States, war with Spail, effectw of,
  in Europe, 85; takes part a, Algeciras.
  93, 94; Italian knowledge or, 142, 143;
  neutral shipping interfered with, 170;
  war-correspondents barred from Italian
  front, 171, 172; declares war on Ger-
  many (April 14, 1917), 283, 284: entry
  of war celebrated In Europe, 293; vis-
  ited by Allied Commission, 294: divided
  on League of Nations, 397, 398
Unpreparedness of Italy for war, 178, 180.
  181, 223, 227
Uskub, evacuated by Serbs, 238

Valona, key to Adriatic, 7Ct: Austrian
  proposal re, 125, 126; Italian occupa-
  tion of, 169, 174-177, 194: Italian de-
  mand for sovereignty, 205, tsote; troops
  transported to, 236
Vatican, in early Italian histo-y, 52. 142:
  "non expedit" of, 184. 185; attitude
  toward World War, 164-167; peace
  proposals of, 275, 301; reser'ts terms of
  London Pact, 328, 330. See Papacy
Venice, Austrian control of, 7; Republic
  of, 9, 10; Napoleon and. 18, 19; shifted
  between Italy and Austria, 15, 34, 42-
  44, 53: bombed, 346
Venizelos, statesmanship of, 123, 124;
  sends Greek regiment to Argyrokastro,
  175: driven out of power, 238; returns
  to power, 298
Venosta, Visconti, 51, 93
Verdun, struggle for, 248, 249, 250
Veribus Unitis. Austrian flagship, de-
  stroyed, 380
Verona, bombed, 346
Victor Emmanuel II, in wars for Italian
  Independence, 23, 24, 34, 35, 38, 39.
  40-43, 48, 51, 52; proclaimed King of
  United Italy, 43
Victor Emmanuel III, descendant of
  House of Savoy, 23: marriage of, 78,
  82; message of, to Quarto celebration,
  209, 210; summons Crowa Council,
  212; recalls Salandra, 213; at the front,
  231, 232; appeals to People after
  Caporetto, 316
Victor Hugo, 71
Vienna, Congress of, 8. 19, 20
Vittorio-Veneto, Battle of, 373
Viviani, on French Commission to United
  States, 293

Waddington, M., 67
Wallachia, captured by Aust-ians, 272.
Warsaw, 224
Westphalia, Treaty of (1648), 6
White, Henry, at Algeciras Conference.
Wied, Prince William of, 137, 138, 139.
William II, Emperor, visits Italy, 86, 87;
  attitude toward Italian-Engllsh friend-