T. 1969-70 Budget Revisions Authorized and Approv-ed (PR 6)

       The budget revisions recommended in_ PR 6 being routine in nature, on
motion by Mr, Pence, and seconded by Mr. Alverson, the proposed revisions
in the 1969-70 budget were authorized and approved. (See PR 6 at the end of the

       J. Program for Master of Science in Education w.th a Major
in Higher Education Established ;PR 7!

       Dr. Singletary requested confirmation of the action of the Graudate Faculty
and the Unliversi.ty Senate which established a program leading to the degree of
Master of Scie:nce. in Education w-.th a Major .n Higher Education. He pointed out
that this did not represent a ne-, degree but merely the establishment of a new
graduate program leading to an already authorized degree.

      On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Governor Chandler, and passed with-
out dissent, the Board of Trus-tees confirmed the establishment of a program
leading to the degree of Master of Science. in Education with a Major in Higher
Education. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

      K. R,:.organ-za+ation of Central Administration (PR 8)

      Dr. Singletary rai.d that he had . n-ent time observing the organizational
structure of tahe Uni'er s.ty as ;t ex:J4Is t -ha he assumed the presidency and that
he now wished to make -ome ch-:.ges :i the. structure. He emphasized that the.
changeis .involv-ed primar:-lv the a s sR i, ment o.t new titles and a rdedfinition ol
responsib.iliies rather than a change. irn personnel. 'n order to accomplish the
organ.izational pattn-e  delineated in the chart attached to PR 8, Dr. Singletary
made the followiv:-ng teconmmendation-s

       jl'  That. the titles of Execut.iv.e Vice President, Dean of the
            Graduate Sc'hool and Vi.ce President. for Res-arch, Provost,
            and SDecial Assi.stant to the President be eliminated. (Note:
            the osio.ton of Dean of the Graduate School remains but as
            a s eparate ent.ty.

      (2)  That the follov,-:.ng new, titles be created: Vice President for
            Academic Affairs, Vice. Pressd.ent for Jnstitutiora.l Planning,
            ae-d Vice Pre-s3c.d:T for AdminTis-tration.

      (3' That the following ,ppostments be mnade, effectivez July 1, 1970:
            (a" Vice Pres.dent for Acadenmic AffairsLewis W, Cochran
            (U) Vic.e Pre. aidtnt for `.nstitutional Plann-ing--A. D. Albright
            (c' Vi'ce President for Administrat-.on- Alvin L. Morris