were l l/2% lindane dust, 10% and 20% toxaphene dusts, and parathion, down
1 pound of 15% wettable powder per 100 gallons, these averages being l1_(,_ you n
15. ~l, 10. 2 and 11.0 punctured leaves, respectively. The untreated check
plots had an average of Z3. 6 punctured leaves per Z0 feet of row. Bait t
{ While the numbers of punctured leaves appear small, a small number 0{ 11
crown borer adults will give rise to a large infection of grubs which will in- The s
. jurc and kill a large number of plants by their boring and feeding in the crowns. heavy
` l paper
Strawberry weevil. ing si
I This snout beetle deposits its eggs in the unopened blooms and then mous
girdles or cuts them, causing the buds to die and fall to the ground. The egg corne
soon hatches and the grub eats the unopened bud, pupates, and emerges as of the
~ an adult weevil. In years past, this weevil has caused extensive damage in sweet
Kentucky. Furthermore, its damage may not be fully realized; a poor crop
is often thought to be caused by a poor setting or other factors when close l
examination would reveal serious weevil damage. orcha
Tests were conducted in McCracken county in the strawberry plantings
of Mr. A. L. Cunningham. Ten different insecticides, or combination of 1
insecticides, were tested as sprays or dusts. These included DDT, chlor- cious
dane, lindane, toxaphene, aldrin, parathion, benzene hexachloride, and a per 11
1 · chlordane plus DDT mixture. The treatments were applied on April 18, ownei
during early bloom and counts were made about a month later. The dusts good
were applied at the rate of 30 pounds per acre. docto
° lt was found that only a light population of strawberry weevils infested
this field; ll. l per cent of the buds were cut in the untreated check plots.
Of the dusts, 1 l/2% lindane, 5‘% chlordane plus 5% DDT, and Z l/2% al-
drin were the most effective, reducing the bud-cutting to 4. 8, 5. 8 and 5. 5
percent buds cut, respectively. The fact that the infestation was relative- A
ly light prevents the drawing of many conclusions from the data. However, ,0,31
the results were in line with work done in 1949 when heavy populations of Conce
strawberry weevils were widespread.
_ had 4
With both pests, the 5% Chlordane -5% DDT dust mixture was among is the
the better materials tested. Growers have been getting good commercial round
control with this mixture, but the tests for better control materials will
W. W. Magill
Orchard mice continue to be very destructive to apple orchards through-
out Kentucky. During late September, Mr. L. C. Whitehead, of the U.S. Rodent
and Wildlife Control, spent 10 days with me inspecting Kentucky apple orchards
g from Fulton to Maysville and in every orchard examined we found orchard
mice plentiful and ready to girdle the trees just as soon as they finished eat.
ing the drop apples., lf you are not familiar with how to determine whether I
or not mice are present in your orchard, here is a simple way. Look for and si
runways under a small pile of orchard mulch, such as grass, weeds, straw, mal p
under an old basket or field crate; or the slick runways may be in the open, May (
V · Many
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