in when cold weather has been experienced on the spring following a heavy crop
05 year. This heavy yielding variety has to be given excellent care for it to
come back year after year with a crop.
GRAPES, 1950
In a limited grape variety trial at the Western Kentucky Experiment
Substation at Princeton, Fredonia and Concord were again the outstanding
s varieties. Concord, as is generally known, is the standard eastern black
grape variety widely adapted over the United States and is outstanding for
juice, jelly, and eating fresh. Fredonia is a newer black variety that ripens
- about two weeks ahead of Concord. Fredonia is a large, good-quality, heavy
bearing grape that is proving well adapted to Kentucky in Experiment Station
and private plantings. These two varieties work well together furnishing
fresh fruit over a longer period that either would alone. Two or three vines
each of Fredonia and Concord, in an arbor or along a fence row, would sup-
ply the average home (in town or country) with their grape needs. lf the
vines are placed out in the open or on a high location with free air circula-
tion, the black rot disease will often be of no concern and spraying will not
ind be needed. For commercial plantings, however, a spray program is re-
hy quired in most cases.
For best results, all grape vines should be pruned each year. For sug-
gestions on this, see your county agent or write to the College of Agriculture
and Home Economics at Lexington.
W. D. Armstrong
The peach tree borer is now generally considered to be the worst in-
sect pest causing injury to the peach trees themselves. In general, peach
tree borer attacks over Kentucky have been very heavy the past several
years and serious injury has been caused where control has not been ade-
_ quate. The old established paratlichloro-benzene (PDB) treatment has not
given satisfactory control generally, because much damage is often done by
Ops_ early borers before time for treatments (September and October). And
.3 also, late borer adults have often laid eggs on the trunks above the mounds
t after treatment has been made. It is generally considered that the borer
adults that lay the eggs are flying and laying eggs from late June through
8 September or later.
There are now several peach orchards in Kentucky where DDT has been
used successfully for three years (1948-l949-1950) to control the peach tree
ed borer. This has been accomplished by three trunk spray applications one
ESS month apart, on July l, August l, and September l, applied carefully to
has the trunks from the crotch down. In Kentucky, the amount of material used
(Ce- has generally been two to three pounds of actual DDT (4 to 6 pounds of 50%
ld wettable powder) per 100 gallons of water.
em, These sprays kill the adult borers (a wasp) that lay the eggs and also
1 Che Y0ung newly—hatchecl borers, before they beconie deeply irnbedded in the
, Mk. Recent inspections have shown that the DDT sprays will not kill the