larger borers that have become imbedded when the first spray is delayed blc
until about September 1. lt is therefore very important, as with other 1Y
sprays, to have proper timing. am
· Growers who have properly used the three DDT trunk sprays have been
l well pleased with results and are in favor of this treatment rather than the ing
older, slower PDB method. ann
h Peach orchards at the Experiment Stations at Lexington and at Prince-
4 ton were among the large number that had DDT trunk sprays in 1950. Dr.
J. G. Rodriguez of the Entomology Department is conducting cooperative
` spray tests for borer control at several orchards and results from these
will be available before the borer control season of 1951. p
¤•=*=•¤¤•¤¤•=¤•·¤•==•·¤•=¤•=¤•=¤•==•¤ 15.
W. D. Armstrong EE;
Kentucky home owners, farmers, or fruit growers can have good Om
apples all summer by growing good trees of properly selected varieties, agp
Also the earlier the variety ripens or becomes usable the quicker it can be if
removed from the trees and thereby avoid the late summer insects whose “
attacks are usually worse than the early summer attacks. Where there are
no late apples the third brood of codling moth cannot develop. var
There are earlier apples and good ones too, but one of the best early 5;
` varieties is Lodi. This yellow apple will attain usable size a week or so Rei
before Yellow Transparent, the early apple stand-by for many years. Lodi Del
will also attain greater size, will hang on the tree longer, will bear more el
regularly, and will not blight as badly as Yellow Transparent. However, if See
you should prefer Yellow Transparent instead, you would still have a good we
apple. mg
. . . reg
Polly Eades is the next variety. By the time the Lodi apples are all
gone, fruits of the Polly Eades will be ready for use. ln fact, at the last
picking of Lodi or Transparent, the Polly Eades fruits are often larger. WH
V This is a large, smooth, roundish, green apple that becomes golden yellow Tm
if allowed to remain on the tree or if kept in cold storage for awhile. The mn
fruit is very similar to the old Maiden Blush, but the tree and fruit are
easier to grow, being less subject to blotch. Polly Elades, as well as Lodi,
is resistant to apple scab and is one of the smoothest, most attractive app1€5 wel
grown. Of special interest and value is its unusual ability, for a summer pla!
apple, to be kept on cold storage for some weeks. This has proved on im,
occasions to be of great benefit in orderly marketing of the fruit of this varie- 4
ty. Polly Eades is a true Kentucky variety, originating in Henderson county.
lt is a regular annual bearer of large apples and is ready for commercial har-
vest over Kentucky during July.
August brings us ripe fruits of Paducah variety. This is another native
\Kentucky variety, having originated from seed of Rome Beauty variety,
Paducah. lt resembles Rome Beauty in appearance, and is often referred tc
as Early Rome Beauty or Summer Rome Beauty. Like Rome Beauty, Paducah
V 8