b]0oms late. Planting lloirie l’.··:iuty nearby to pollinaw Paducah, has great-
ly increased the Paducah yields. Paducah is also :i regular, heavy bearer
and could bz- used fresh until Grirnes and Jonathans are ready.
, Yes, Lodi, Polly Eades, and Paducah can assure one of excellent cook-
mg apples all summer. The first two are reasonably good eating apples,
and Paducah is an excellent eating apple.
Mayfield was the scene this sum mer of one of the most outstanding dis-
trict fair fruit exhibits ever held in Kentucky. The fair was held August
15-19 and the exceptional number of high class apple entries was a real testi-
monial to the fine support given to the fair by the Graves county orchard men.
The county agent and assistant county agents were responsible for contacting
the growers and rallying support for the fruit exhibits as well as for many of
the other agricultural exhibits. Graves county has for a long time rated as
one of the very best apple producing counties in Kentucky and Graves county
apple growers also boast a long record of wins at the State Fair in previous
years. Apple growers in other counties of the purchase district are invited
to join in the exhibit in future years.
9 In the Single tray class the following number of entries competed by
varieties; Black Ben Davis, ·l; Red Delicious, ll; Grimes Golden, 5;
Paducah, 6; Stayman, 6; Golden Delicious, 15; any other variety, 7. In
the plate competition there were the following number of entries by varieties;
V Red Delicious, IZ; Paducah, 10; Grimes Golden, 6; Stayman, 6; Golden
`l Delicious, 12; Black Ben Davis, 1; any other variety, 10. This heavy com-
petition in the single tray and single plate classes was greater than is often
{ seen at the State Fair fruit exhibits. This is further evidence that this
Western Kentucky Purchase District Fair Fruit Show was really an outstand-
ing exhibit and that the Graves county section is truly an apple producing
Some of the orchardists who competed and helped make the fruit show
were Leonard Overby & Son, Sid Holloway & Sons, Herbert Holloway & Sons,
° Tom Hamilton, Dr. D. W. Doran, G. W. Story, C. B. Mathis, T. A. Hamil-
ton Jr., and Mrs. Rollie Oglesby.
l· The fruit exhibit was judged by W. D. Armstrong and the winnings were
les Well scattered among the contestants, butwith this keen competition in both
plates and trays, an entry had to be of finest quality to win. The sweepstake
V tray was of Golden Delicious exhibited by C. B. Mathis, a new grower.