REGISTRATION SCHEDULES FOR I958-59 (Central Standard Time)
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First Semester
September 15-17 Monday, 6:45 a.m. through Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.-ClassiH-
mlm cation tests, physical examinations, and advising of all new
September 18 Thursday, 7:00 to 10:00 a.m.—Registration and classification
of New Freshmen.
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7 d_ September 18-20 Thursday, 12:30 p.m. through Saturday, 10:30 a.m.—Regis-
=m ‘ tration and classification of all other students according to
*T dr the alphabetical schedule below:
Thursday Afternoon Friday Afternoon
mm. 12:30-1:20 — A through Brow 12:30-1 :20 — Kirl through Meu (Incl Mc)
1:30-2:20 — Brox through Cuni 1:30-2:20 — Mev through Prie
énior 2:30-3:00 - Miscellaneous 2:30-3:00 — Miscellaneous
A through Cuni A through Prie
Friday Forenoon Saturday Forenoon
7:00- 7:50 — Cunj through Fulz 7:00- 7:50 —— Prif through Siz
8:00- 8:50 — Fum through Hess 8:00- 8:50 — Sj through Vanc
9:00- 9:50 — Hest through Kirk 9:00- 9:50 — Vand through Z
10:00-10:30 -— Miscellaneous 10:00-10:30 ·— Miscellaneous
A through Kirk A through Z
September 22 Monday-Class work begins.
September 27 Saturday—Last date one may enroll for the First Semester.
s for
ifm Second Semester
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M Ianuary 31 Saturday, 6:45 a.m.-Classification tests and physical exami-
_ fm nations for all new students.
bade. February 2, 3 Monday, 7:00 a.m. through Tuesday, 3:00 p.m.—Registration
and classification of all students according to the alpha-
H betical schedule