medical staff operating subcommittee at both Chandler and Good Samaritan Hospitals, the
hospital committee voted to approve the extension of all clinical privileges granted at University
of Kentucky Hospital and Chandler Hospital to include the same clinical privileges at UK
HealthCare Good Samaritan Hospital.
Dr. Brockman asked for any questions about the Health Care report. Ms. Curris
questioned the relationship between FCR 3 and a statement about cash balances in the report.
Mr. Melgar explained what appeared to be a contradiction in the two documents.
Dr. Brockman then asked Ms. May for her report for the University Relations Committee.
U. Proposed Revision to Goveming Regulation: Govemance ofthe University of
Kentucky — Petitions to Address the Board of Trustees (URCR lg
Ms. May, chair ofthe University Relations Committee, reported that the committee met
during the moming and approved the second reading of URCR l, which documents a process for
interested persons to address the Board of Trustees with an issue. She explained the steps the
resolution had been through and that it was now ready to be approved by the Board and put into
practice. She moved approval of URCR l. Dr. Brockman asked for a second to her motion and
received it from Mr. McCorvey. He asked for discussion. Mr. Smith commented on the
background ofthe bill and his gratitude that it was to be implemented, thanking Dr. Emie
Yanarella and Ms. Robin Pease for their assistance. Dr. McCorvey and Ms. May also
commented. Dr. Brockman called for a vote on the resolution, and URCR l passed without
dissent. (See URCR l at the end ofthe Minutes.)
Ms May reported on the remainder ofthe meeting this moming. Mr. Anthany Beatty,
Assistant Vice President for Public Safety, addressed her committee and infonned them of the
many safety measures in effect for the University of Kentucky campus, a topic which the
committee felt needed examination. After Mr. Beatty’s explanation of the broad coverage of
safety issues of all types on the university’s many campus and service areas, Ms. May stated that
the system was overall amazing.
V. Other Business
Dr. Brockman moved to Other Business. Because the Presidential Search Committee and
ultimately the Board are moving ever closer to having a candidate for president ofthe University
of Kentucky, it is time to consider the compensation package to be offered the selected
candidate. Data previously considered by the board with regard to salary and other
compensation are dated and incomplete. Dr. Brockman has secured the services of Mr. Ray
Cotton, who will present a Consultant Report on Peer University Presidential Salaries. Mr.
Cotton is Vice President of Higher Education for M. L. Strategies, LLC, a partner in the Mitz-
Leven law finn. Mr. Cotton has been invited to address the board on the compensation package.
He frequently counsels both college executives and university boards of trustees on matters such
as contracts and executive compensation and has an extensive background in dealing with
executives in higher education.