The Kentuckian
Editor Shinnick and Managing Ed Tyroler look happy and confidenta rare state of mind!
The staff of the 1951 Kentuckian had the none-too-enviable position of following the most outstanding Kentuckian we have seen  the 1950 edition.
We tried to put out a hook that would measure up to the 1950 one in some way, and we hope we have succeeded. If you like it  compliment the staff. If you don't  complain to the editors.
The editors of the 1951 Kentuckian cannot thank the
staff members enough lor all their work. This editor would particularly like to thank Charlie Tyroler for all his help and solace through the year, and Fred Dorr and his stiff for hanging on to the pennies, and doubling as editorial staff members.
Man' E. Shinnick
Business Manager Dorr and Assistant Bere  smiled brightlybefore the bills came in!