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Q EAST END RIREHT—TELCIER ASSOGTATTON (State and Hgtional Congresses of'
:j F, T,.L,), c/e Hazel Chambers, Iidelcsboro. Founded l§50. President,
_ Q Mrs. Edwin Fletcher, Iiddlesboro. Secretary, Bezel Chambers. vTorms ‘
° 2 expire'June, 1945, , `
_‘__ _ Membership; 47. Qualifications, parents rnd teachers of school children.
E Committees; None reported.
At .? Purpose; Broretion of child and school welfare, i "d 'i° lc
j Normal Civic 1ctivitics; '·`, fone reported, _ . `
E Defense Letivitios; Engaged in Family Social Service in lndistrial Qreas.
_ lntcrested in Iospital and Clinical Lssistance,
b Local Publications; Tone _ M r r
3 D FRE] AND ACCEHTED ILSONS, BELL LODGE #69l (Grand Lodge of Kentucky, F, &
{ nn K.), Kasonie Temple Building, Pineville, Founded 1392. Kastor, Hays,
V Pace Rineville, Soerotarr Georac Iodees Pincvillo. Terms exoired `
Lv 1 J t, L2 1 l
L December, l9é2, ·
f lembership: l60. Open to white males El years and over, acceptable to
{ the investigating committee. . ,__
it Committee; None reported; V _ »‘ .
if Purpose; Traternal, benevolent and promoting mothers welfare,
 _. Q Uormal‘Civic nctivities; Cowpcrates with lasonic and community enter-
i prices, V r `
1 3§ Defense Activities; Interested in Auxiliary Police, nuxiliary Fire Iro-
Q tection, Salvage Demolition Service, Loter Corps Service, Lmbulanc;
?; Lcrvioe, Red Cross gssistance, Collecting Docks, Discussion Leaders,
E Public Speaking, Drafting, . »
. l Local Publications; None.
K C&RDEN CLUB OT PINEVILLE (State and National Garden Clubs), e/b Mrs,
 ii V C, G. Byrley, Pineville. President, irs. G. C, Dyrley. Telephone 252. ”
J Vi©e~Brcsident, [rs. T, Q, Yoager, Pineville. Ubleghone 508. secretary,
o Q Irs. Janes Golden, dineville. Telephone @77, Treasurer, Irs, George KcKee,
; Pineville. Uclcphone 2i6. Terms expire Ecqtexh r, 1945.
Ienbership: 22. Tpen tz women interested in gardens and.flowers; Club e , i
, admits new members by vote. ’
y _Qg@nfE§ees: Prfgram, Fublicity, Iospitality, Yoibcrship, Flowers, .
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